Straight from my psych book: "Amphetamine, LSD, PCP, and similar drugs produce effects that partially mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia. Also, the same drugs used to treat LSD overdoses tend to alleviate psychotic symptoms. Facts such as these suggest that biochemical abnormalities may occur in schizophrenic people."kojikun wrote:when was the last time you read a psych report on the neurological cause of schizophrenia for instance?
Ah, you're talking about psychodynamic or humanistic psychologists. These are not the entirety of psychology.yet psychologists spend most of their time trying to talk to people and identify their issues and mental disfunctions without attempting to address possible REAL causes that could be fixed.
What you don't understand, kojikun, is that there are 5 views in psychology.
Behavioristic focuses on ideas like classical conditioning, and follows the scientific method very closely. Controlled experiments are performed and data is collected, and the results analyzed to confirm or deny an hypothesis or theory.
Cognitive is like behavioristic but focuses in on covert behavior instead of the overt.
Psychodynamic is based on Freud's theories. It's rather subjective, but is also suprisingly effective. Freud may have been wrong in some areas, but he also seems to have hit upon some truth somewhere in his theories in order for it to work as well as it does.
Humanistic focuses on subjective ideals under the assumption that people need to grow and reach their full potential.
And, finally, there's the biopsychological view, which, as the psychology book I'm holding says, "seeks to explain behavior through activity of the brain and nervous system, physiology, genetics, teh endocrine system, biochemestry, and evolution; neutral, reductionistic, mechanistic view of human nature." Obviously, this method requires the scientific method to even have a chance of getting anywhere.
Obviously, you're thinking of the popular view of psychologists, and don't have a true understanding of the full depth of psychology. Individual psychologists specialize in certain perspectives, though they are aware of all 5 perspectives. You apparently haven't met a psychologist who focuses in on the biopsychological perspective. You also apparently didn't know they exist, which why I'm fairly certain you've never taken a psychology course. (If you did, you would've learned about this stuff within the first week of class with any competent instructor.)