Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

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Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by fgalkin »

Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

WASHINGTON — After years of speculation, estimates and projections, the Census Bureau has made it official: White births are no longer a majority in the United States.

Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended last July, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities — including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race — reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history.

Such a turn has been long expected, but no one was certain when the moment would arrive — signaling a milestone for a nation whose government was founded by white Europeans and has wrestled mightily with issues of race, from the days of slavery, through a civil war, bitter civil rights battles and, most recently, highly charged debates over efforts to restrict immigration.

While over all, whites will remain a majority for some time, the fact that a younger generation is being born in which minorities are the majority has broad implications for the country’s economy, its political life and its identity. “This is an important tipping point,” said William H. Frey, the senior demographer at the Brookings Institution, describing the shift as a “transformation from a mostly white baby boomer culture to the more globalized multiethnic country that we are becoming.”

Signs that the country is evolving this way start with the Oval Office, and have swept hundreds of counties in recent years, with 348 in which whites are no longer in the majority. That number doubles when it comes to the toddler population, Mr. Frey said. Whites are no longer the majority in four states and the District of Columbia, and have slipped below half in many major metro areas, including New York, Las Vegas and Memphis.

A more diverse young population forms the basis of a generational divide with the country’s elderly, a group that is largely white and grew up in a world that was too.

The contrast raises important policy questions. The United States has a spotty record educating minority youth; will older Americans balk at paying to educate a younger generation that looks less like themselves? And while the increasingly diverse young population is a potential engine of growth, will it become a burden if it is not properly educated?

“The question is, how do we reimagine the social contract when the generations don’t look like one another?” said Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, co-director of Immigration studies at New York University.

The trend toward greater minority births has been building for years, the result of the large wave of immigration here over the past three decades. Hispanics make up the majority of immigrants, and they tend to be younger — and to have more children — than non-Hispanic whites. (Of the total births in the year that ended last July, about 26 percent were Hispanic, about 15 percent black, and about 4 percent Asian.)

Whites still represent the single largest share of all births, at 49.6 percent, and are an overwhelming majority in the population as a whole, at 63.4 percent. But they are aging, causing a tectonic shift in American demographics. The median age for non-Hispanic whites is 42 — meaning the bulk of women are moving out of their prime childbearing years.

Latinos, on the other hand, are squarely within their peak fertility, with a median age of 27, said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center. Between 2000 and 2010, there were more Hispanic births in the United States than there were arriving Hispanic immigrants, he said.

The result is striking: Minorities accounted for 92 percent of the nation’s population growth in the decade that ended in 2010, Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.

The change is playing out across states with large differences in ethnic and racial makeup between the elderly and the young. Some of the largest gaps are in Arizona, Nevada, Texas and California, states that have had flare-ups over immigration, school textbooks and priorities in spending. The nonrural county with the largest gap is Yuma County, Ariz., where just 18 percent of people under 20 are white, compared with 73 percent of people over 65, Mr. Frey said.

Perhaps the most urgent aspect of the change is education. A college degree has become the most important building block of success in today’s economy, but blacks and Latinos lag far behind whites in getting one. According to Mr. Frey, just 13 percent of Hispanics and 18 percent of blacks have a college degree, compared with 31 percent of whites.

Those stark statistics are made more troubling by the fact that young Americans will soon be faced with caring for the bulging population of baby boomers as they age into retirement, said William O’Hare, a senior consultant to the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, on top of inheriting trillions of dollars of government debt.

“The forces coming together here are very clear, but I don’t see our political leaders putting them together in any coherent way,” he said, adding that educating young minorities was of critical importance to the future of the country and the economy.

Immigrants took several generations to assimilate through education in the last large wave of immigration at the turn of the 20th century, Mr. Suarez-Orozco said, but mobility was less dependent on education then, and Americans today cannot afford to wait, as they struggle to compete with countries like China.

“This is a polite knock on the door to tell us to get ready,” said Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. “We do a pretty lousy job of educating the younger generation of minorities. Basically, we are not ready for this.”

But there are bright spots. Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said the immigration debate of recent years has raised the political consciousness of young Latinos and he is hopeful that more will become politically active as a result. Only half of eligible Latino voters cast ballots in 2008, he said, compared with 65 percent of eligible non-Hispanic voters. “We have an opportunity here with this current generation,” Mr. Vargas said. About 50,000 Latinos turn 18 every month, he said.

And the fact that the country is getting a burst of births from nonwhites is a huge advantage, argues Dowell Myers, professor of policy, planning and demography at the University of Southern California. European societies with low levels of immigration now have young populations that are too small to support larger aging ones, exacerbating problems with the economy.

“If the U.S. depended on white births alone, we’d be dead,” Mr. Myers said. “Without the contributions from all these other groups, we would become too top-heavy with old people.”
And there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from the racists.

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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by cosmicalstorm »

As the quote goes, We gotta keep on fucking until we're all the same color.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by TheHammer »

Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended last July, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities — including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race — reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history.
We can't all be minorities can we? Seems like a funny little semantic game being played where "non-whites" are all somehow lumped in to a group ignoring the fact that comparing whites to the individual racial groups would show a massive majority.

And yes it will likely cause a ruckus amongst the racists. You already had that idiot Jodi Brunstetter (wife of a North Carlonia State Senator) saying that you need to ban gay marriage to "Save the caucasian race" because they aren't reproducing enough. Armed with the "proof" of these new statistics I'm sure it will only add fuel to that fire.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Gandalf »

TheHammer wrote:We can't all be minorities can we? Seems like a funny little semantic game being played where "non-whites" are all somehow lumped in to a group ignoring the fact that comparing whites to the individual racial groups would show a massive majority.
White people had <50% of the births. By no means is that a majority, because a majority is >50%.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Tribun »

There's something that's not covered in there. Is there actually a big fretelity drop in the white population, or is their number of births still the same and the percentage of the whole just is lower because of massive immigration and a currently obscenely high fretelity rate in the hispanic group, which is shifting the percentages? This statistic is not very useful if we don't have a graph how the total numbers of births have developed in the various groups.

Right now this is the old percentage game, where you can project everything into. A percentage alone isn't very useful.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by fgalkin »

Tribun wrote:There's something that's not covered in there. Is there actually a big fretelity drop in the white population, or is their number of births still the same and the percentage of the whole just is lower because of massive immigration and a currently obscenely high fretelity rate in the hispanic group, which is shifting the percentages? This statistic is not very useful if we don't have a graph how the total numbers of births have developed in the various groups.

Right now this is the old percentage game, where you can project everything into. A percentage alone isn't very useful.
Did you read the article?
Whites still represent the single largest share of all births, at 49.6 percent, and are an overwhelming majority in the population as a whole, at 63.4 percent. But they are aging, causing a tectonic shift in American demographics. The median age for non-Hispanic whites is 42 — meaning the bulk of women are moving out of their prime childbearing years.

Latinos, on the other hand, are squarely within their peak fertility, with a median age of 27, said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center. Between 2000 and 2010, there were more Hispanic births in the United States than there were arriving Hispanic immigrants, he said.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by TheHammer »

Gandalf wrote:
TheHammer wrote:We can't all be minorities can we? Seems like a funny little semantic game being played where "non-whites" are all somehow lumped in to a group ignoring the fact that comparing whites to the individual racial groups would show a massive majority.
White people had <50% of the births. By no means is that a majority, because a majority is >50%.
Yes I'm aware that in the strictest sense of the word when you include all births whites no longer have a "majority". Point I was making however, is that they still are the relative majority compared to other individual racial groups, comparing Whites/Hispanics, Whites/Blacks etc.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Tribun »

I tried to find a graph where the total number of births over the last decades is shown, but that was next to impossible. I stay with my statement that a percentage alone is not enough.

I however found a graph showing the total fertility number of 1980 - 2008. The is little surprise at the obscenely high hispanic fertility rate of 3.0 (however, only Mexican hispanics, not others like Cuban), which of course seriously distorts the percentages of total births. The surprise was, that the fertility rate of whites is actually higher than it was in the 80s. In the 80s it just was around 1.6, now it's stable at 1.9 or even rising (it was 1.9 in 2009, which is not on the graph).

So it's less a case of whites reproducing too little (their rate is very close to a stable population) and more of hispanics having a far too high rate.
http://hailtoyou.wordpress.com/2011/01/ ... 1980-2008/
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by TimothyC »

TheHammer wrote:Yes I'm aware that in the strictest sense of the word when you include all births whites no longer have a "majority". Point I was making however, is that they still are the relative majority compared to other individual racial groups, comparing Whites/Hispanics, Whites/Blacks etc.
When no one group has 50% of a given population (in this case, new births), but is still larger than any other group in the population, that's called a Plurality.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by amigocabal »

fgalkin wrote:
And there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from the racists.

Have a very nice day.
And yet, how many of those racists who complain about this would allow their teenage daughters to attend unchaperoned coed slumber parties?
TheHammer wrote: You already had that idiot Jodi Brunstetter (wife of a North Carlonia State Senator) saying that you need to ban gay marriage to "Save the caucasian race" because they aren't reproducing enough.
Does she have a teenage daughter? Someone should ask her how she would feel if her teenage daughter got pregnant. After all, that would increase the number of white babies being born.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by fgalkin »

Tribun wrote: I tried to find a graph where the total number of births over the last decades is shown, but that was next to impossible. I stay with my statement that a percentage alone is not enough.

I however found a graph showing the total fertility number of 1980 - 2008. The is little surprise at the obscenely high hispanic fertility rate of 3.0 (however, only Mexican hispanics, not others like Cuban), which of course seriously distorts the percentages of total births. The surprise was, that the fertility rate of whites is actually higher than it was in the 80s. In the 80s it just was around 1.6, now it's stable at 1.9 or even rising (it was 1.9 in 2009, which is not on the graph).

So it's less a case of whites reproducing too little (their rate is very close to a stable population) and more of hispanics having a far too high rate.

http://hailtoyou.wordpress.com/2011/01/ ... 1980-2008/
A racial blog which thinks that neo-nazi websites are good sources? Really?

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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Tribun »

Now that I took a closer look... I pretty much ignored the site and concentreted on finding a graph. At least they didn't produce it themselves, the numbers are from the government (I checked a minute ago). Of course you'll now declare that it all has to be discarded.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by TheHammer »

TimothyC wrote:
TheHammer wrote:Yes I'm aware that in the strictest sense of the word when you include all births whites no longer have a "majority". Point I was making however, is that they still are the relative majority compared to other individual racial groups, comparing Whites/Hispanics, Whites/Blacks etc.
When no one group has 50% of a given population (in this case, new births), but is still larger than any other group in the population, that's called a Plurality.
Ok Mr Dictionary, you if you reference relative majority you'll find that it is an exact synonym for plurality in this context. Primarily used in reference to elections with more than two candidates (resulting in no one recieving more than 50% of the vote), it essentially means less than half, but more than anyone else. I chose to use that term rather than plurality for two reasons.

1) Plurality has a plurality of definitions, one of which means essentially the same thing as relative majority. By contrast, relative majority is much more precise.

2) Even though Whites now are technically a minority they won't be regarded as such until the time that another single racial group over takes them.

If you insist on playing semantic games I can break it down even further for you. However, it is point #2 that I was trying to emphasize. In a birth/population pie chart whites still have a far bigger piece than any other individual group.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Guardsman Bass »

I don't think this really matters. What will most likely happen is that the definition of "white" will get expanded again, to incorporate a lot of latino people (many polls already ask you if you are a hispanic or non-hispanic white). That's what happened with the Italians and southern Europeans 100 years ago - "white" used to mean of English and German descent.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Simon_Jester »

Actually, Latinos used to be classed as whites in US census data. That changes in the 1970s and 1980s, and a lot of the pressure for that came from the Latinos themselves. Latinos get hit with a lot of the same prejudices and social pressures as blacks in American society, and there's the whole complex of language issues that apply to the Latino immigrant population.

So a lot of the activists actually wanted to be able to have their people check boxes on forms saying "yes, I am Hispanic, I am not a WASP and I don't get treated like a WASP, so don't count me with the WASPs."

If that changes, it'll only change because the US ends up with such a large Latino population that there isn't any ethnic difference in status and cultural empowerment between Latinos and whites. That would be a very different-looking country from the present-day US.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Mr Bean »

Whites is also starting to become a more relative term in America. Take my own personal history as an anecdote. My mothers side of the family can trace English ancestry back to the 12th century and up until the 19th century were British. Up until the 19th century when my Great Great grandfather immigrated to America and inter-married with Sicilian immigrants. A little further down the line we have my parents who were at that point some mix of English, Dutch, Italian, Sicilian and from my fathers side I get Spanish and Indian and supposedly a touch of native American somewhere. (My father side goes no further back than great grandfather who was a traditional doorstep orphan).

I mention all this to bring up my cousins, aunts and uncles who have married Jordanian, Hispanics, Laotians and if I hear my family rumors correctly I have a cousin who is mighty serious in a Philippine girl.

The amount of Americans who are staying inside the Anglo bubble is failing in lots of areas of America. Sure your going to get places where the locals have never seen a black man let alone a Canadian but given how little European to American immigration there is these days we have been filling our quotas from all sorts of interesting places and because of policies they end up much more spread around then they used to.

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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Broomstick »

TheHammer wrote:We can't all be minorities can we? Seems like a funny little semantic game being played where "non-whites" are all somehow lumped in to a group ignoring the fact that comparing whites to the individual racial groups would show a massive majority.
It means whites are the largest group, but are no longer the majority of births. The largest minority, if you like.

The demographic shift is one of the reasons I want to learn Spanish. I don't care that at my age my accent will never be great and I'm unlikely to achieve true fluency, fact is, the Spanish-speakers are growing more rapidly than anyone else and I like to be able to communicate. English isn't going to disappear in my lifetime, but Spanish is going to become the next largest language group and will be useful to understand.

Alas, my choices for adult classes are limited around here and I just didn't quite have the bucks for a class worth my time and money. Perhaps in six months to a year.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Guardsman Bass »

The third-generation descendants of Spanish-speaking immigrants tend to speak English almost exclusively anyways, so once migration from Latin America dries up (and it will, due to demographic and economic changes), I would expect the number of Spanish-speakers to shrink relative to the population. You'll just end up with a changed American English that incorporates much more Spanish influences than it did before (particularly words).
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Haruko »

Guardsman Bass wrote:You'll just end up with a changed American English that incorporates much more Spanish influences than it did before (particularly words).
That's an interesting observation. I was thinking more along the lines of two default languages like Finland where Finnish and Swedish are both intricately supported and official across the country.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Hillary »

TheHammer wrote:
We can't all be minorities can we?
Yes. Yes we can.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by HMS Conqueror »

Broomstick wrote:
TheHammer wrote:We can't all be minorities can we? Seems like a funny little semantic game being played where "non-whites" are all somehow lumped in to a group ignoring the fact that comparing whites to the individual racial groups would show a massive majority.
It means whites are the largest group, but are no longer the majority of births. The largest minority, if you like.

The demographic shift is one of the reasons I want to learn Spanish. I don't care that at my age my accent will never be great and I'm unlikely to achieve true fluency, fact is, the Spanish-speakers are growing more rapidly than anyone else and I like to be able to communicate. English isn't going to disappear in my lifetime, but Spanish is going to become the next largest language group and will be useful to understand.

Alas, my choices for adult classes are limited around here and I just didn't quite have the bucks for a class worth my time and money. Perhaps in six months to a year.
idk if that is true; English is both the dominant and the 'elite' language in the US and will remain so. The people who exclusively are fluent in Spanish are likely to remain casual labourers, just because the rest of the incoming Hispanics will learn English. At the same time, English is becoming much more important and widespread in the world outside America.

I would argue seriously that there isn't much expected return to an English speaker learning any language, unless they explicitly want to work as a translator or try to emigrate to that country for essentially hobbyist reasons.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Broomstick »

Guardsman Bass wrote:The third-generation descendants of Spanish-speaking immigrants tend to speak English almost exclusively anyways, so once migration from Latin America dries up (and it will, due to demographic and economic changes), I would expect the number of Spanish-speakers to shrink relative to the population. You'll just end up with a changed American English that incorporates much more Spanish influences than it did before (particularly words).
There are several groups in the US that have retained a language other than English for many generations. I don't have a number, but there's some sort of critical mass that enables the existence of a language enclave. It's only in the last 50 years or so that English became the dominant language in some Amish communities, after several centuries of a German dialect even if all Amish have long been required to learn English. There are areas of Maine that continue to be primarily French-speaking, along with the Lousiana Cajuns and their creole.

And parts of the US which used to belong to Spain and/or Mexico - California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, etc - have long had large areas where Spanish is primary and continues to be so. It amounts to a large number of people and Spanish isn't going away from those areas any time soon.
HMS Conqueror wrote:idk if that is true; English is both the dominant and the 'elite' language in the US and will remain so. The people who exclusively are fluent in Spanish are likely to remain casual labourers, just because the rest of the incoming Hispanics will learn English. At the same time, English is becoming much more important and widespread in the world outside America.

I would argue seriously that there isn't much expected return to an English speaker learning any language, unless they explicitly want to work as a translator or try to emigrate to that country for essentially hobbyist reasons.
I disagree. I disagree rather firmly, as a native English speaker who actually did bother to achieve some skill in another language.

Back when I lived in Michigan I obtained a couple jobs because I could read, write, and speak French, even if not fluently. So even 30 years ago having some skill in a foreign language could have employment implications. If anything, that is more true today.

In my current incarnation as someone who works in retail I frequently encounter customers whose primary language is Spanish. Not being a total dunce, I've acquired a few words and phrases (it's almost impossible not to if you've ever lived in a city like Chicago, New York, or LA) and even those few have proven helpful when communicating with those individuals. As a merchant, I definitely have an incentive to make anyone with money feel welcome, and I would very much like to capture the Spanish speaking crowd. People whose primary language is Spanish are more likely to go to a store where some Spanish is spoken, all other things being equal. Even if two generations from now the secondary language in the US is Hungarian or Swahili or Esperanto right now, and for the next couple decades, anyone who knows BOTH English and some Spanish is going to have an advantage.

Then there are the studies that people who speak more than one language are less likely to suffer dementia, and if they do, it's later onset. Nothing proven, but the evidence so far is thought-provoking.

HMS, your reference to translating work makes me wonder if you're in the either-you're-fluent-or-don't-bother camp regarding language learning. You don't need to be fluent to find a language useful. Effective communication occurs long before fluency. When I went to France (many years ago) I several times found myself in areas or situations where no one around me spoke English because I didn't just stick to major cities. My French has never been fluent, and even at my best in spontaneous conversation I'm certain I made my share of grammatical errors, odd phrasings, and mispronunciations yet I was able to communicate my needs, wants, and desires and even occasionally understand a simple joke. Being able to say "Where is the toilet?" is enormously useful as is "Where can I eat?" and "Can you help me get back to my hotel?" Being able to understand the reply is even more useful.

On the flip side, I have found that the more I studied another language the easier it became to understand those whose English was faulty. Having made the "foreigner mistakes" myself, I found it easier to recognize them in others and figure out what they meant to say. Committing verbal blunders in another language made it easier to forgive those who "mangled" my language because they were unfamiliar with it.

These are all practical reasons to study another language even if you never achieve fluency.

Right now I can see (as can anyone else who actually looks) that Spanish is becoming the de facto second language in the US. One can either pout over it, or adapt. Aside from all the other reasons given for learning a language (appreciation of other cultures, beauty of the literature, etc., etc., all that touchy-feely stuff I do in fact value), right now learning SOME Spanish might mean more money for me at my current place of employment due to the size of the Spanish-speaking minority in the area. Please, that is a very good reason to learn it, and more money is definitely useful.

So yes, I think language study is useful for a native English speaking even if he or she is sitting in the middle of a continent where English is overwhelmingly dominant.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by HMS Conqueror »

Of course yes the businesses catering to the lower education tier of the Hispanic population will benefit from hiring people with pidgin, but I don't think Spanish is going to become the second language any more than German or Italian did. At the other end of the spectrum, it's increasingly becoming a requirement for professionals, academics, etc. in non-English speaking countries who intend to remain there to become fluent in English. I think a major intentional shift toward Spanish speaking would mean the US shooting itself in the foot.
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Re: Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.

Post by Spoonist »

HMS Conqueror wrote:I would argue seriously that there isn't much expected return to an English speaker learning any language, unless they explicitly want to work as a translator or try to emigrate to that country for essentially hobbyist reasons.
And this is why some US businesses fail abroad right there. Not even bothering with local language.
It's also why CIA have failed plenty of times. No incentive to learn foreign languages/cultures.

So if america had embraced the multitudes and used that strength they would have been better off, instead it's actively minimized and thus you lose opportunities.

It's very strange, you'd think that the brits would have the same problem, but nope, all higher education expects at least one foreign language, sometimes more. So at least the upper echelons realise the benefits.
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