Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

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Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos, Threaten Lawsuit

It has often been said that Ron Paul’s supporters are the biggest detriment to his image. That perception gained steam this past weekend thanks to the unruly behavior of many Paul supporters during Iowa’s county GOP conventions. There were numerous attempts by non-delegates to crash conventions, usurp the authority of the chairs, and instigate battles over which delegates get selected to the district and state conventions.

Much of this behavior was inspired and encouraged by Ron Paul’s Iowa campaign, led by State Central Committee members Drew Ivers and David Fischer. Here is a portion of an email Ivers penned this week on behalf of the Paul campaign that was sent to activists all over the state:
“Remember, to get elected, the first key is to be aggressive so make sure you jump up as soon as nominations are open. If there are any votes, make sure you vote ONLY for Ron Paul supporters. A vote for anyone who is not a Ron Paul supporter could cost us seats at the District and State Conventions.”
While this strategy is perfectly acceptable for a campaign staffer to relay to supporters, it illustrates the clear conflict of interest for a State Central Committee member who is also employed by a campaign. Drew Ivers, who was elected by party activists, conspired against many of those same people to prevent them from becoming delegates based solely on the fact they did not support Ron Paul. This violation of Ivers’ duties to serve the Republican Party as a whole highlights the reasons campaign staffers should not be allowed to serve on the State Central Committee.

The most egregious examples of the Paul supporters usurping the process happened in Polk County. More than 20 of them made numerous attempts throughout the day to illegally become delegates. Iowa State Law is clear. Delegates are elected at precinct caucuses. Period. Despite being told numerous times that they were not allowed to become delegates because they were not elected, the attempts to crash the convention continued. Several of the Paul supporters argued their case with every Polk GOP official they could find.

“I think there was a coordinated effort to see if they could get somebody to tell them that they could be an alternate or delegate,” said Polk GOP Executive Director Ryan Keller. “We stayed consistent and told them the rules do not allow it. The credentials people had to turn the same people away two or three times. They would get denied, go to the back of the line and try again.”

These unelected attendees had substantial assistance in arguing their case, in the form of State Central Committee member David Fischer and state representative Kim Pearson. Fischer is the vice-chair for Ron Paul’s Iowa campaign. Pearson endorsed Paul for president. Several sources tell that both Fischer and Pearson were openly advocating to Polk GOP officials that everyone who showed up at the convention be allowed to become delegates. Fischer should have been aware that is against the rules. He sits on the Polk GOP rules committee. Once again, a State Central Committee member blatantly displays the conflict of interest involved with working on a campaign.

But the attempts to crash the convention did not end with arguing their case. At least two Paul supporters tried to sneak in the back doors to get on the convention floor. More than one was caught rifling through the box of delegate packets, trying to find empty precincts where people did not show up so they could claim those seats. There were several attempts to sneak into the delegate seating area. Some used the packets and badges that were given to actual delegates earlier in the day, but left before the convention concluded.

Other issues included ballots disappearing out of delegates’ packets. Two different Polk GOP officials tell they had to personally escort two or three people out of the building because of the repeated disruptions they caused. Most of this went unnoticed by the delegates inside the convention hall.

Some of the Paul supporters mistakenly believed that since they were elected to the Polk County GOP central committee that meant there were also delegates. They also claimed SCC member and Paul staffer David Fischer told them that was the case. Still, after being turned away, the protestations continued.

One Paul supporter who is on the central committee but was not an elected delegate interrupted the entire convention from the floor during the afternoon session. He also claimed he was an elected delegate, though the paperwork exists from each precinct caucus and his name is not on it. This disruption caused a delay of approximately 30 minutes as Polk GOP officials discussed the situation. Finally, he was rebuked. RNC National Committeewoman Kim Lehman spoke against seating any non-elected delegates.
“I think this is a very dangerous precedent to set,” Lehman said in opposition to allowing non-elected delegates. “Anybody can walk off the street and become a Republican delegate. We’ve already had these problems with same day election.”
Later, Lehman read the law verbatim from the Iowa State Code.

The irony of the situation is that it is easier to become a delegate than it is to become a county central committee member. For all of the Paul campaign’s caucus trainings and braggadocious comments about their organization, some of their key supporters in Polk County apparently did not understand the process.

Several others simply did not care about the process and were determined to become delegates any way they could. Ryan Keller estimates that the attempts from Paul’s people to infiltrate the convention slowed the proceedings down by at least a couple of hours. The disruptions were part of the reason Polk County’s convention lasted a grueling 9 ½ hours, almost twice the time of similarly sized conventions such as Linn County.

Polk County was not the only GOP county convention that had problems with Ron Paul supporters. Pottawattamie, Johnson, Story, Scott and several other counties dealt with numerous disruptions. The Paul backers’ main bone of contention was the delegate slates for district and state conventions were not stacked in their favor.

One Scott County backer of the Texas congressman is threatening legal action against the party. Here is a portion of a mass email sent by Michael D. Elliott and obtained by

“I will be contacting the State Party regarding this matter, and if I feel like they will not move properly to address this matter in a timely fashion, I will be filing a lawsuit and injunction in our local district court against the local party. As I am also a Central Committeeman, in April, I will also be moving to enforce disciplinary actions against both the Chair of the local party and the chair of the nomination committee by having them removed from office for public misconduct of party and parliamentary rules and procedures.”

Elsewhere, the Paul backers led a revolt against one of the co-chairs in Story County, resulting in a vote of no confidence. Even worse was the behavior of a Paul supporter who interrupted Congressman Steve King’s speech at the beginning of the convention. The disrupter said it was “the peoples’ convention” and King and “all of these so-called dignitaries” should wait until the end of the convention to speak. Congressman King was likely trying to attend several county conventions on Saturday.

Ron Paul’s entire strategy for the presidential race is to secure the majority of delegates in states like Iowa that do not reward delegates until state conventions. Unable to win a single contest by an actual vote of the people, Paul hopes his ardent supporters will win the battle on the convention floor. In some cases, the strategy is to do this by any means necessary. Even in violation of state law. The drama resumes at the district conventions on April 21.

I requote this paragraph:
But the attempts to crash the convention did not end with arguing their case. At least two Paul supporters tried to sneak in the back doors to get on the convention floor. More than one was caught rifling through the box of delegate packets, trying to find empty precincts where people did not show up so they could claim those seats. There were several attempts to sneak into the delegate seating area. Some used the packets and badges that were given to actual delegates earlier in the day, but left before the convention concluded.
What time of campaign would tacitly approve this type of behaviour? I don't think they realise how damaging this type of behaviour is.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by SirNitram »

So basically Ron Paul's scheme to usurp the nomination despite the majority of GOPers voting for someone else has moved to the stage of clear lawbreaking. This doesn't surprise me; his followers are often noted for their ferverent loyalty. Remember the quote 'Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice'. And Ron Paul, and thus his die-hard fans, use 'liberty' like some members of this board use 'fuck'. The fanatical.. And again, it's a known quantity that Ron Paul has quite a few of those.. Will inevitably believe any law broken is subordinate to the Cause.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Nit took the words right out of my mouth...

Ron Paul's fanatics are just that Fanatical they have been brain washed as it were into thinking their cause is s just and important that winning by "any" means necessary is perfectly justified. The fact that their chosen one has never been able to poll more then 5 to 6% in most races only hardens their convictions that the world is out to 'get him' that he is this powerful dangerous candidate that, given the chance, will reshape the nature of politics in America. And they will do whatever it takes to give him that chance.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Surlethe »

bobalot wrote:What time of campaign would tacitly approve this type of behaviour? I don't think they realise how damaging this type of behaviour is.
Most political campaigns, if it would benefit them? I mean, check out the behavior of Nixon's '68 campaign, for example.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by SpaceMarine93 »

This is good - if they keep it up with this kind of thing, and lots of infighting, and hurt the Republican cause, then Obama and the Democrats might have it easier for them later this year and next.

Personally, I am less disappointed by the fact that Ron Paul's supporters are doing this kind of thing and more disappointed by how little subtlety and professionalism they have in their attempts. Honestly, this is crap even by Watergate standards...
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Panzersharkcat »

God, save me from my friends. I can handle my enemies.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Honestly I have to agree with the general sentiment...sometimes I wonder if the GOP is trying to make people not vote for them...
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Tsyroc »

So Polk County would be the Des Moines area. Johnson county is Iowa City. Scott County is the Quad Cities (Davenport, Bettendorf etc..). Pottawattamie County is Council Bluffs, and Story County would be Ames.

The state capital, the cities where the two major state universities are. The Quad Cities area is one of the more populated areas in the state but I'm not sure about the push in the Council Bluffs area, other than just because they had someone who was willing to do it there. :?
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Napoleon the Clown »

I can't say I'm surprised by this, given the way I've seen Paul's supporters behave. A bit disgusted, sure. But not surprised. As has been said, his followers tend toward the fanatical end of things.

As to the GOP "trying to make people not vote for them" thing... This isn't the GOP. Ron Paul's supporters likely dislike the GOP rather intensely, merely seeing it as the lesser of two evils at absolute best. They're all about Ron Paul. The GOP probably wants to have nothing to do with him or his rabid supporters. Unfortunately, they can't do much to distance themselves from the nutters without blatantly destroying party unity to an even greater degree than the current primaries already have.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

Panzersharkcat wrote:God, save me from my friends. I can handle my enemies.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?
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"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

Paultards cause chaos in Missouri

This from!/search/realtime/%23mocaucus
Mo ‏ @Moizzil Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
STL tweeps Fox2 and Channel 5 will have news stories at 5pm about the St. Charles Caucus cancellation and arrests. #ronpaul #mocaucus
Brenda Marlowe ‏ @brenmarlowe Close
@cdc444 "@Weatherbird: Two arrested at St. Peters caucus: ... 0f31a.html #mocaucus"

This from that link:
A caucus in the gymnasium at Francis Howell North High School in St. Peters was shut down after about a half hour of boisterous disputes, some of it over a caucus rule barring videotaping and other recording.

Supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul repeatedly yelled objections to decisions made by caucus organizers.

St. Peters police arrested two Paul supporters at the scene after they gave them "numerous warnings to leave the school property."

Police said Brent Stafford of O'Fallon, a leader in Paul's St. Charles County campaign, and Kenneth Suitter of St. Charles County, were booked for trespassing and released.

Stafford's wife, Karen Stafford, said Stafford was arrested outside the gym after he and others tried to convene a meeting of their own after the official caucus adjourned.

Greg Dalay, a Paul supporter who was sitting next to Suitter in the gym, said Suitter was arrested when he was videotaping.
Lucas Case ‏ @lucascase Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Hahaha!!OMG RT: @RachelHassani: Cries for recount and overthrow of chairman! Yelling across the room from all sides.
Rachel Hassani ‏ @RachelHassani Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
The rules as written have PASSED by half of a vote. Seriously. 1/2 of a vote. 128.5 required to reconsider the rules. #MoCaucus
cyndeZu ‏ @cyndeZu Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
RT @stlouis4ronpaul: The Maryland Heights township refuses to follow Roberts Rules of Order. All motions are ignored #MOcaucus
and it goes on.
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi

"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by TC Pilot »

Surlethe wrote:Most political campaigns, if it would benefit them? I mean, check out the behavior of Nixon's '68 campaign, for example.
Wait, what do you mean? Nixon supposedly sabotaging the peace negotiations? Or do you mean '72 and the whole Watergate thing?
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by TimothyC »

Congratulations everyone, you get to watch the first act of the Republican Party tearing itself apart as the Ron Paul campaign pulls out all of the stops to win at any cost. I've stated it before, that the Paulites forget that there are many people in the Republican Party who will just stay home rather than vote for Ron Paul. What we are seeing in Missouri is the groundwork for what was talked about here.

I may just vote for Shep this year.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Simon_Jester »

Tim, I can think of countless millions of people I'd rather see in the White House before Shep. You must be truly desperate.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

TimothyC wrote:Congratulations everyone, you get to watch the first act of the Republican Party tearing itself apart as the Ron Paul campaign pulls out all of the stops to win at any cost. I've stated it before, that the Paulites forget that there are many people in the Republican Party who will just stay home rather than vote for Ron Paul. What we are seeing in Missouri is the groundwork for what was talked about here.

I may just vote for Shep this year.
Aren't you getting a little worked up over nothing?

Ron Paul and his stooge brigade managed to get a mere 11% of the popular vote.

How exactly are they going to force themselves onto the Republican party using some arcane rules? The Republican party is a private organisation. They can tell Ron Paul and his idiotic masses to fuck off if they wanted to.
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi

"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by UnderAGreySky »

Even if the Paulites do stage a coup and then manage to get the nomination... then what? Most of the country will be so pissed at the rules being subverted that they'll think of them as backstabbing lunatics who have only their self-interest in mind.

Well, at least those who don't already do so.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Simon_Jester »

From other conversations with him, I don't think Tim really predicts that Paul will somehow gimmick his way to the negotiation. I think his point is that this is tremendously destructive to the party's coherence, that it's another sign of how much the 2012 GOP resembles a lobster tank- too busy stabbing each other in the back to get out of the box they're trapped in.

Also that the Paulists themselves are ignoring the problem even harder than some of the other candidates. Most of the others can at least count on the 30% of Americans who'd vote for a head of lettuce as long as it had an (R) in front of its name. Ron Paul doesn't even have that, so even if he won the nomination he'd still get nowhere. It's a bad day for any party, Republicans included, when the fight over a nomination is carried out so aggressively that the candidates stop thinking or caring about whether they're destroying their chance to win the prize they're fighting for.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Panzersharkcat »

bobalot wrote:
Panzersharkcat wrote:God, save me from my friends. I can handle my enemies.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?
It means I am peeved with my supposed fellow Paul supporters for acting like shit-flinging chimps. We are already viewed like this (which I can laugh at):
We don't need more help looking worse. Of course, this goes only to the ones acting like asses. The ones who act like grownups at events tend to not make the news for the same reason you never see headlines say "Shark attacks about average this year."
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

Their neo-confederate political platform already them look retarded which is why they have gotten a mere 11% of the Republican vote, even with general voting numbers down this year.

For the last 3-4 months just about every message board on the internet has been spammed by Ronulans. Any criticism of the sainted Ron Paul on a popular site was drowned in an avalanche of abuse by crazed Ron Paul fans. It appears they have taken their trolling and spamming behaviour and applied it to the real world.
Panzersharkcat wrote:We don't need more help looking worse. Of course, this goes only to the ones acting like asses. The ones who act like grownups at events tend to not make the news for the same reason you never see headlines say "Shark attacks about average this year."
Rubbish. This has happened at more than one county. It is an obvious strategy by the Paul campaign to circumvent the popular will of Republican voters.
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi

"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Irbis »

bobalot wrote:
Supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul repeatedly yelled objections to decisions made by caucus organizers.
Hey, it works for Phoenix Wright...! :lol:

Anyway, I can do nothing but applaud valiant efforts of Paul's supporters to end the deadlock of US politics and to replace the system with something more sane. Even if they do it unintentionally by dynamiting one of the two pillars of the régime, possibly bringing the roof on top of them in the process, which honestly couldn't happen to two better groups of people :)
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by SCRawl »

Simon_Jester wrote:Tim, I can think of countless millions of people I'd rather see in the White House before Shep. You must be truly desperate.
Is Shep even old enough? I mean, I'd hate for someone to improbably win a write-in campaign, only to find out that he's ineligible.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Setesh »

Napoleon the Clown wrote:I can't say I'm surprised by this, given the way I've seen Paul's supporters behave. A bit disgusted, sure. But not surprised. As has been said, his followers tend toward the fanatical end of things.

As to the GOP "trying to make people not vote for them" thing... This isn't the GOP. Ron Paul's supporters likely dislike the GOP rather intensely, merely seeing it as the lesser of two evils at absolute best. They're all about Ron Paul. The GOP probably wants to have nothing to do with him or his rabid supporters. Unfortunately, they can't do much to distance themselves from the nutters without blatantly destroying party unity to an even greater degree than the current primaries already have.
As Reince Priebus said on air (I can't recall if it was on Fox News but I think it was) that even if Ron Paul won the popular vote for nomination they would put whoever came in second on the ballet instead I think thats pretty much confirmed.
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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by BrooklynRedLeg »

For some slightly different perspectives on what is happening...

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by bobalot »

BrooklynRedLeg, how about you make a prediction on how many delegates Ron Paul and his mentally retarded supporters can hoist over the will of Republican voters?
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi

"Problem is, while the Germans have had many mea culpas and quite painfully dealt with their history, the South is still hellbent on painting themselves as the real victims. It gives them a special place in the history of assholes" - Covenant

"Over three million died fighting for the emperor, but when the war was over he pretended it was not his responsibility. What kind of man does that?'' - Saburo Sakai

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Re: Ron Paul Supporters Cause County Convention Chaos

Post by Gandalf »

[quote="TimothyC"]Congratulations everyone, you get to watch the first act of the Republican Party tearing itself apart as the Ron Paul campaign pulls out all of the stops to win at any cost. I've stated it before, that the Paulites forget that there are many people in the Republican Party who will just stay home rather than vote for Ron Paul. What we are seeing in Missouri is the groundwork for what was talked about here.

Don't Republicans always bitch about how [other faction] is tearing the party apart?

Last election it was social conservatives versus Rockefellers.
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