Bush slaps sanctions up the wazoo onto Mad Bob Mugabe

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Bush slaps sanctions up the wazoo onto Mad Bob Mugabe

Post by MKSheppard »


Bush slaps Zimbabwe with more sanctions

David R. Sands
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published March 8, 2003

President Bush has imposed sweeping new economic sanctions on Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and 76 other government officials, saying the longtime African leader is attempting to destroy his country's democratic system.

"Over the course of more than two years, the government of Zimbabwe has systematically undermined the nation's democratic institutions, employing violence, intimidation and repressive means, including legislation, to stifle opposition to its rule," Mr. Bush said in an executive order issued Thursday and announced by the White House yesterday.

The move represents a significant expansion of the U.S. pressure on the Mugabe regime and closely tracks a ban approved by the European Union. The Bush administration last spring barred Mr. Mugabe and other top Zimbabwean officials from traveling here and froze their assets in the United States.

The executive order, similar to the ban placed on members of the al Qaeda terrorist network, prohibits any commercial transactions or property deals by the named individuals in the United States or with U.S. citizens here or abroad.

The order gives Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow the authority to add new names to the list.

Pro-democracy activists hailed the new U.S. move yesterday, saying it targeted those responsible for Zimbabwe's current economic and political woes.

"We wholeheartedly welcome the U.S. government's action against a regime that is committing dreadful human rights abuses against its own people," said Annabel Hughes, executive director of the Washington office of the Zimbabwe Democracy Trust.

"This move just underscores that the crisis in Zimbabwe is man-made and the punishment should be reserved for the men who created it," she said.

Relations between the United States and Zimbabwe plummeted after disputed elections a year ago. Mr. Mugabe was re-elected amid widespread charges of fraud and intimidation of the press and political opponents.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and two associates have been charged with treason by the Mugabe government, and the trial is now under way in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare.

Mr. Mugabe, who has ruled the southern African country since its independence in 1980, has accused Britain — the former colonial power — and the United States of interfering in his country's internal affairs.

The Zimbabwean leader appeared to have made some diplomatic headway in recent days, flouting the EU travel ban when he received an invitation from French President Jacques Chirac to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris. Mr. Mugabe made the trip despite a strong protest from the British government.

He then received a warm welcome at a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Malaysia before returning home earlier this week.

Regional powers, notably South Africa, have also refrained from harsh criticism of the Mugabe regime.

Zimbabwe is co-hosting the current World Cricket Cup championships, over the objections of Britain, which forfeited its individual match rather than play in Harare.

The standoff has been exacerbated by a regional famine and a coercive land redistribution program backed by the Zimbabwe government that has forced many of the country's productive white farmers from their land.

Mr. Mugabe defends the land program as a way to provide new opportunities to the country's poor black majority.

But the Bush administration and private aid groups have accused Mr. Mugabe's ruling party, known as the ZANU-PF, of manipulating scarce food stocks to reward supporters and punish foes.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said yesterday that the new executive order is "aimed not at the people of Zimbabwe but rather at those most responsible for their current plight."

"The United States is acutely aware of the hardships and frustrations which the Zimbabwean people are enduring," Mr. Fleischer said. "The United States is working diligently with its international partners to try to ensure that adequate food supplies are made available to those in need."

Copyright © 2003 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.


Some observations:

1.) It's interesting to note the reactions of the two leading papers
in Washington, the Times and the Post; Re: this piece of news.

The Times put it on the front page, while the Post buried
it in page A22.

2.) Zimbawawe DID NOT become independent in 1980. That is a
bald stinking lie. Rhodesia declared it's independence from Britain
in 1965.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Bout time that motherfucking racist mass-murderer gets his. If only it were legal to assassinate the leaders of tinpot dictatorships... :twisted:
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Post by Montcalm »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Bout time that motherfucking racist mass-murderer gets his. If only it were legal to assassinate the leaders of tinpot dictatorships... :twisted:
I heard GWB is trying to make political assassination legal again :?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Montcalm wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Bout time that motherfucking racist mass-murderer gets his. If only it were legal to assassinate the leaders of tinpot dictatorships... :twisted:
I heard GWB is trying to make political assassination legal again :?
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Post by Crown »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Montcalm wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Bout time that motherfucking racist mass-murderer gets his. If only it were legal to assassinate the leaders of tinpot dictatorships... :twisted:
I heard GWB is trying to make political assassination legal again :?
:roll: Oh great, that's all we need. Another example of how the white westerner keeps yet another race done and commits 'injustice' against them. Use your heads people.
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Post by Nathan F »

Yes, very good.

The CIA needs something to do in their spare time. ;)

But this Mugabe charager needs to be dealt with, pronto, or it is going to end up being another Somalia where things degrade so bad, it will be impossible for anyone to do anything about it.
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Post by Joe »

Ah, more great trade policy from that stellar believer in free trade, Bush.

I never have understood sanctions. They're going to hurt the people of Zimbabwe a hell of a lot more than they're going to hurt Mugabe.

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Post by Nathan F »

They might hurt the people a little, but not much. In situations such as this, all the food and supplies are going to the dictator and his interests, and hardly any is getting to the people. Take a look at Afghanistan, warehouses full of, yup, you guessed it, US food that had been sent to help the people of Afghanistan a few years back, yet the Taliban had stockpiled it all up for themselves.

I am certain this is the same case here.
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Post by Nathan F »

Crown wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Montcalm wrote: I heard GWB is trying to make political assassination legal again :?
:roll: Oh great, that's all we need. Another example of how the white westerner keeps yet another race done and commits 'injustice' against them. Use your heads people.
WTF? The DAMN AFRICAN DICTATOR is keeping his people down!
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Post by Joe »

I highly doubt that all of the imports going into Zimbabwe were going straight to Mugabe. There's no reason why we ought to deny the Zimbabwe people the right to engage in international trade just because their leader is a dick. But I'll stop now, because I don't wish to debate this at length.

BoTM / JL / MM / HAB / VRWC / Horseman

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Post by Nathan F »

Thing is, in this case, usually the government controls trade, not the people. The government would be doing the trading on the world market, and, therefore, getting the goods to do with as they please, which, most likely, wouldn't be feed the hungry peons.
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Post by Axis Kast »

Actually, having done a great deal of research on Mugabe’s régime, it is enough to say that he can and is withholding all food aid from his starving people. Anything moving into the country is under the aegis of political cronies and government police, each of whom dole out food according to party lines. It isn’t as if anything we send in will help ameliorate the plight of Zimbabwe’s seven million starving anyway. Mugabe has used the time-honored tactic of “divide and conquer,” utilizing one half of his starving population as a sort of power base against the other. Hell, we’re talking about a man who regularly confiscates the produce of his drought-ridden agricultural sector – or whatever remains – and then hands it out via a beauraucratic siphon to his own ruling elite.

This might be an interesting time to bring up the fact that Mugabe is also inept at directing economic reform. He has single-handedly shattered most industry, refusing until quite recently to lift restrictions that drastically over-valued Zimbabwe’s dollar and made business with international clients nearly impossible for the handful of still-solvent domestic companies, most of whom are regularly obliged to shut down anyway on the basis of wanting to prevent any additional outflow of resources. Worse, Mugabe forces them to avoid any sort of trade in foreign currency, thus cutting off at the knees any private-sector attempts at bootstrap reform.

As for how best to deal with Mugabe? We missed the chance in 1980 when the Rhodesians requested assistance from South Africa in assassinating Mugabe and implicating most of his ruling party in an election-night coup. The promise was simple: Ian Smith and his apartheid government would exist power, leaving it (after the coup, of course) in the hands of compromised candidate Bishop Abel Muzrowena (the same democratic candidate touted by the West and brutalized by Mugabe today). Pretoria passed on notice to the United States and Britain, fearing an abjectly poor reaction were the CIA or MI5 to be caught off-guard. Washington and London, fearful that word might get over the true circumstances of Muzrowena’s rise and Mugabe’s plotted death, denied the request on the grounds that despite his background as a terrorist, Robert Mugabe was the majority candidate. Scratch one for moral approaches.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Oh all Mugabe needs to do is convert to Islam then no one will want to touch his country with a ten thousand foot pole. then he can oppress people AND call it religious justification
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Post by Mr Bean »

Just remeberd, Mugabe is the same fucktard who Complained when Bush gave his Country FIVE BILLION DOLLERS For AIDs reasearch, Five Billion dollers is more than their GDP and more than they've been given for AIDS reasearch in the past fourty years combined and the fucktard complains about it not being enough

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Post by Montcalm »

Mr Bean wrote:Just remeberd, Mugabe is the same fucktard who Complained when Bush gave his Country FIVE BILLION DOLLERS For AIDs reasearch, Five Billion dollers is more than their GDP and more than they've been given for AIDS reasearch in the past fourty years combined and the fucktard complains about it not being enough
Maybe he wanted ten billion to deposit in his personnal bank account :?
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Post by Montcalm »

NF_Utvol wrote:Yes, very good.

The CIA needs something to do in their spare time. ;)

But this Mugabe charager needs to be dealt with, pronto, or it is going to end up being another Somalia where things degrade so bad, it will be impossible for anyone to do anything about it.
On the political assassination department the CIA suck,in the 1960s they imagine different ways to kill Castro nothing worked,i think they saw too many movies themself. :D
Jerry Orbach 1935 2004
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Post by Axis Kast »

Mugabe's assassination is a questionable affair at this point. The impetus for revolution is there, though the power structure might make that rather prohibitive. The military is quite a problematic contender - or so I have been told.

As for Mugabe being a "fucktard?" I agree. We're talking about a man who authorizes his diplomats in New York to direct comments on the United Nations floor at the British on the order of, "You are all homosexuals requiring classes in sexual education." On this situation I kid you not.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

The Zimbabwean leader appeared to have made some diplomatic headway in recent days, flouting the EU travel ban when he received an invitation from French President Jacques Chirac to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris. Mr. Mugabe made the trip despite a strong protest from the British government.

Arogant French asshole.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Montcalm wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:Just remeberd, Mugabe is the same fucktard who Complained when Bush gave his Country FIVE BILLION DOLLERS For AIDs reasearch, Five Billion dollers is more than their GDP and more than they've been given for AIDS reasearch in the past fourty years combined and the fucktard complains about it not being enough
Maybe he wanted ten billion to deposit in his personnal bank account :?
Yeah. Dictators like him have a name for foreign aid donations: Another presedential palace.
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Post by EmperorChrostas the Cruel »

Brainless leftist to world:
Woe is me, horrible thing are happening in (fill in the blanc) and SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!
How about a military intervention?
Leftist: You cruel heartless stinking bastard, din't you know war is evil?
How about sanctions?

This only hurts the people, not the bad man in charge, you cruel fool!

World: What the fuck, I only have so many tools in my box!

Leftist: You must do something, or be condemed as the heartless wretch I already call you in the first place.

So I must do something, or be wrong, but every solution I propose will hurt SOMEONE.

I will not propose any realistic alternative, but will still insist that YOU come up with one that solves the problem, AND CAUSES NO HARM, HOWEVER SMALL, TO ANY BUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN PROVEN, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, TO BE GUILTY!

Come on now, that sounds like a no win situation.

SEE, SEE, I told you so! You are a heartless greedy bastard, and a selfish bad person at your core!

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Post by kojikun »

and people wonder why i support non-oppressive dictatorships (preferably run by me). stupid lefties.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Emperor Chrostas the Crue wrote:Brainless leftist to world:
Woe is me, horrible thing are happening in (fill in the blanc) and SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!
How about a military intervention?
Leftist: You cruel heartless stinking bastard, din't you know war is evil?
How about sanctions?

This only hurts the people, not the bad man in charge, you cruel fool!

World: What the fuck, I only have so many tools in my box!

Leftist: You must do something, or be condemed as the heartless wretch I already call you in the first place.

So I must do something, or be wrong, but every solution I propose will hurt SOMEONE.

I will not propose any realistic alternative, but will still insist that YOU come up with one that solves the problem, AND CAUSES NO HARM, HOWEVER SMALL, TO ANY BUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN PROVEN, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, TO BE GUILTY!

Come on now, that sounds like a no win situation.

SEE, SEE, I told you so! You are a heartless greedy bastard, and a selfish bad person at your core!
Perfect description.
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Post by Nathan F »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
The Zimbabwean leader appeared to have made some diplomatic headway in recent days, flouting the EU travel ban when he received an invitation from French President Jacques Chirac to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris. Mr. Mugabe made the trip despite a strong protest from the British government.

Arogant French asshole.
The more I hear about that idiotic moron Chirac the more I don't like the man...
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

kojikun wrote:and people wonder why i support non-oppressive dictatorships (preferably run by me). stupid lefties.
Remind me to keep a few nuclear weapons pointed at your capital when I take power...
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