More on my setup after the break
Well it looks like I'm going to be holding onto my phone pretty much forever since I can't afford to pay the 300$ a month my current usage would cost me for the 64.99$ a month I'm paying now. At the moment I'm an "unlimited (In actually it's a 100 gig limit) customer who typically uses up about 30% of my monthly minutes and about eight to forty gigs of data a month. More when I'm traveling as I use my smartphone to tether to my laptop for internet. In order to get a comparable plan to the one I have now I have to start at 140$ and hope I don't go over 10 gigs. It's easy to do so when your using your cell for backup internet. In fact looking at my options it might be cheaper to buy two different phones and two separate data plans rather than a single phone with an extra large data plan and get it as a family plan on a corporate account so I can have ten gigs spread between two plans.USA Today wrote:Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest wireless carrier, is overhauling its service plans, replacing the entire lineup with a new set that focuses on devices sharing a bucket of data.
Justin Sullivan, Getty Images
A pedestrian talks on a cellphone as she walks by a Verizon Wireless store in New York City.
The new "Share Everything" plans, to be sold starting June 28, will raise prices for data users but include unlimited voice minutes and text, as well as a capped data allotment for up to 10 devices. For new customers, these plans will replace its current tiered pricing plans that charge based on the amount of voice minutes and data consumed.
AT&T will introduce device-sharing plans later this year. T-Mobile has said it will not offer such plans.
Under the new pricing plan, a smartphone customer opting for the cheapest data bucket, 1 gigabyte, will pay $90 before taxes and fees ($40 for phone access and $50 for 1 GB). Customers can add a basic phone, laptop and tablet to share data for $30, $20 and $10, respectively.
Under its current plans, the cheapest data plan for a smartphone costs $70 ($40 for 450 minutes of voice and $30 for 2 GB of data).
The data allotments come in six buckets, ranging from $50 for 1 GB to $100 for 10 GB. The Mobile Hotspot service, which turns the phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot router, is free.
Verizon will sell two packages for those who use little to no data — a $40 plan (700 minutes, 25-cents-a-text and no data) and an $80 plan (300 MB of data and unlimited voice and text).
The options available to you will depend on your customer status as of June 28.
•New customer: A new customer must select from an option in the "Share Everything" plan or either of the two voice-centric packages ($40 or $80).
•Tiered-pricing customer: A tiered-pricing plan customer can upgrade by selecting either a "Share Everything" plan or an option in the current tiered plans.
•Unlimited data customer: If you're one of a dwindling number of customers who retained the grandfathered $30-a-month unlimited data plan, you must choose either a "Share Everything" plan or a tiered pricing plan when upgrading. Verizon dropped the unlimited plans for new customers last year.
The move is a reflection of shifting consumer habits. Fewer calls are made, while videos and audio take up much of the carriers' capacity. "They're giving you more of what you don't want, which is voice," says Rich Karpinski, an analyst at Yankee Group.
That nearly all adult Americans now have a cell phone also motivated Verizon to act, Karpinski says. "The game has changed to getting multiple devices to the network."
I hate this with a passion because as pointed out when the first 4G phones hit the scene it was possible to run over a gig cap in little over an hour of downloading at full 4G speeds. Meaning you can use your monthly allotment in half a day. Surprised we don't see phone viruses out there designed to do nothing but download junk data to get thousands of dollars of overage charges yet.
But I'm getting further afield, the point is I can either never upgrade and hope sanity is restored or upgrade and instantly triple my phone bill.