Sorry, Hammer. The fact that this witness is unknown doesn't convince me of your position. I thought I made that clear? Repeating yourself isn't going to change that position.TheHammer wrote: Look you fucking retard: There are numerous known witnesses that contradict the account of this single anonymous source. Of the three male witnesses listed, one of them might be John, or they might be three completely different people. Further, there is no way to determine if the person the News interviewed well after the fact was even there. Where did the news crew find him? Did they contact him or did he contact them? Was it a phone call or did someone actually go out to the location in question? Until John testifies in court to what he saw, is willing to come forward in the media, or until someone can produce a fucking police report with statements echoing those of John then the accounts from the news source should be regarded with skepticism.
It is logical to conclude that this caller is John. Statements made to dispatch while a tense situation is evolving can be disjointed and unclear. This is why we have people sit down and write out statements so they can clear their mind and think of what they saw. Furthermore, nothing of what he said contradicts the information given to the media.Lets look at some other evidence detectives. From the news account, "John" doesn't explicitly state, but he infers that he called 911 and the news account claims he "contacted authorities". Since all the tapes were released maybe we can find some clues. Aside from Zimmerman, there is only one male caller. From the link, it is second from the top. Unfortunately the tape has blank spots on the audio which is annoying, but the assumption is that is to protect identifying information. As all other callers were female, this would seem to be the best candidate for "John". He specifically describes two men wrestling behind his house. Later in the call he is asked "So you hear someone yelling for help?" and he immediately responds "I think the guy is dead". A logical interpretation would seem to conclude that he meant the person yelling for help was dead. So would seem to differ significantly from the description later given by "John" last name "Doe". If you don't find any of this the least bit questionable then you are either in denial or incredibly dense.
The bottom line is there is nothing unreasonable about you wanting to see the full report. Your position becomes unreasonable because you take the word of one witness over another simply because that witness did not provide his name.