Simon_Jester wrote:If we're on "debate or concede!" terms here, and I can't tell whether we are or not
I'm more of a besserwisser seeking consensus myself. As in if I see someone make a statement to which I disagree I'll say so and why, like the muslim brotherhood being islamists, but the point would be to reach a consensus on what the facts are and then see if the opinions can be agreed or disagreed with.
It is very hard to discuss opinions when the underlying facts have not been cleared up.
If someone thinks that Sharia is static and will always be stuck in a medieval mindset then of course their opinion of Sharia would be that it is something which is always a detriment to society.
Thus if one wants to discuss the opinions on whether or not Sharia is a detriment to egypt one needs to clear up what Sharia means in an egyptian context, which usually leads to lots of tangents like history.
Same thing if someone claims that a certain religion is terrorist friendly while their own religion isn't. Then you have to sort out facts first before going to the core of the matter.
Simon_Jester wrote:I accept that the question is very complicated when you take Islam and Catholicism, form piles of each religion's accumulated holy writ, sayings of early religious authorities, laws based on those things, commentaries on the above, commentaries on the commentaries, commentaries on those and so on out to several iterations...
Excactly. And I hope that we now agree on Ziggy's point that "From a practical stand-point, Sharia law is little different than Catholic writ." and "Catholic writ is actually a good analogue for Sharia law."
Simon_Jester wrote:But I have to ask: how relevant is the existence of this massive body of canon law to modern Christianity?
Outside of culture and tradition? None.
But don't tell catholics that. And don't tell people like Palin and Santorum that biblical law has no relevance either. They wouldn't agree.
But here is the thing, Sharia law has a lot of irrelevance as well due to all local cultures interpreting it differently. (Square peg round hole).
Where I do agree with yours and Blayne's sentiment is where modern muslims put more emphasis on religious law than their christian counterparts and that this is due to how it was implemented.
To go back to something I mentioned earlier, most muslim mullahs (sp?) still think that compounded interest is bad muju,
but to circumvent that they create convoluted excuses so that they can get Sharia approved interest which no longer is called interest.
So both christians and muslims largely ignore this religious law, but in the case of christians they just deleted it and pretend it never existed, while muslims pay lipservice to the law while in reality circumvent it.
So both are using a pragmatic self-serving secular implementation, but one side is still claiming they are following religious law.
Here is where my opinion would be that in such examples neither follow a religious law and that both follow a secular law. Which is why I'm not scared by sharia law in egypt, instead I'm scared by egyptian culture and attitude implemented as law, with regards to things like female rights and circumcision et al.
Simon_Jester wrote:Even the evangelist sects are mostly busy fighting the culture war too. They might like to set up a legal regime based on current evangelical Protestant doctrine, but they'd never get the bulk of people in a Western nation to support them in doing so because there are too many interests (business comes to mind) working at cross-purposes to that.
Agreed, it would be a lovely thing if Islam split up as much as christianity has, we need a Lutheran counterpart an Ahmutheran. As is the mullahs wield too much power preventing division.
Simon_Jester wrote:(as in some American states where things like blue laws are still on the books).
I think all countries have similar cultural quirks based on mostly forgotten religious traditions.
Simon_Jester wrote:But I still think there's a really big difference between the religions when it comes to how likely or even plausible the idea of those people getting that power is.
Agreed. Hence my comment about improvement and detriment.
If you are feeling oppressed and that the law&order don't function due to corruption, nepotism or ineptitude, it is very easy to turn to some other entitiy which proclaims to know an easy answer. See the greek neonazi party votes as something showing a similar mindset.
But in egypt and the middle east they don't have that many entities that claim an easy answer to replace the one they got in power. So they turn to the one they have. Please note the contrast to the places where the power is claiming religious superiority like saudi arabia or iran, the opposition has a much harder time gathering followers under a single banner due to the blinfolds of cultural norms.
I'd say that most voters for the muslim brotherhood is really voting for change and not for explicit sharia because they wouldn't know what that would entail. Give them 20 years under strict sharia and they will complain for something different.
Simon_Jester wrote:Christianity circa 2012 just doesn't seem to be as politically active as Islam circa 2012, for some reason.
Here I agree completely but with the caveat that christians seem to be very politically active but totally ineffective. Its like they lost their zeitgeist.
Take the example of Christian Democracy, they have parties almost everywhere and is a huge influence in the EU, yet very few of its policies are driven by a christian agenda. ... ic_parties
So christianity certainly is politically active, but they are not as verbal about their religion.