First, a big thumbs up for the ruling as a first step in the right direction.
Secondly, WTF are you all on up about? (Wasn't there an english version of der spiegel somewhere? Its frustrating to use a non german source. Serafina or someone?)
A German court has ruled that circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to bodily harm even if parents consent to the procedure.
Cologne state court said the child's right to physical integrity trumps freedom of religion and parents' rights, German news agency dapd reported Tuesday.
The case involved a doctor accused of carrying out a circumcision on a 4-year-old that led to medical complications. The doctor was acquitted, however, and prosecutors said they won't appeal.
Nope the ruling will not stop circumcision of jews nor of muslims.
Nope circumcision will still be performed in hospitals, but hopefully under more controlled circumstances in the future than it was in this case.
Nope the ruling did not convict the doctor.
Nope parents will not be persecuted as per this ruling.
Nope jews and muslims will not leave germany over this.
What it could do though is have implications for stuff like insurance and how the procedure is performed.
Nope, freedom of X, is not considered to be the same all over.
Especially so the interpretation of freedom of speech and freedom of religion which differs greatly between different countries. To argue from only one such point of view is very strange to me unless you are intentionally trying to stir things up.
In this case the judged ruled correctly that "a child's right to physical integrity trumps freedom of religion and parents' rights" which follows similar rulings in german courts. See serafinas post above regarding the law that protects the religious choice of the child for instance.
Read the ruling, none of what you are going ballistic about has any bearing on the ruling itself. Instead you are buying into propaganda from the religious quarters.
And the biblical passage that you quoted included references to slavery. Do I need to line out the argument why that passage thus has little bearance over tradition?
@Simon, Broomy, Blayne, Ultonius et al
For german courts to be consistent one form of religiously motivated bodily harm vs children can not be ruled as assault while another isn't. So this was more a way to keep the status quo visavi female circumcision while giving a nod out to where future rulings should be heading.
It is not a defacto criminalization of the practice of circumcision, instead it did put the focus on how it was performed.
Just like the finnish ruling some years back. ... os/1479554
broomy wrote:Jews have compromised over a lot in the past, but that's one point that they haven't budged on.
Historically you would be incorrect, they have budged on that for centuries, although not as much lately due to more freedom of religion in europe and former soviet. Also there are a still ongoing debate within the jewish community so its not as clearcut as you are trying to infer. Over here the circumcision rate for practicing jews are ~40%, so no it is not universal for the religion but rather a cultural thing as usual.
Especially so among the in name only adherents. See Israel's declining circumcision rates as an example of this.