Stay Classy Santorum

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Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

Is Santorum or any Republican candidate saying something incredibly fucking racist even newsworthy anymore? Probably not, but wow, even I would never have expected to see this.

I know that this is gonna get spun so he TOTALLY wasn't gonna say that word, and it was just a slip of the tongue or some nonsense like that. Maybe it's true. But if so, he has a bad habit of making racist slips and maybe he should do something about that.

I've already seen some people saying that "Oh he was probably going to say Niggard or Niggardly and totally stopped 'cause he realised it would sound racist". Yeah. Sure.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Grumman »

Not this shit again. "Nigger" does not start with with the syllable "nic(k)".
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

What I heard sounded nothing like "nic(k)" and every bit like "nig". But sure, he wasn't going to say anything racist, that's why he stumbled over a syllable that sounded like nig to most people, and then never corrected himself or finished his sentence and moved on to something else in a way that leaves you wondering what the hell he's talking about.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Grumman »

Just like the last time, it doesn't even make sense in context. He was talking about the "Hope and Change" candidate Obama presented himself as, before turning out to be an asshole once he entered power. Calling him a nigger at that point would be contrary to what he was actually saying.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by weemadando »

What the hell else was he going to say?

Nickel and diming?



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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

What word does fit in context, then? Santorum slipping and speaking his mind to say "the anti-war, government nig-" before realising what he was saying makes more sense than any other explanation I've heard for what he was going to say then stumbled over. I'm perfectly willing to entertain the idea that he wasn't actually going to say the word, because even racist scumbags like Santorum aren't usually dumb enough to actually use that word, but I'm trying to figure out what other word he intended to use and why he stumbled in that manner that makes any sense, and I'm drawing up a blank.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Lagmonster »

I think when you take a guy who is already guilty of saying honestly terrifying and ignorant things, that dissecting his tongue twisters for racial slurs is like putting another layer of icing on a fourteen-layer Icing Cake - time consuming and completely pointless.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Grumman »

weemadando wrote:What the hell else was he going to say?
Nothing comes to mind. Last time it was pretty obvious: "people's lives" getting mangled into "pli-".

@Lagmonster: not the way I'd put it, but I agree. Santorum's a target rich environment. Inventing things to get offended over is just stupid.
Last edited by Grumman on 2012-03-30 07:43am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

Lagmonster wrote:I think when you take a guy who is already guilty of saying honestly terrifying and ignorant things, that dissecting his tongue twisters for racial slurs is like putting another layer of icing on a fourteen-layer Icing Cake - time consuming and completely pointless.
Can't argue with this. Ultimately doesn't matter if he was saying the N-word before he stumbled over his words or not, really.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Bright »

SilverWingedSeraph wrote:I've already seen some people saying that "Oh he was probably going to say Niggard or Niggardly and totally stopped 'cause he realised it would sound racist". Yeah. Sure.
The hell?

"Anti-war, government niggard?"

What part of that word salad is supposed to make sense?
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by PREDATOR490 »

Anti-War, Government Negotiator

Closest thing I heard being used to justify this... although it still paints him in a bad light even if he DID mean to say that as he really fucked it up.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

PREDATOR490 wrote:Anti-War, Government Negotiator
Shit, y'know what? I can actually buy that. That makes sense.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by mr friendly guy »

I heard it as a NIG sound. It sound like government NIG <pause> ah.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

Yeah, but I can picture it as him stumbling over the word negotiator. The 'neg' of negotiator can sound fairly close to 'nig' when you say it quickly.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by PREDATOR490 »

Makes sense... and I find it a bit ironic.

Slimy fuckers like this that like to play with words getting fucked because of their own stupidity. If only the population of the US wasnt prone to this bullshit and no doubt if he DID mean Nigger people would STILL vote for him.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Why would Santorum not finish the word "negotiator"? He already openly calls him a dangerous socialist that will ruin the country and strip people of their religious freedom if he gets elected, why would he censor any of his language?

That's the thing, I've heard people swear he said "nik" (as in peacenik), niggard (even though it doesn't make sense), and probably a slew of other things as alternatives to what it really, really sounds like he was saying, for no other reason than to provide an alternative to what it really, really sounds like he was sayings, but no one has actually provided any evidence that that is what he really meant other than "It's unclear so you CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING! NO NO NO!"
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Zaune »

You know, I think I'd beggin to have a shred of grudging respect for the man if he'd just come out and said it. That at least would be evidence of enough moral courage to stop burying his real sentiments under pretence and weasel-words.

Not sure I want to think about the effect it would have had on the election, though.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Haruko »

He was clearly going to say a variant of "negromancie," the obsolete form of necromancy. He's old fashioned that way; good old days old fashioned. That said, negotiator sounds like what he was reaching for. Not sure how effective that would be these days against Obama.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Mr. Coffee »

See, this shit is why I'm kind of hoping Rick gets the GOP nod. Back during the last election I was waiting for someone debating Obama to get frustrated as all hell and blurt out "nigger" live on national TV. Turns out McCain wasn't quite that dumb (surprisingly enough, Palin wasn't dumb enough either). Now we've got Santorum already almost saying it and it's still the preseason, guys. If Rick the Prick gets the nod I can see Obama trolling the dumb bastard during a debate so hard that he just ups and says it. It'll be the most hilarious thing to go down in US politics since Clinton got caught blowing his load on Monica's dress.
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Re: Stay Classy Santorum

Post by Alyeska »

Calling Obama a negotiator can be an insult. They used it as an insult when Obama tried to open up relations with Iran by accusing him go egotisting with terrorists.

When your guy is a negotiator they are fair. When the opposition is a negotiator, they are appeasers.
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