Wow, not only are you a moron peddling black/white fallacies, but you're too fucking stupid and arrogant to admit it when caught! Do they teach that kind of stupidity somewhere, or did you ingest chemicals?E1701 wrote:Congrats, I was hoping the sarcasm would bludgeon you over the head with your own hypocrisy... and it seems you obviously missed it entirely.Hey look! Another knee-jerk dumb-fuck peddling black/white fallacies!
How is my branding your ideals a "socialist utopia" any different than you immediately branding our society "obsessed with violence?" Oh, that's right, you said so, so obviously it must be true.
I gave figures and reasons to back up my claim that America is an unusually violent society, and it is self-evident that the values of a society will influence the behaviour of people who live in it. Your only response was a "socialist" strawman and then a wholly unexplained defense that it was completely equivalent to the statement that American society is violent. I have never before seen anyone (including Americans) so aggressively fight the simple statement that American society is violent.
I see you're just as moronic about real-life as you are about Star Trek. America had 16000 murders annually, while Canada has about 500. Guess what: ten times 500 is 5000, not 16000. You have three times our murder rate despite an almost identical rate of gun ownership! While this is better than it was in 1980 (where your per-capita rate was 10.5 per 100,000 people, or roughly six times our murder rate), it still obviously indicates that you have a violent society. All of your bullshit and defensive whining does not change that fact, and attempting to paint the criticism as "socialist" is just idiotic and will fool no one.I blame the criminals, myself. For fuck's sake, our overall murder rate is little different than any other country's, including Canada. We have ~15,980 murders annually (committed by all weapons). On the other hand, we also have nearly 10 times the population of Canada. Gee, I wonder if *that* might be part of the reason there are such numbers...Yes, of course, your society is NOT obsessed with violence. There must be some OTHER explanation for the fucking >10,000 gun homicides in your country every year. Mind you, if you won't blame society, and you won't blame guns, what the fuck DO you blame?
Well, they are the only country in the world which goes along with yours in lock-step on every conceivable political issue, and "every crime but murder" hardly refutes a comparison of murder rates. Perhaps none of this occurred to you.
And while old, this is interesting as well:
Seems we've got a higher murder rate than the UK, but far less of just about everything else... and in recent years, that trend has only been growing. So unless you are prepared to dismiss the UK as having the same "violence obsessed" culture we apparently have...
Good, then you admit it's not firearms, so it's obviously your violent culture. I ask again: if it's not the guns, and it's not the culture, then what the fuck is it? Saying "I blame the criminals" is stupid; why did they become criminals? Alien mind-control rays? Criminals become criminals because they are raised in such a manner that they have no respect for others; do you believe culture has nothing to do with upbringing either? Just say "they're evil" and be done with it? You refuse to be any more introspective than that?In fact, the UN Criminal Justice System Survey in 1999 reached the conclusion, based on their collected statistics, that firearm proliferation in any country could not be directly linked to an increase in crime, because some countries with lax gun laws have little crime, and some with strict gun laws have a lot of crime. The only conclusion they could find was that countries which had a large gun-owning population involved more murders via firearm (well duh), but not more overall.
So you admit your system is fucked up, despite your earlier defensive rantings. Concession accepted.How cynical of you. Money definately helps, as evidenced by the fact that the walking freak show Michael Jackson is still on the loose. But will it buy justice? Not hardly. OJ walked through a combination of money, celebrity (most judges tone down under the hostile glare of media spotlights), and race. Bill Clinton walked for similar reasons - money, celebrity, and an attorney general who was foursquare behind him.Oh, so you think money doesn't buy justice? Wow, I don't often run into people this painfully naive.
It's not right, but it's also not a lurking secret that the public is totally innocent of. We know it, and we'll try to fix it - our own way.
Link, please. I didn't give a link for OJ because it's common knowledge so I don't have to, but this is not common knowledge. If OJ were a POOR black man, do you think he still would have walked? Be honest.And if you think *our* justice system is fucked, take a look at Germany, where they gave a guy 8 years in jail for 3,000 counts of intent to commit murder...
And what made them into criminals? Your society and culture have nothing whatsoever to do with the way people turn out?!?!?!? Did you use E1701 as a usernick because you're too stupid to spell your real name?I place the blame where it belongs - on the heads fo the criminals. That's part of what having a brain means - the ability to tell right from wrong, completely regardless of influences like media, weapon availability, and cultural imperatives. If you commit crime, it's because you damn well wanted to, and if you get caught, I hope you get locked away in a cell with a big guy named Moe for a long time.If the violence in America is not caused by guns and is not caused by society, then what is your fucking explanation?
Oh really? Why not? Why do you believe societal and cultural values have nothing whatsoever to do with the way people turn out?"Society" is an abstract, and laying blame there is rampant idiocy, akin to blaming the French for the horror of male fashion that is the necktie, because once upon a time, they invented the cravat. You can't blame society because someone is a fucknut, no more than you can blame a gun or knife for the moron wielding it in a crime.
I didn't ask "are you wealthy". I asked if you were qualified to speak on behalf of impoverished inner-city black kids, who are the most likely to turn to crime. I suppose that in your mindlessly simplistic worldview, they turn to crime because they're just plain evil, and the various values and constructs of your society have nothing whatsoever to do with itIn point of fact, my school did have rotten cielings... :p But that's beside the point - I'm hardly wealthy by any means, I live in a very racially mixed neighborhood, and I'm about 30 miles from one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, which also happens to be bastion of leftist ideology.Perhaps you shouldn't speak for the entire population of the country when you say you don't think you have it too bad.
![Rolling Eyes :roll:](./images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Oh really! Why are you more qualified to speak on behalf of the impoverished black inner-city kid than I am?I may not be qualified to speak for all Americans, but I'm a damned sight more qualified than you. I live under our laws, in our society, and I've got enough guns and ammo to qualify as four legal New York state arsenals. I'd never use them in a crime, and none of the many legal gun owners I know would either.
Please try to justify your statements rather than simply making them. You say that there is no place for sympathy in the law, and then act as though by saying it, you've also proven it. Why? If sympathy is a worthwhile moral concept, why should it not be included in the law?Sympathy is something that needs to be freely given, not government mandated. I have no problems donating to charity, or helping out the seniors in my neighborhood with raking, snow shovelling, etc. But the moment the government says, "You *must* give some of the money you earn to less fortunate," I say fuck off.I have found that people with shallow morality tend to view it as a simple matter of fairness, with little or no need for the human quality of sympathy. The idea of balancing the two goals does not seem to occur to them.
This is not about shirking personal responsibility; it is about trying to identify root cause. You can determine that someone became a criminal because of an abusive childhood without taking away his responsibility for his own crimes, so don't peddle this idiotic false dilemma fallacy here.And that's the real core of the issue. People who do bad things are responsible for their own damned actions. And people who do good are likewise responsible for their actions.
Which is one of many societal and cultural problems currently facing America, hence part of your society. Concession accepted.You want the real reason behind our high crime rates? Here's one for you: The Death of Personal Responsibility.
I see you've got the idea in your empty little head that by saying a violence-obsessed society causes violence, I am somehow saying that criminals should not be held responsible for their crimes. That's an awful lot of straw.Nowadays, it's fashionable to do what you're doing. Blame society. Blame weapons. Blame the media. Blame movies and video games. Blame the weapons. Blame everyone but the person who pulled the trigger.
Are you seriously saying that the current situation is just as bad as the Civil War, which killed more Americans than any other conflict in history?!?!?!?Of course not. But it's nothing new. For the love of God man, our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, suspended the writ of habeus corpus, and imprisoned an estimated five thousand anti-war protesters. It was wrong, but it was necessary.Right, and indefinite detainment without formal charges is perfectly acceptable in your world?
I see you enjoy concocting strawmen and then heatedly attacking them in order to make yourself feel as if you've won some small victory. When did I say 9/11 was not an act of war? Oh yeah, I didn't. Chalk up one more piece of evidence that you learned your debate technique by studying 6 year olds.In war, all bets are off, and if you don't consider 9/11 an act of war, you've got your head wedged so far up your ass you don't remember what the light of day looks like.
Ah, respond to an observation of NRA inaction in the face of eroding civil liberties by insulting the observer and refusing to address the point. Good show!Or maybe you're just more paranoid than those guys who sit in little tin-foil shacks deep in the woods making bombs and forming militias.All of that talk about rising up and fighting for rights and using the second amendment to guarantee all of the other rights through the threat of armed rebellion is a lot of hot air and macho posturing as far as I can tell.
Justify that statement, since giving money to religious charities DOES violate separation of church and state. Please crack open a dictionary and look up the word "separation" sometime; you obviously don't know what it means.Wow, that was some explanation teach'.I was unaware that you were so totally ignorant of your own country's principles of government.
Either you're referring to the seperation of powers, or the much misunderstood seperation of church and state.
If the latter, I suggest you give some examples. Because for all of his religious fervor, GWB has not in any way promoted the establishment of a state religion. No, giving government money to religious charities doesn't quite do that, now does it?
It didn't read that when they founded the country, you idiot. "In God We Trust" was added by fiercely evangelical politicians during the Civil War! Yes, I'm a Canadian lecturing you on your own history; too bad you actually need a foreigner to do this for you. As for deism, I hate to break it to you but deism is NOT theism, so don't equate the two.I think the less religion and government mix, the better - but I'm always left wondering why proponents of extreme seperation don't have anything to say about the clear deism of the Founding Fathers, or that fact that all currency reads, "In God We Trust".
Are you assuming I would like Gore and Lieberman, who are just as bad? I don't like the way your government has behaved a long time now.Ah, so we finally come to the root of your bitch-fest. You don't like Bush...Since the current administration is already shitting all over the First Amendment with nary a whimper from the right or left wing, I don't see why you think you can seriously claim that there isn't some uneven application of respect for "Founding Father Wisdom".
Not only have you tried to introduce the red-herring of the whole "people want to shirk personal responsibility" mantra, but now you're tried to introduce the war in Iraq too. You just love those red-herrings, don't you? What the fuck does the war in Iraq or your current political dealings have to do with the simple point that your society is violent?Well, that's hardly surprising, because he doesn't play by the rules, and it's about damed time. You guys got too used to Clinton smooching the ass of every foreign country on the planet, and you just don't want to deal with a little Texas-style beat-down. Frankly, I can live with that, because his job is to advance our interests, not toady up to the nearly-defunct UN. Hell, the only reason we're still talking with them right now is to help out Tony.
Oooooh, such a devastating point from someone who has thus far exclusively employed red-herrings as a defenseSo cut the self-righteous bullshit. Your way ain't the only way, pal.
![Rolling Eyes :roll:](./images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Considering how often and how widely people use cars, the rate at which cars cause deaths in use, even if we include drunks, is insignificant next to the rate at which guns cause death. Does the average American use a car for only 4 times as much time daily as he or she uses a gun?Of course I do. The government does enough "manadatory" things as it is, without adding one more. Besides which, you already need permits out the wazzoo just to *hold* a pistol in a gun store. If nothing else, cars should prove how useless that kind of legislation is anyhow. I mean, there as as many guns as cars in the country, and yet we have around 12,000 gun homicides annually, and 50,000+ car deaths, a huge proportion of which are caused by drunks. And yet, if you have a gun in your car that isn't in a locked case, you can get prison time... get caught mindlessly drunk in you car, and you get a slap on the wrist.So, does that mean you would have no problem with a mandatory licensing scheme?
Like what, then? As far as I can tell, you are only capable of saying what you DON'T want.Like I said, I want intelligent legislation. On both fronts.
So how do we keep guns out of the hands of criminals without making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to get them as a side-effect? Life isn't perfect, you know. Alyeska describes the requirements which should be necessary for a gun license, which make sense to me and which are similar to some of our own rules in Canada. However, he does not explicitly state that this is a useless scheme unless the licensing is mandatory across the board and the retailing of guns is strictly regulated and policed. What's the use of licensing requirements if you don't need a license to get a gun?I don't fully agree with Alyeska's scheme, but it's a hell of a lot better than what we've got now. But the basis of it should be simple, and already exists in Project Exile. Yet oddly, despite the major impact that made, few other states are even considering adopting it.
Wow, nice smart-ass response! Tell me, is your part of the country the whole country? And when I said "inasmuch as you know anything about the country outside your own particular community", were you too stupid to realize that bragging about your familiarity with your own particular community as a retort would only make you look stupid?ROTFLMAO! *swallows down his coughed-up lungs*Don't bullshit me. I lived within 500 goddamned yards of Michigan for 4 fucking years, and crossed that border more times than I can count. I get your TV, your radio, your newspapers. Inasmuch as you know anything about the country outside your own particular community, I know about your culture.
Oh yes, that's right, you obviously know more about my culture than I do, because I live in one of the most economically, racially, culturally mixed parts of the entire country, and you've been to northern Michigan...
*starts giggling uncontrollably again*
The point being that until that ridiculous corruption-fest, none of the gun owners I know had any problem with our gun laws. Bill 160 did not make our gun laws any more restrictive; it just added a lot of fees and bills. That's why most sensible people oppose it. But the pre-existing laws did already tightly restrict handgun ownership and use, for example, and none of the hunters and sportsmen I know had any problem with that whatsoever.Then we agree on that. Neither government knows what the fuck it's doing.the registration database that ended up costing taxpayers more than a billion dollars, probably because they're funneling money into corrupt suppliers; a BILLION dollars to set up a fucking database with a few million entries
And what does this have to do with a mandatory licensing scheme? Who mentioned anything about a ballistics database? Do you derive some kind of visceral pleasure from using as many red-herrings and strawmen as possible?They're still trying that here, and after those "snipers", the media tried to push a database of all gun-barrel internal patterns... even though those patterns change with use.
And church charities don't use any of their funds for expansion or recruitment, particularly proselytizing? Church charities do not distinguish between helping people and trying to convert them; the two activities are intermingled.The "church activities" consist of charity organizations. And btw, I might point out that based on 9/11, they're clearly far more trustworthy as well. Bill O'Reilly among others utterly shredded the Red Cross and Salvation Army, because they were using those donations to fund their own expansion!Perhaps I'm just more observant. Your current government has shit on fair-use laws, antitrust laws, and first-amendment guarantees against federal money being used to support church activities.
So you believe libraries are evil, then? Do you recognize the intellectual justifications for fair-use laws, or is selfishness the only moral concept you recognize?The anti-trust laws right now are a mishmosh, and need serious revising. And fair use laws? Sorry, but if I create something, then God dammit, it's gonna belong to me for as long as I want it to. If that means you can't use it without paying me 50 years down the road, tough shit.
Surprise: the fact that you firmly believe in your own viewpoint does not actually justify it.No, it ain't nice, but that is the way it is.
Yes, that reminds me of another problem with American society today: legalism. Instead of asking whether something is right, you ask if you have the right to do it. Instead of asking whether something is moral, you ask if it's legal.I'm a strict Constitutional constructionalist. Semantics are everything in that context.You were expecting something more, as a response to your semantic nitpicking over the placement of a fucking comma?
You Americans have a real hard-on for this States' rights vs Federal rights thing. Frankly, I don't see what difference it makes, except that you once fought a war over it and have all kinds of lingering emotional baggage attached to the issue. The real balancing act is between the state's rights and the individual's rights, not between two levels of government.Edit: Perrinquus does bring up a very good point with Project Exile, and I do agree with him on that. It needs to be modified to be a state-level issue, rather than a Federal one.
PS. As long as you mentioned Perinquus, whose post I actually agreed with on some levels, you should note that he stayed on topic and did not resort to your dizzying array of red-herrings and strawman distortions. Unlike you, he made no attempt to introduce side-issues like the UN, George Bush's war on Iraq, the 9/11 bombings, or your strawman of shirking personal responsibility. While I often disagree with him on issues like this, you would do well to examine the way he debates.