Physics Question

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Physics Question

Post by Rye »

well, considering current scientific thought is leaning toward the idea that the universe is accelerating outwards constantly, i was wondering, does this behaviour violate conservation of energy or thermodynamics in any way? i've not done physics in years, and i was always better at chemistry and biology.
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Sir Sirius
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Post by Sir Sirius »

Are you a creationist?
Just asking 'cuz that sounded a lot like the age old creationist crap about an expanding universe violationg CoE because the potential energy between staller bodies increases when they distance between them increases.
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Post by Rye »

no i'm not a creationist, since i was good at biology. i was just wondering how everything can accelerate, if no new energy is being supplied(as i understand it).
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Post by kojikun »

CoE is conserved because it is believed that negative energy matter is causing the acceleration. When negmatter accelerates it looses energy. It also has the odd nature of being attracted towards positive matter while repelling positive matter, so the two are always moving in a direction away from the negmatter. Recent images of the [stars in the] universe also show it being bubbly foam shaped as if something is pushing the visible universe away from it.

negmatter is interesting, because it doesnt violate CoE or any such laws, while permitting all sorts of "violations" like theoretically possible breaching of c.
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Post by kojikun »

btw, this mutual "attraction-repulsion" isnt real, but a side-effect of the negative properties. both actually REPEL one another, but because the negmatter has negative momentum, when you push on it in one direction, its negative moment sends it back in the opposite direction. cool aint it? :)
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Sir Sirius
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Post by Sir Sirius »

Rye wrote:no i'm not a creationist, since i was good at biology. i was just wondering how everything can accelerate, if no new energy is being supplied(as i understand it).
OK, cool! :D
Since you are a NooB and not well know here you ought to be carefull about posting stuff that can (possibly under some circumstances) be construed as being 'creationistic' with out a disclamer stating that you are not one of them, so that you won't get accidentaly flamed because of a missunderstanding.
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Post by Rye »

i have actually been reading these forums for ages, just not got round to getting a none hotmail address. but this particular thing has been bothering me for ages. thanks for the science.
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Post by kojikun »

so then you should be prepared for the.. POKE!!!! ;)
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Sir Sirius
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Post by Sir Sirius »

On damn I forgot...
The much feared irksome repetative POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE, POKE * Avogadro's number...
<Observes the pile of goo left after a few billion years of poking> Urgh, way gross!
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Post by Alferd Packer »

Just to satisfy my own personal thirst for knowledge, could you post a link to a page describing this negmatter? Google didn't yield much.
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