So the average gun owner doesn't act like an asshole and this is still some kind of major issue. This is from the article mind you where the Author basically wants you to freak the fuck out about what might happen, even though florida "gun nuts" have had 8 months to go batshit..... and haven't.The Article wrote:Still, changes to meet the Legislature's Oct. 1 deadline haven't produced anarchy in Central Florida. Orlando, for example, repealed its ordinance that prohibits discharging a weapon in city limits.
Police Chief Paul Rooney said he sat through interminable meetings about how to deal with the spectre of gun-toting fishermen on Lake Underhill.
"I thought, 'Oh, what a mess. What a mess this is going to be. It's going to get out of control,'" Rooney said.
And then it didn't. College Park residents didn't open their front doors and fire in celebration.
Holy shit! Responsible gun owners! B-b-b-b-but, AK-47! I mean, it's functionally no different than the .223 rifle you can grab at Academy for $200 (With a scope, woohoo!), but turrests use them! Turrests LOVE the AK. AKs ARE THOSE SCARY GUNS FROM THE MOVIES! PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!Why not is a matter of opinion.
Perhaps they don't know that they now can dispatch the occasional rattlesnake in the backyard themselves. But Rooney said that those most interested in guns are well aware of the new rules. And, he said, they also know that state law makes it a misdemeanor to fire across roads, rights-of-way and "over any occupied premises."
Oh no! People outside city limits can fire guns on their property. This is terrible because it's exactly what you could do before Florida went "pyscho."For now, folks in isolated pockets who just want to live quietly will have to put up with crackpots who don't care about their neighbors, and law enforcement can't help.
I'd like to point out, I don't agree with a lot of what Florida's been selling lately. But this article seems like the author is mad Florida gun owners could go nuts if they wanted to, and they haven't. So, we've got some asshole out in the sticks pissing off his neighbor (who could easily be a mile or two away from danger, but still being harassed) being used to start off this soapbox rant. Also, they managed to sneak in a Travor Martin reference. Total not baiting emotional responses. Totally.
Anyway, the kind of person who would blast guns all day/night because he's a gigantic asshole probably owns a bunch of land of in the middle of fucking nowhere. Go figure.
Even Heavy Dove out of an 18" barrel can break 1100 FPS, and those aren't buckshot or slugs (which are not fun to shoot). Shotguns may not have the report of a .38-55 or 7.62, but they're loud enough.Marko Dash wrote:the shotgun would be quieter. shotguns have rather quiet thumps, even low caliber rifles have a crack from the supersonic bullets that doesn't fade into the background noise as easily.