How would you spend a million dollars?

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How would you spend a million dollars?

Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

How about one hundred billion? or one billion? or one hundred million? What about one hundred thousand? What about one thousand? What if you only got one hundred dollars?

With a million dollars, I'd buy a medium-sized house for myself, spend ten thousand on Legos, a good computer, and a big-screen TV with cable. With fifty thousand, I'd get a car and a fake ID since I'm not old enough to drive. I'd give forty thousand to charity, and then spend the rest on stuff like food, vacations, and bills.
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Post by Shinova »

Save enough for college tuition first. Then buy a new comp and a few games. Then probably use the rest for whatever's essential at the moment.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Star Wars and Porn. Maybe even Star Wars Porn.

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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Carefully. I would save the vast majority of it for college tuition, as I learned just how long it takes to pay it off recently. (My dad walked up to me while I was on the computer last month and said, "Guess what? I just paid off my college tuition!". He graduated over 20 years ago.)
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Post by Nathan F »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Star Wars and Porn. Maybe even Star Wars Porn.
My friend, that is obsessive.

Star Wars porn? WTF? Two ewoks and a wookie getting groovy?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

A Million Dollars? (easy)
Instant College Tuition plans, a medium-sized house, new car, and the most uber-munchiest-of-munch computer system money can buy. Then get five more of same and LAN them together.

Ten Million? (kinda iffy, play Powerball religiously and who knows?)
Upgrade that to a *LARGE* House. Add: Plane+Flying Lessons, Capital (machines, computers, building) for Small "Machinist's Business' (Gun Factory)

Hundred Million? (Hard, sometimes Powerball builds up to triple this amount)
Upgrade: HUGE House, Multiple Cars+Planes, Capital for Medium-Sized Gun Manufacturing Operation.

Billion? (Effectively Impossible. Win three supercharged Powerball Jackpots in a row?)
All of the Above.
Run for President and Win, thereby Effectively Taking Over the World. Legalize Pot and remake America in the style of Amsterdam. Make Gun Control a thing of the past.

Ten Billion! (Snowball's Chance in Hell!!!)
All of the Above. Add more lawyers: Sue Microsoft and win, thereby Effectively Bringing Computing out of the Dark Ages. Sue the RIAA and win, thereby ending any hopes of DRM and bringing the Music Industry out of the Dark Ages. Class-Action Sue Jerry Falwell, Al Sharpton, Fred Phelps, Al Qaeda, France, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq for spreading hate, wrongful-death, and terrorism; and win, thereby bringing the entire planet out of the New Dark Ages.

Hundred Billion! (See Micro$oft)
Become God. Research Practical FTL, release the plans into Public Domain, and spread Humanity to the Stars.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Balance: $1,000,000

First: Pay off my mortgage on my house clean. $223,163
Second: Purchase new car for me, mom, dad. $ 50,000
Third: Put $250,000 in a savings account. $250,000
Fourth: Purchase a home for my mom in AZ. $150,000
Fifth: Pay down my dad's mortage in San Jose. $150,000
Sixth: Slipt the remaining among friends, family $176,837
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Post by Joe »

College Tuition and a single apartment. I'd set aside maybe 50,000 for stupid bullshit I don't need, and just put the rest into a bunch of IRAs.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Set aside some for bills and what not.

Fund my own small press publishing company for 3 years.

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Post by Cal Wright »

NF_Utvol wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Star Wars and Porn. Maybe even Star Wars Porn.
My friend, that is obsessive.

Star Wars porn? WTF? Two ewoks and a wookie getting groovy?
I was thinking more along the lines of me and Natalie Portman, but whatever floats your boat there bud.

Were you born with out a sense of humor or did you lose it in a tragic whoppy cushion accident? -Stormbringer

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Post by kojikun »

anything over a million would be donated to research of practical nanotube research for space elevators. anything over a billion, half would go to the elevator and the other half would go to breakthrough propulsion physics research which has recently lost all funding.
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Post by jegs2 »

Ten percent would go to church and Christian organizations. I'd probably donate aother 10 to 20 percent to various charities. Then I'd pay off all my loans and credit cards. Finally, I'd drop the rest in CD's or some other form of investment, so it could grow.
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Post by AylaKat »

A million... buy all the vinyl records I want, maybe some used CDs, some vintage record players, tee shirts, and books... just maybe about ten thousand on off the cuff things like that. The rest I split in half: One half goes to me, I use it for my college, car, house, future, etc... as well as helping family members in need of financial assistance, and buying nice gifts for everyone. The other half I would use to do charity work, provided I could monitor the usage of my specific money and make sure it goes to the intended recipients rather than into the pockets of the people in charge. I might even just send it to ABC Trust, Jimmy Page's charity, because I can trust Jimmy Page. :)
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Post by neoolong »

I'd invest a million in "safe" investments to build up a fortune.

Anything larger, and I'd do the same, except with more amenities.
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Post by weemadando »

Where I am, I can think of only one way to do this:


There is a MASSIVE rental shortage right now. I can get flats from 40,000, and decent houses from 80,000.

Buy up a bunch, renovate and then rent.

Assuming I get 10 properties, averaging 200 a week rent...

Thats 104,000 a year. Now, if even 20% goes on upkeep (which I HIGHLY doubt) and 40% on tax...

Thats 41,600 a year income. Which is good a shiny to an extent, especially considering that you wouldn't have to work for it.

If I got LOTS of money (like several million), I'd still go with real-estate, but commercial real-estate in a major city. Much better money spinner.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Everything I need to goes into a college fund, won't have to pay for those college loans my whole life then. What doesn't go there gets invested etc. to make some more money off of it, and the rest goes to getting a car, house, fun stuff.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

One hundred and twenty thosand will go toward 10 years in Uni. Then 25 thousand toward the best computer a civilian can buy. Then a Nice house for myself and my family. A car(newer model, dont know much about cars) A huge climate controled greenhouse to keep my soon to be numerous reptiles in. this will go in the cavernous expanse that will be my yard. Freaky lawn gnomes of doom, The rest goes to low risk mutual funds, and bills
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Post by Zaia »

Whatever the amount, I'd start at the top of this list and work my way down until I run out of money.

1) pay off my student loans, my parents' credit cards and their mortgage and then set aside 10% of however much it is and put it in savings
2) send my parents to Europe (where my mom's always wanted to go) and to New Orleans (where my dad's always wanted to go)
3) go back to Australia to see Sarah, Ando, and the rest of my crew!!
4) get a niiiiiiiiice apartment :D
5) get a VW Jetta, silver, manual, fully loaded since I could afford to
6) take my brothers on a shopping spree for electronics, computer games, computer toys, video games, music, gadgets, etc.
7) take my best friend Katy to Tahiti since we never got to go three years ago!
8 ) give money to my friends so they can pay off bills or go on vacations or whatever
9) organize a big cruise vacation with my friends--I've always thought that would be so awesome, but we never have money at the same time, so it hasn't happened yet
Last edited by Zaia on 2003-03-08 11:54pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dalton »

College loan, bills, then games, DVDs, one hell of a tricked-out compy and other electronic goodies. Buy a car, move to some condo or something somewhere. Invest the rest.
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Post by Nathan F »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Star Wars and Porn. Maybe even Star Wars Porn.
My friend, that is obsessive.

Star Wars porn? WTF? Two ewoks and a wookie getting groovy?
I was thinking more along the lines of me and Natalie Portman, but whatever floats your boat there bud.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up Star Wars porn...
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Post by Cal Wright »

NF_Utvol wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote: My friend, that is obsessive.

Star Wars porn? WTF? Two ewoks and a wookie getting groovy?
I was thinking more along the lines of me and Natalie Portman, but whatever floats your boat there bud.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up Star Wars porn...
Your the one who brought up Ewoks doing it Wookiee style!!! :shock:

Were you born with out a sense of humor or did you lose it in a tragic whoppy cushion accident? -Stormbringer

"We are well and truly forked." -Mace Windu Shatterpoint

"Either way KJA is now Dune's problem. Why can't he stop tormenting me and start writting fucking Star Trek books." -Lord Pounder

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Post 1500 acheived on Thu Jan 23, 2003 at 2:48 am
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I told you what I'd do with a million dollars, but...

Buy myself some snack foods ($20) and some Legos ($80).

Get a decent computer with some games, either that or buy a lot of Legos.

Get myself a car ($50,000), one hell of a computer ($5,000), a big media center ($10,000), some money for charity ($15,000), money for a good vacation ($5,000), and the rest will go to other essentials.

Buy myself a small island in the Carribean ($10,000,000), build a mansion there ($5,000,000), furnish ti with furniture and electronics ($500,000), Get my parents a house for themselves ($2,500,000), Donate some to charity ($12,000,000), get a private jet ($9,000,000). The rest will go toward vacations, paying servants, and other stuff.

Purchase a third world nation ($30,000,000,000), give everyone money ot suppor themselves with ($30,000,000,000), send people to start schoold and hospitals for them ($100,000,000), Donate money to charity ($4,900,000,000), buy my relatives islands ($1,000,000,000), get a 747 ($100,000,000), and get one of Manji's mile-long ships ($500,000,000). The rest will sit around the house in a poll for me to swim in.
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Post by Nathan F »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote: I was thinking more along the lines of me and Natalie Portman, but whatever floats your boat there bud.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up Star Wars porn...
Your the one who brought up Ewoks doing it Wookiee style!!! :shock:
It was a feeble attempt at humor. I thought star wars, and Ewok was the first thing that popped in my mind, so, I put it...

Would you rather me say Boosk, Greedo, and the 8 boobed chick in Jabba's palace?
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Post by neoolong »

NF_Utvol wrote:It was a feeble attempt at humor. I thought star wars, and Ewok was the first thing that popped in my mind, so, I put it...

Would you rather me say Boosk, Greedo, and the 8 boobed chick in Jabba's palace?
See that's the problem. When Star Wars and porn comes up, you don't think Amidala, nor Leia, nor a Twil'lek. No, you think Ewok.

That is disturbing.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

neoolong wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:It was a feeble attempt at humor. I thought star wars, and Ewok was the first thing that popped in my mind, so, I put it...

Would you rather me say Boosk, Greedo, and the 8 boobed chick in Jabba's palace?
See that's the problem. When Star Wars and porn comes up, you don't think Amidala, nor Leia, nor a Twil'lek. No, you think Ewok.

That is disturbing.
Personally when I think of Star Wars Porn, I think of Obi Wan(Ewan McGregor Obi, NOT Sir Alec Guiness(sp) *shudder*) and Darth Maul going at it :D
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