Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

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Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by mr friendly guy »

http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/4097726 ... vl=theDrum
In the second season of the cult television show The Game of Thrones, the writers introduced a scene not found in the book upon which the series is based.

In it, ruthless Queen Cersei, accompanied by a retinue of armed guards, is speaking with one of her courtiers, the sly and untrustworthy Lord Baelish. Baelish is your classic peddler of intrigue, a one-man CIA for the middle ages, a knower of secrets and one whose position and advancement depends on his ability to marshal information that others would prefer was left hidden.

In chatting with Cersei, Baelish decides to let the Queen know that he knows her greatest secret, the one thing that might bring down her and her family.

Baelish doesn't tell her outright what he knows, he simply hints at. In a fit of ill-judged self-confidence, he tells the Queen that, "Prominent families often forget a simple truth, I've found."

To which Cersei responds, "What truth is that?"

"Knowledge is power," replies Baelish, with all the smug self-assurance of someone confident of his own genius.

After a suitably pregnant pause, the Queen simply says to her guards, "Seize him."

She then tells them to cut his throat. As one of the guards raises his knife, the Queen commands him to stop. She has changed her mind, she says. Then she tells the guards to let Baelish go. Then to take three step backwards. Then she tells them to turn around and close their eyes.

They obey all these arbitrary orders without question.

At which point Cersei steps forward and reminds a somewhat less self-assured Baelish of a truth she understands far better than he does.

"Power is power," she says. And smiles sweetly.

The idea that knowledge is power is a cliche in our modern, democratic age. We believe almost reflexively that if only we could tell people the truth - share our knowledge of proven facts - our argument will prevail.

So every time you hear someone point out that Tony Abbott has admitted he doesn't always tell the truth, or that he regularly tells one audience one thing and another the complete opposite, or that there is a scientific consensus on the facts about global warming, or that a price on carbon won't kill the economy, or that the Government's stimulus package helped keep us out of recession, you are listening to people who think that by merely telling the truth they are exercising power.

As should be obvious, the efficacy of this belief is misplaced. Day after day, as those examples reveal, power trumps knowledge.

No-one knows this better than the powerful themselves.

Gina Rinehart doesn't want to control various media outlets in order to access knowledge. For Rinehart, the media isn't a way to spread knowledge, but a source of power that is able to shape knowledge into a form that serves her interests.

She knows as well as Cersei that power is power.

Indeed, the entire conservative movement has managed to cocoon itself in a world of its own creation, a place where facts have little domain and where their own prejudices are treated as reality.

The situation is worse in the United States than it is here, but we are catching up. Everything from Obama's citizenship, to the science of climate change, to evolution itself are flatly denied by many conservatives.

Such thinking could not prevail without the support of some very powerful people and institutions, and it is a measure of the triumph of power over knowledge that conservatives are able to muster such support for their fact-free beliefs.

It is no surprise, then, that in Australian politics, it is Julia Gillard who thinks knowledge is power, while Tony Abbott is the one who is actually exercising it.

Mr Abbott, with the help of various commentators, media outlets, business groups, think tanks and corporations, has managed to create an alternative reality where the government has been discredited and where he is able to be taken seriously enough to offer himself as a viable prime minister.

He has created a reality where Julia Gillard's failings are seen as defining while his are dismissed as irrelevant.

Like the cigarette companies and the fossil fuel industry before him, Mr Abbott's weapon is doubt, and he deploys it skilfully, with many in the media happy to christen him the best opposition leader in our history because of it.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister's entire political strategy is to rely on the idea that knowledge is power, that the truth will out, and that it will set her free. Or get her re-elected.

She is convinced that once the carbon price is active and people see that Mr Abbott's prognostications of doom have been proved wrong, people will stop listening to him.

Of course that won't happen.

The power that underpins Mr Abbott's ability to shape our political reality into one where the strongest economy in the world is understood to be one on the verge of collapse will simply pivot its attention elsewhere and concoct a new set of "facts" that will "prove" the PM's unworthiness for office.

Until Labor addresses the power that underpins such deceptions, rather than just the deceptions themselves, they will continue to take a beating.
When we say knowledge is power, we usually refer to useful stuff like say scientific knowledge of making weapons, which would be more useful than saying, knowing sci fi trivia. Hence how he uses knowledge in this context, doesn't quite cut it.

Also there are multiple factors why someone is powerful, knowledge being only one of them. So saying power trumps knowledge kind of misses the point.

He does make some good points about propaganda, and I love his Game of Thrones reference, but the word play in how he uses the word knowledge irritates me.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by PainRack »

How does his use of the word knowledge irritates you?
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Zaune »

I think what he's trying to say is, knowledge is only power if you have the means to apply it.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Surlethe »

If knowledge were power, scientists and mathematicians would rule the world.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Lonestar »

Surlethe wrote:If knowledge were power, scientists and mathematicians would rule the world.

Not really, because they don't know how to interact with people socially.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Elfdart »

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Baying mob of nitwits, egged on by the powerful >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earnest truth-tellers. Every time, all the time.

The only hope for earnest truth-tellers is to wait for when the interest of the powers that be runs contrary to the interest of the baying nitwits. Or when the baying nitwits get fed up and turn on their masters. The problem is that the latter case usually ends with the powerful shunting blame from themselves and onto the earnest truth-tellers and other do-gooders, who end up taking the blame from the nitwits.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Surlethe »

Lonestar wrote:
Surlethe wrote:If knowledge were power, scientists and mathematicians would rule the world.
Not really, because they don't know how to interact with people socially.
Many do. They still don't rule the world because there's much more to power than simply mastering a piece of knowledge:
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Elfdart »

Zaune wrote:I think what he's trying to say is, knowledge is only power if you have the means to apply it.
If you have the means to apply it, stupidity is power too.

One party in the US gets this, while at best the other does not. Let's be charitable and assume the Democrats really are just pathetic, naive do-gooders who really think they can persuade Teabaggers, the Chamber of Commerce, the gun lobby and Fetus Christers by presenting facts and reasoned arguments.*

Just going by results over the last several decades, the Right almost always gets its way on every major issue, whether they win or lose elections. They use whatever power they have to the maximum to either to push their own agenda, or to stifle the Dems' agenda. That's why Bush got just about everything he wanted at a time (2001-2003) when his party only controlled the House and not the Senate. That's why Clinton was impeached, subjected to death threats from senators and received one indignity after another. It's also why no Republican in Congress will break from the party on any important issue. Right-wingers understand that power is power and act accordingly.

The Dems took over the White House and Congress by wide margins and aside from half-hearted insurance reform and bailing out Chrysler and GM, haven't accomplished anything. *

* This assumes that the typical Democrat in office or running for office is actually trying to advance anything resembling a liberal agenda. I've come to the opposite conclusion: The typical Democratic politician is really a Judas Goat working for the powers that be (drug/insurance companies, banksters, war whores, etc) , and is only pretending to care about the interests of their constituents so as to lead them into the veal pen.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by mr friendly guy »

PainRack wrote:How does his use of the word knowledge irritates you?
This sentence sums it up.
The idea that knowledge is power is a cliche in our modern, democratic age. We believe almost reflexively that if only we could tell people the truth - share our knowledge of proven facts - our argument will prevail.
The idea that knowledge is powerful because we manage to convince others of it. If anything, he is describing propaganda and not knowledge.

Knowledge is power because it can be utilised to achieve various objectives. A very obvious case is a society with knowledge on how to build superior weapons will have an advantage over ones that don't, all other things being equal.

If anything, his description of Tony Abbott being able to manipulate public opinion is an example of knowledge being power, in the sense that Abbott like a lot of politicians have some knowledge on how to "push people's buttons."
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by mr friendly guy »

Surlethe wrote:Many do. They still don't rule the world because there's much more to power than simply mastering a piece of knowledge:
Precisely. Why some people have more power than others is multifactorial. The author is arguing from a false dichotomy, either knowledge is power, or power is power (presumably he means other factors that make up power besides knowledge).

And just for a fun fact, the second largest economy has its last couple of leaders being technocrats, rather than lawyers by training. So maybe scientists will end up have a bigger share of the power in the future. :D
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by General Zod »

This whole article would have been a lot less useless if it discussed the historical origins of the cliche in question. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/bacon-aphor.asp
Human knowledge and human power meet in one; for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produced. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed; and that which in contemplation is as the cause is in operation as the rule.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by JLTucker »

mr friendly guy wrote:Knowledge is power because it can be utilised to achieve various objectives. A very obvious case is a society with knowledge on how to build superior weapons will have an advantage over ones that don't, all other things being equal.
Why the hell does your interpretation involve weapons?
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Rogue 9 »

JLTucker wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:Knowledge is power because it can be utilised to achieve various objectives. A very obvious case is a society with knowledge on how to build superior weapons will have an advantage over ones that don't, all other things being equal.
Why the hell does your interpretation involve weapons?
Is there a reason why it shouldn't? Knowledge of how to build an atomic bomb is power, power enough to end the Pacific War. It's not the only application of knowledge to power, but it certainly is one of them.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by mr friendly guy »

JLTucker wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:Knowledge is power because it can be utilised to achieve various objectives. A very obvious case is a society with knowledge on how to build superior weapons will have an advantage over ones that don't, all other things being equal.
Why the hell does your interpretation involve weapons?
Power comes in many forms, for example economic, political, military etc. I thought the more obvious one to associate with power is the military angle so I went with that.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Feil »

We say that knowledge is power because the phrase, "Under the right circumstances and time-frames, knowledge can provide access to a wider array of force-multipliers; and when it does so, this constitutes power," doesn't roll very well off the tongue.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Doctors and lawyers possess knowledge and training that give them the power to save, ruin, or even end lives. No weapons or force multipliers involved.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Haruko »

Lonestar wrote:Not really, because they don't know how to interact with people socially.
I cannot help but think of the scientist in the underground bunker in Independence Day. How much easier it would be to spot introverts, heh.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by Feil »

Replace "force-multiplier" with "set of attributes and conditions which increase the effectiveness of a person, item, or group" if you don't like the confrontational association of the phrase. I will continue to use the short version.

The most knowledgeable doctor in the world cannot save a patient on the other side of a locked door. Even a doctor who knew literally everything would be helpless. Knowledge grants no power. Knowledge grants conditional access to tools and techniques which increase the doctor's effectiveness - no more, no less.

The fictional blackmailer had no power because his knowledge grants him access to a force-multiplier: public opinion. In the queen's chambers, public opinion is not available at the time of the confrontation, thus he has no power. The queen, on the other hand, has a force-multiplier of her own: loyal thugs. This force multiplier is available at the time of the confrontation, and thus she has power.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by thejester »

I would have thought the biggest flaw in the article is he totally contradicts his own premise. Tony Abbott isn't exercising power - Gillard is. There is a carbon tax and there is a mining tax. The point about conservative fantasy land is also only half made - Labor got into office in 2007 on the basis of playing the cost of living card (just like Abbott is now) and playing up the link in the public mind between drought and climate change. The Howard decade has created a massive sense of entitlement within the electorate; Gillard is in the unenviable position of having to push through major reform that runs against this to stay in government.

Is it the result of a cabal of wealth? To a point - but Rudd should shoulder a significant amount of the blame. Keep in mind this is the man who was godfather to Chris Mitchell's child and besties with Twiggy Forrest.
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by PeZook »

Funny how the same show which he uses to illustrate a point has as one of its biggest themes the various sources and nature of power: knowledge (of the skeletons in the closet), ruthlesness and strength, honor and loyalty, martial prowess...
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Re: Ed opinion - Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all

Post by bobalot »

thejester wrote:I would have thought the biggest flaw in the article is he totally contradicts his own premise. Tony Abbott isn't exercising power - Gillard is. There is a carbon tax and there is a mining tax. The point about conservative fantasy land is also only half made - Labor got into office in 2007 on the basis of playing the cost of living card (just like Abbott is now) and playing up the link in the public mind between drought and climate change. The Howard decade has created a massive sense of entitlement within the electorate; Gillard is in the unenviable position of having to push through major reform that runs against this to stay in government.

Is it the result of a cabal of wealth? To a point - but Rudd should shoulder a significant amount of the blame. Keep in mind this is the man who was godfather to Chris Mitchell's child and besties with Twiggy Forrest.
I'm not sure anybody can wind back the culture of entitlement (Although, kudos to Wayne Swan and Juila Gilliard for at least trying).

In this day and age, we have couples whining about how tough they are doing on a mere combined income of $150,000 and getting generally sympathetic treatment from the press. Fucking unbelievable.

How can you win against that?
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