Alkaloid wrote:Frankly I doubt the idea will get off the ground, not so much because South Korea doesn't want to do it, but because it's going to be really expensive, and given that the drivers for this are the South Korean fishing industry as a whole it gives groups like Sea Shepard and the other lower profile anti whaling activist groups a whole slew of other targets to go after. It matters a whole lot less if you can't find/catch/evade the security ships around the actual whaling ships themselves when sabotaging any and all commercial fishing operations in the area, while making it exceedingly clear that it wont stop until the whaling does, will be just as effective at actually stopping whaling operations. That and they will be able to milk it for bucketloads of money, I wouldn't be surprised if they got an extra ship or two out of it.
I really do hope the antiwhaling protestors turn the whole thing into a farce.
I'm imagining some protestors just sailing around in circles replaying distressed whale songs into the ocean at high volume, basically saying "oh crap there's a giant whale-killing ship-monster here!" in whalese. It might not be the most practical thing, but it's got a certain appeal to it.
Ralin wrote:It serves a very necessary purpose: Showing that South Korea and Japan are sovereign nations who will no longer be bullied into accepting an asinine ban on whaling because Americans, Europeans and Australians think that whaling is 'cruel' and that we should give a fuck about whether whales suffer when we kill them.
Serafina wrote:Sure, let's wipe out entire species just to show westerners that we don't care about the environment!
Because there isn't even an economical incentive to hunt whales, given that its not profitable and not a way to guarantee a steady food supply for a nation.
Is it that hard to imagine that strongarm tactics are bad BECAUSE people will defy them?
Look, if you're doing international relations, you're dealing with large groups of human beings led by politicians- most of which a bunch of arrogant, ignorant jerks. If you can't work with arrogant, ignorant jerks, you don't belong in diplomacy in the first place.
Starting up whaling in South Korea is the action of an arrogant, ignorant jerk. Like most countries, they're jerks about some things. Perhaps we should look at IWC policy-
were they handling the jerk correctly? Because unless the IWC plans to nuke South Korea into glass to protect the environment, they're still going to be there. You're still going to have to deal with them. The IWC is still going to have to deal with them. And, unfortunately, the whales are still going to have to deal with them, until South Korea kills them.
So yes, it's actually important to think and talk about attitudes, and principles, and not going out of your way to piss off a bunch of foreign politicians who just might do something dumb to prove you're not the boss of them.
There are two reasons to sign on to a whaling ban.
1) I think whaling is evil. No one should do it.
2) I think whales are an endangered species, and we need to stop harvesting/killing them until there's enough left that it won't destroy the species.
Those are not the same thing. People who believe (1) and (2) will talk past each other about whaling. The Koreans (and a few other countries) think (2). Back when the whaling ban went into place, so did a lot of other Western countries. We changed our minds. They didn't.
Is it any wonder there's enough of a disconnect that a bunch of arrogant, ignorant jerks with chips on their shoulders (South Korean politicians) might decide the treaty is bullshit?
You can call the decision itself bullshit, I don't disagree with that. And I think the psychology of those politicians is disturbingly like that of a bunch of teenagers who don't want to have to do their homework. "I don't like your tone so I'm going to go shoot myself in the foot and screw over everyone else to spite you!"
But can we at least talk about this without someone deciding that gee, it must be a great idea to create a parody of a straw version of the argument! Fuck those South Korean barbarians. Don't they know whaling is murder? Fuck them!
I mean hell, this sounds like the Ryan Thunder school of diplomacy, where all conversations end in "Fuck you, you barbarian! You have no rights because you're evil! Fuck you!"
I have to ask, does anyone here really expect that to work? Should we run the world that way? How long would any kind of international order last under conditions like that, with the Swedes piously denouncing the Germans who piously denounce the British who piously denounce the Americans who... and so on down the line until you get into an argument over who gets to denounce North Korea since they're holding the moral low ground?
What does it say if we're too busy yelling "FUCK YOU YOU'RE EVIL" to think about international relations in a thread about a foreign country doing something stupid and destructive?