Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by D.Turtle »

Andrew_Fireborn wrote:
Zablorg wrote:"The Effect of Sexist Humor and Type of Rape on Men's Self-Reported Rape Proclivity and Victim Blame", Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 13, No. 10), 2007

"The Enjoyment of Sexist Humor, Rape Attitudes, and Relationship Aggression in College Students", Sex Roles (Vol. 38, Nos. 9/10), 1998
Can someone who trusts PDFs dig up their methodology.

The well in this area has been poisoned so badly by people like Gail Dines, that I wouldn't be surprised if they counted men answering a question like "Have you ever thought about having sex with a woman you've only seen?" in the affirmative as potential rapists.
How about you do the work yourself and don't rely on others to do it for you. If you can't be arsed to do a little bit of googling in order to find the articles (the first one even has a non-pdf version available) you have absolutely no ground to stand on in order to question these results.

In other words, put up or shut up.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by JLTucker »

I thought on this board when you ask for evidence, someone provides it. Simply naming the studies with no link is not providing it. I shouldn't have to do the work to substantiate the claim Zablorg made. I personally looked it up, but I shouldn't be expected to.

I'll make it easier for everyone else:

http://open.academia.edu/ManuelaThomae/ ... ctim_blame

I was unable to find a free version of the second study mentioned.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Scrib »

As for the woman heckling poor widdle Tosh I say tough shit. If your career is build upon mocking people then you better damn well show that you can take as well as dish out. Nothing worse than a "shock-value" comedian with a brittle sense of self-worth. "Shock" comedians who derive their humor primarily from kicking down on the totem pole can all go fuck themselves anyway.
You're missing the point. The comedian is one person, there are a ton of people in the crowd who paid for tickets who shouldn't have to put up with your bullshit because you have a cause. It's rude. Go complain outside, try to organize a boycott or whatever the fuck. Now every once in a while someone will be convinced that their cause is special and it might be, but in general...it's not. Most people know what they paid for and they don't need you shitting it up.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by TheFeniX »

General Zod wrote:
TheFeniX wrote:I noticed this thread last night and mentioned to the ol' lady "Tosh made a rape joke and people are mad."
I keep asking people but so far all I seem to get is goose-stepping around the answer. How is "wouldn't it be funny if 5 guys raped her" a joke?
Probably because it's extremely unlikely the comedian wanted 5 people to rape her and he may have thought the comment had comedy value in dealing with a heckler. Bad jokes are still jokes. Also, either Goose-stepping doesn't mean what I think it means, or you meant to say "tap-dancing."

I've used the phrase "Woman, don't make me go upside your head" quite a few times in my current relationship. On the flip side, I've been "threatened" with backyard burial a few times with regard to discussions about cheating. It's unlikely many people outside the two of us and those who know us would find comedy in those situations. People who didn't know us might think we're actually in some kind of trustless abusive relationship. Doesn't change that fact that we're joking with each other.

If the situation was something like "isn't watching a guy getting his ass beat by 5 guys funny? You always get that one pussy hanging out doing nothing until the one guy is lying in the ground, then the pussy comes in and hits him once then runs."
"Getting jumped isn't funny!"
"Wouldn't it be funny if 5 guys just beat that dudes ass right now?"

would we have this kind of controversy?
Are people's expectations of humor at a comedy club so low that a guy could get away with making nothing but barnyard noises and they'd still call it a joke?
A variation of that theme worked quite well for Michael Winslow. And Dane Cook gets up on stage and acts like a dumbass for 30 minutes and people find him funny, so yes: expectations must be low.
Scrib wrote:Most people know what they paid for and they don't need you shitting it up.
Good point. On that note: how do you think people react in movie theatres when you start loudly pointing out plot holes or inconsistencies? Same thing: shut the fuck up or leave quietly.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Blayne »

"X is never funny" is a troublesome statement to make, comedic media is all about finding where that line society thinks it is and then skip roping across that line until society arbitrarily places a new line incrementally further, wasn't that long ago we couldn't say shit on tv.

Comedian Christopher Titus once said "Jealousy, the Auschwitz of emotions...." while emoting to the audience through body language "Yeah I went there." and got a second louder ring of laughter out of it. His latest one is all about how parents should be pushing children down stairs more often, that CPS should intervene if parents are not abusing their children enough to discipline them. Is this more, or less appropriate than Tosh's skit?

Sometimes what they say won't be funny. There were large parts of the "Drawn Together" movie I didn't like, that I didn't find funny, but I can turn off the TV. :-/
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Pendleton »

Remember the Twitter trial? Guy has his plane delayed, so tweets something along the lines of bombing Robin Hood airport if they don't get a plane ready soon. This reminds me of that, crossed with the controversy of Frankie Boyle's joke about disabled kids that one woman crusaded against (despite her laughing at his other stock of crude humour and finding no offence).

Context and an ability to parse what you see as funny from that which you don't see as funny, but could see others paying coin for. Two things that always seem to crop up with these incidents and cause a story.

What about jokes with warfare? How long ago must something have taken place to become acceptable to mockery? I've known people get in a fluster over Titanic jokes, let alone something closer like Iraq or the WTC attacks. My girlfriend is part Serbian, which brings up all sorts of racial stereotypes we play off. Should I stop because it perpetuates said stereotypes too?
Last edited by Pendleton on 2012-07-11 05:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Wing Commander MAD »

Phantasee wrote:
Wing Commander MAD wrote:I am going to have to agree with Alyrium on this. Then again, I too don't have much in the way boundaries when it comes to humor, I especially enjoy schadenfreude, and tend to like most of Daniel Tosh's stuff. Lagmonster is right about not confronting a performer on stage. My question is why is this in N&P and not someplace more appropriate like OT or Testing? It seems like this is more of an attempt to start off the Two Minutes Hate than it is something newsworthy to discuss. Hell, SLAM would be a better fit than N&P if the desire was to debate the morality of rape jokes. Zod, out of curiosity, what exactly was your rationale for posting this here instead of the aforementioned sections?
To see how many of you disgusting fucks think its okay for someone to tell a woman, to her face, that she should be gang-raped on the spot, maybe?

Tosh isn't that funny, but this was very bad and very low even for him. Defending it because you have no standards for your comedy is very bad and very low of you.

I don't know about the point that's she shouldn't have heckled, I'm of the opinion that bullshit should be called out but I can see the anti-heckler point.
Funny, I don't recall either Alyrium or myself saying that. I'll agree it was a bad thing and very crass, but at the same time I don't think it warrants all the excitement this is generating. If he had said the same thing in another situation I'd be inclined to agree that he was calling for her to be gang raped and should be held accountable. However, given the situation with him being at a comedy club on stage performing and dealing with a heckler I'd chalk that up to a poorly attempted comeback before I'd go to an actual call incite violence (especially given the nature of his act).

Regarding rape jokes in general, I don't find them funny, but at the same time I am not comfortable with the idea them being verboten. I believe strongly in freedom of speech, and as long as someone isn't directly calling for someone to be harmed (something the courts would likely find this incident to not be a case of) or saying something that puts others in demonstrable danger(i.e. the whole yelling fire in a crowded building schtick), I’ll defend your right to say it whether or not I agree with the message. I take this stance because I believe it leads to a healthier overall society. If that means I have to deal with offensive statements that I find the very idea of abhorrent, such as Tosh saying it’d be funny if the woman was raped, well then so be it.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Fanboy »

As a fan, i'd still say this was incredibly bad form on Tosh's part. I'll admit I like shock humor because I like hearing things I wouldn't expect having seen comedic performances become so bland over the last decade or so. But what he said wasn't funny and crossed over from shock humor to distasteful and unacceptable.

The woman should have just walked out, normally I wouldn't think she should get her money back since I think when you go to a comedy show the onus is on the patron to know even the smallest something about the performer. But in this case because Tosh's response went beyond razing a heckler to a statement that was so unacceptable the venue should have refunded the money and taken it out of Tosh's check.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Pendleton »

Question to the anti-Tosh "joke" crowd: who decides what is and isn't acceptable? If we're going to bring in some sort of moral compass for humour, who decides what passes or not? I can think of a lot of material that I guarantee most on this board would like, but that which would be outright banned on other boards I've come across. This is a problem that is never actually addressed. Instead, we get righteous outrage about taste, with no actual game plan or definitive guide as to what tasteful is and how it can be adhered to.

Which is why, in my opinion, you should either allow everything, or nothing at all. This kind of thing is not workable with a grey area unlike, say, shouting fire in a cinema is with respect to free speech.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by D.Turtle »

JLTucker wrote:I thought on this board when you ask for evidence, someone provides it. Simply naming the studies with no link is not providing it. I shouldn't have to do the work to substantiate the claim Zablorg made. I personally looked it up, but I shouldn't be expected to.

I'll make it easier for everyone else:

http://open.academia.edu/ManuelaThomae/ ... ctim_blame

I was unable to find a free version of the second study mentioned.
He directly asked others to do his work for him. He didn't expend any effort at all in doing it himself. In fact, he weaseled out using a rationale that didn't apply, because the first study was available in a non-gated non-pdf form.

Now, the second one apparently isn't available, so you could ask Zablorg to provide a copy.

Requiring evidence does not mean that someone has to hold your hands and do all the work for you. Someone requesting, or in this case questioning, the evidence can at least expend a fragment of the effort shown by the person he is arguing against.

Andrew_Fireborn didn't do that, instead just weaseling out.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by General Zod »

TheFeniX wrote:
General Zod wrote:
TheFeniX wrote:I noticed this thread last night and mentioned to the ol' lady "Tosh made a rape joke and people are mad."
I keep asking people but so far all I seem to get is goose-stepping around the answer. How is "wouldn't it be funny if 5 guys raped her" a joke?
Probably because it's extremely unlikely the comedian wanted 5 people to rape her and he may have thought the comment had comedy value in dealing with a heckler. Bad jokes are still jokes. Also, either Goose-stepping doesn't mean what I think it means, or you meant to say "tap-dancing."
In other words you don't really have any definition for what counts as a joke as long as it's in a comedy club? If the guy had said "Wouldn't it be funny if Obama got lynched" do you think being in a comedy club would protect him from a Secret Service investigation?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Dalton »

Maybe we should get both sides of the story before we pass judgment:

Daily News article
Daniel Tosh isn't usually one to shy away from controversial material during his stand-up routines, but one audience member felt the comedian went a little too far during one of his recent performances.
Tosh, who hosts the hit Comedy Central series "Tosh.0," was called out for making inappropriate comments during a recent gig.
A female audience member took to a friend's Tumblr page Tuesday to explain what happened when she caught his performance at the Hollywood Laugh Factory.
"Tosh (started) making some very generalizing, declarative statements about rape jokes always being funny, how can a rape joke not be funny, rape is hilarious," she claims.
The audience member wrote that she felt "provoked" and subsequently yelled out to Tosh, "Actually, rape jokes are never funny!"
"After I call out to him, Tosh paused for a moment," she continued. "Then, he says, 'Wouldn't it be funny if that girl got raped by like, 5 guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just raped her…'"
The girl was so taken aback by Tosh's comments, that she promptly left the show and asked a manager at the venue for her money back.
Comedy club owner Jamie Masada, who was present for the show, told Buzzfeed that the woman’s description of the incident isn’t accurate.
Tosh came on stage and asked the audience what they wanted to talk about, Masada told the site.
An audience member yelled out “rape,” and a woman in the audience screamed “No, rape is painful, don’t talk about it.”
Masada said Tosh replied “well it sounds like she’s been raped by five guys - something like that,” before adding that he didn’t hear the exchange properly.
“It was a comment,” Masada said, “it wasn’t a joke at the expense of this girl.”
Never one to typically apologize for his jokes, Tosh felt it appropriate to issue a public apology via Twitter in this situation.
"all the out of context misquotes aside, i'd like to sincerely apologize," he wrote Tuesday, linking to the blog post.
"the point i was making before i was heckled is there are awful things in the world but you can still make jokes about them," he continued.
In a bid to ease the tension surrounding his recent jokes, the comedian added: "On a lighter note tonight's new episode of tosh.0 will be featuring clowns…insane ones."
The woman sat through the entire show - which received a standing ovation - and complained only at the end, Masada told the site. She accepted comp tickets for a future show.
Masada added, “If you don’t want to get insulted don’t go to comedy clubs.”
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by General Zod »

Pendleton wrote:Question to the anti-Tosh "joke" crowd: who decides what is and isn't acceptable? If we're going to bring in some sort of moral compass for humour, who decides what passes or not? I can think of a lot of material that I guarantee most on this board would like, but that which would be outright banned on other boards I've come across. This is a problem that is never actually addressed. Instead, we get righteous outrage about taste, with no actual game plan or definitive guide as to what tasteful is and how it can be adhered to.

Which is why, in my opinion, you should either allow everything, or nothing at all. This kind of thing is not workable with a grey area unlike, say, shouting fire in a cinema is with respect to free speech.
What I'd like to know is, where do you draw the line between unfunny joke and making threats of violence? Can you legitimately make the distinction just because you're in a comedy club?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Terralthra »

On why rape jokes aren't funny:
Leah of Talkin' Reckless wrote:An earnest letter to guys about the problem with rape jokes; It’s not about being PC
Nov 29, by Leah
A letter to “all those men who don’t think rape jokes are a problem” has been circulating on Tumblr. I think the point it makes is brilliant and critically important, but it’s not really written for the men it needs to reach. It’s written using the classic style of self-affirming snark commonly found on feminist blogs. Don’t get me wrong. I love the snark. But it’s not the most effective way to talk to people who don’t already agree with you. So here’s an earnest letter to men who don’t get why rape jokes are a problem, snark-free.

Dear guys,

I’m writing to tell you why joking about rape is a bad idea, and it has nothing to do with being PC or offending anybody.

I know a lot of guys feel like feminists are hyper-sensitive or quick to take offense, especially when it comes to off-color or edgy jokes. I don’t entirely blame them for feeling this way. The reality is that people embrace feminism in their own way and some are more likely to be offended than others. Unfortunately, much of the “work” of feminism is done within the context of offense, written in the language of outrage and accusation. While I don’t begrudge anyone the right to be angry or express their rage (I do it myself) I don’t think it’s always the most productive way to create change. Especially when we’re asking you guys to join us and become our allies in preventing rape.

The reason rape jokes are a bad idea has nothing to do with offending feminists or rape victims (although purposefully offending a rape victim is a pretty shitty thing to do). It’s not about how women react to the joke; it’s about how other men react.

The sad truth is that some men really are rapists. And they aren’t just the crazy serial-rapist-killers you see on Law and Order SVU or Dexter; they’re just guys. According to Robin Warshaw’s I Never Called It Rape, 8% of men admit committing acts that meet the legal definition of rape or attempted rape, but they don’t usually think of themselves as rapists. Other studies report this number is as high as 15%. This shit is happening, and the guys doing it aren’t freaks or psychos. They’re your classmates, they’re on the football team, they’re in your WoW guild, they were at your last party.

The problem with rape jokes is that these guys — these guys who seem normal but are actually rapists — hear the jokes and interpret them as a secret wink and nod that you approve of what they’re doing and that you would, or are, doing it too. Via Organon:
Virtually all rapists genuinely believe that all men rape, and other men just keep it hushed up better. And more, these people who really are rapists are constantly reaffirmed in their belief about the rest of mankind being rapists like them by things like rape jokes, that dismiss and normalize the idea of rape.
That is why you shouldn’t tell rape jokes. That is why you should stand up and call out your friends when they do it. Not because you need to worry about being PC or offending feminists, but because you’re actually helping prevent rape. By changing the “culture of rape” from one where rape is something normal and/or expected to one where rape is treated like the crime it really is, you can make a difference.

And it’s not like I’m asking you to be hyper-sensitive about every single joke. I think there’s a difference between jokes that make fun of rape, or rape victims, and jokes that make fun of rapists. I even made a handy flow-chart to help you figure out which rape jokes are validating rapists and which are shaming rapists. But those jokes that do validate rapists, those are the ones you need to do something about.

I know it’s asking a lot to expect someone to stand up to their friends or strangers. It really is, and it’s usually not fun. But think about it. Do you really want those guys out there — those secret rapists who look just like everybody else — to think you’re on their side? That you support what they’re doing? That you’re doing it too, or would be if you could get away with it?

A lot of guys say they would step in and stop a rape if they saw it happening. Heroic as the idea is, it doesn’t happen very often because rape doesn’t usually happen directly in front of you. But the rape jokes that encourage rapists to think that all guys think rape is funny or okay or not a big deal? Those do happen in front of you. And you can do something about that.

And if you do, it’s not because you’re the “PC police.” It’s not because you don’t have a sense of humor. It’s because you actually care about preventing rape, protecting women, and letting rapists know that you are NOT their comrade, their ally, or their bro.
Links preserved from the article.

No one (at least, no one that I've seen) is calling for rape jokes to be banned legally or what-have-you; they're pointing out that rape jokes normalize rape, and that encourages actual rapists (as previous evidence posted in this thread shows). I personally don't think anything that encourages or normalizes rape is particularly funny. If my partner and I joke about it privately, there's no one else present to misinterpret our humor.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Metahive »

Scrib wrote:You're missing the point. The comedian is one person, there are a ton of people in the crowd who paid for tickets who shouldn't have to put up with your bullshit because you have a cause. It's rude. Go complain outside, try to organize a boycott or whatever the fuck. Now every once in a while someone will be convinced that their cause is special and it might be, but in general...it's not. Most people know what they paid for and they don't need you shitting it up.
I don't give a fucking shit if some troglodytes who wanted to hear some other troglodyte make rape jokes had their experience ruined. Just like I don't give a shit when some Neonazi convention here in Germany is beset by counter-protesters. Some assholes just need to be shown their limits. But hey, according to the article, Tosh's reaction to the heckler provoked ever the more guffaws from his neanderthal audience. You can't see that this is indicative of quite a serious problem there? "Har har har, yeah, five guys raping that woman, funneh! Har har har!"
Pendleton wrote:What about jokes with warfare? How long ago must something have taken place to become acceptable to mockery? I've known people get in a fluster over Titanic jokes, let alone something closer like Iraq or the WTC attacks. My girlfriend is part Serbian, which brings up all sorts of racial stereotypes we play off. Should I stop because it perpetuates said stereotypes too?
Are you honestly comparing rape, an ongoing and persistent issue, with once-in-a-lifetime events like 9/11?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Kuja »

Comedy club owner Jamie Masada, who was present for the show, told Buzzfeed that the woman’s description of the incident isn’t accurate.
Tosh came on stage and asked the audience what they wanted to talk about, Masada told the site.
An audience member yelled out “rape,” and a woman in the audience screamed “No, rape is painful, don’t talk about it.”

Masada said Tosh replied “well it sounds like she’s been raped by five guys - something like that,” before adding that he didn’t hear the exchange properly.
“It was a comment,” Masada said, “it wasn’t a joke at the expense of this girl.”
Never one to typically apologize for his jokes, Tosh felt it appropriate to issue a public apology via Twitter in this situation.
"all the out of context misquotes aside, i'd like to sincerely apologize," he wrote Tuesday, linking to the blog post.
"the point i was making before i was heckled is there are awful things in the world but you can still make jokes about them," he continued.
In a bid to ease the tension surrounding his recent jokes, the comedian added: "On a lighter note tonight's new episode of tosh.0 will be featuring clowns…insane ones."
The woman sat through the entire show - which received a standing ovation - and complained only at the end, Masada told the site. She accepted comp tickets for a future show.
Masada added, “If you don’t want to get insulted don’t go to comedy clubs.”
Wait...this Masada character says the exchange took place at the beginning between audience members when Tosh asked them for opinions...yet Tosh says he got heckled in the middle of making a point.

This Masada sounds like s/he's either remembering wrong or is trying to cover ass.

(edited for spelling)
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Pendleton »

General Zod wrote:
What I'd like to know is, where do you draw the line between unfunny joke and making threats of violence? Can you legitimately make the distinction just because you're in a comedy club?
That beats me. It sounds like a case-by-case thing for the courts. To some, it should be obvious something was said in jest, but the "no sense of humour" aspect of security comes into play then. If I say "Play that music one more time and I'm going to kill you" while at a party, would that be grounds for calling the police?
Metahive wrote: Are you honestly comparing rape, an ongoing and persistent issue, with once-in-a-lifetime events like 9/11?
No, I think I already posted what I was comparing it to in my original post there. Only you saw just 9/11. How are rape jokes any more or less tenable than jokes about killing or any other traumatic event, past or present? Rape is wrong is not a reason.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by General Zod »

Pendleton wrote:
General Zod wrote:
What I'd like to know is, where do you draw the line between unfunny joke and making threats of violence? Can you legitimately make the distinction just because you're in a comedy club?
That beats me. It sounds like a case-by-case thing for the courts. To some, it should be obvious something was said in jest, but the "no sense of humour" aspect of security comes into play then. If I say "Play that music one more time and I'm going to kill you" while at a party, would that be grounds for calling the police?
Maybe not, but at the very least I'd say it's grounds for having your ass thrown out.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Scrib »

Metahive wrote:
Scrib wrote:You're missing the point. The comedian is one person, there are a ton of people in the crowd who paid for tickets who shouldn't have to put up with your bullshit because you have a cause. It's rude. Go complain outside, try to organize a boycott or whatever the fuck. Now every once in a while someone will be convinced that their cause is special and it might be, but in general...it's not. Most people know what they paid for and they don't need you shitting it up.
I don't give a fucking shit if some troglodytes who wanted to hear some other troglodyte make rape jokes had their experience ruined. Just like I don't give a shit when some Neonazi convention here in Germany is beset by counter-protesters. Some assholes just need to be shown their limits. But hey, according to the article, Tosh's reaction to the heckler provoked ever the more guffaws from his neanderthal audience. You can't see that this is indicative of quite a serious problem there? "Har har har, yeah, five guys raping that woman, funneh! Har har har!"
They probably weren't laughing because of the rape joke, they did so because she was a heckler. Sorry, but when you go around fucking with people's experiences they fuck with you back. It was mean and spiteful, but I don't know about most people, comedy clubs and the like are things they go out to enjoy rarely, it's not surprising that a culture of dislike for hecklers would grow and get out of hand once.

You may also not give a shit in this particular case, good for you, but in any situation where one holier than thou fuckstick decides to interfere in other people's experience in a probably ineffectual and disruptive way, then said crowd will indeed be against her. Like I said, everyone has a fucking cause, the religious people sit quiet for religious jokes, the vegetarians shut the fuck up, the people with children with Downs or whatever wriggle uncomfortably, and so on as we get further down the line and more uncomfortable. It's a good rule of thumb to just realise that your idea of what's right and wrong is not at the center of people's reality, and will never be. Now you may feel like you've found the fucking holy grail of uncomfortable subjects, one that allows you to be a disruptive asshole with little to no repercussion, but the comedian and his fans also found theirs: hecklers.

And what exactly prevents you from walking out, complaining, starting a petition, organizing a boycott, all of which are probably more effective in the long run than getting yourself mocked and thrown out? I mean, if you're a self-righteous attention whore I can see why you would pick the heckling option but there are ways to deal with outrage without pissing on everyone because you think you're so superior.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Pendleton »

General Zod wrote:
Maybe not, but at the very least I'd say it's grounds for having your ass thrown out.
Really? I'm not much of a party hound myself, but I'd not go so far as to throw someone out for making a point of stating how much they hate a particular song. Did you read that as someone saying it between gritted teeth with fire in their eyes, or with someone rolling their eyes and tutting?

Context is everything. If the friend at the party had a history of violence and known for carrying weapons, then 1) I'd throw him out but, 2) he wouldn't have been invited at all anyway.

Likewise, when we look at the man with the bomb joke, there were a lot of comedians over here who sided with him and there was a big discussion in the media over what constitutes a safe tweet or joke in public and so on. What should be common sense joshing to some can be construed as openly hostile to others. A lot of blokey males tend to have close to the bone humour when meeting, for instance. You wouldn't expect the same derogatory jokes used in that instance to be used in a more formal or civil group like a religious congregation.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by General Zod »

Pendleton wrote:
General Zod wrote:
Maybe not, but at the very least I'd say it's grounds for having your ass thrown out.
Really? I'm not much of a party hound myself, but I'd not go so far as to throw someone out for making a point of stating how much they hate a particular song. Did you read that as someone saying it between gritted teeth with fire in their eyes, or with someone rolling their eyes and tutting?

Context is everything. If the friend at the party had a history of violence and known for carrying weapons, then 1) I'd throw him out but, 2) he wouldn't have been invited at all anyway.

Likewise, when we look at the man with the bomb joke, there were a lot of comedians over here who sided with him and there was a big discussion in the media over what constitutes a safe tweet or joke in public and so on. What should be common sense joshing to some can be construed as openly hostile to others. A lot of blokey males tend to have close to the bone humour when meeting, for instance. You wouldn't expect the same derogatory jokes used in that instance to be used in a more formal or civil group like a religious congregation.
That's kind of the point really. If you don't know whether your audience will take your "joke" as just a bad joke or a legitimate threat of violence, it's probably crossing a line.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Terralthra »

Scrib wrote:They probably weren't laughing because of the rape joke, they did so because she was a heckler. Sorry, but when you go around fucking with people's experiences they fuck with you back. It was mean and spiteful, but I don't know about most people, comedy clubs and the like are things they go out to enjoy rarely, it's not surprising that a culture of dislike for hecklers would grow and get out of hand once.

You may also not give a shit in this particular case, good for you, but in any situation where one holier than thou fuckstick decides to interfere in other people's experience in a probably ineffectual and disruptive way, then said crowd will indeed be against her. Like I said, everyone has a fucking cause, the religious people sit quiet for religious jokes, the vegetarians shut the fuck up, the people with children with Downs or whatever wriggle uncomfortably, and so on as we get further down the line and more uncomfortable. It's a good rule of thumb to just realise that your idea of what's right and wrong is not at the center of people's reality, and will never be. Now you may feel like you've found the fucking holy grail of uncomfortable subjects, one that allows you to be a disruptive asshole with little to no repercussion, but the comedian and his fans also found theirs: hecklers.

And what exactly prevents you from walking out, complaining, starting a petition, organizing a boycott, all of which are probably more effective in the long run than getting yourself mocked and thrown out? I mean, if you're a self-righteous attention whore I can see why you would pick the heckling option but there are ways to deal with outrage without pissing on everyone because you think you're so superior.
So, I take it you haven't read any of the studies or evidence or logic I and others have been posting this whole thread? You're still treating it like it's just an issue of "political correctness", itself a term popularized by conservative opinion columnists to resist progressive politics by appealing to fears of a culture war.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

To see how many of you disgusting fucks think its okay for someone to tell a woman, to her face, that she should be gang-raped on the spot, maybe?
Oh Sweet Darwin, it is a comedy act. It is all about the context. If someone on the street told a woman that she needed to be raped, that would NOT be OK. However, the automatic assumption at a comedy act is that the person on stage is not to be taken seriously. They will say shit that under any other context would be horrible, but the fact that they are on stage obviates that fact. The whole point of entire branches of humor is to poke--often with a sharp stick-- at people's comfort zones. In fact, humor EVOLVED as a social signal partially to communicate social status, and partially to diffuse tense situations and signal that something that may have been horrifying is safe. Twig snaps, no lion, group laughs at their own reaction to fear.

His comment was certainly in poor taste, but that is the fine line between a successful joke of that school and a failed one. A comic faster on their feet would have been able to say something with almost the same meaning, but not nearly as offensive to the well-founded sensibilities of most people.
Tosh isn't that funny, but this was very bad and very low even for him. Defending it because you have no standards for your comedy is very bad and very low of you.
That is a matter of personal taste. Do not make the mistake of thinking your preferences are somehow higher-brow than others. I said I dont have barriers, not that I have no standards. The two do not mean the same thing, and I would not have found his joke funny. My way of coping with a fucked up and insane world is through humor. I think of rape, just think of it, and it horrifies me. I diffuse that horror with humor--usually at the expense of the rapist.

Pedophilia? Horrifying, but the power of its wrongness is reduced if we laugh about it.
I don't know about the point that's she shouldn't have heckled, I'm of the opinion that bullshit should be called out but I can see the anti-heckler point.
The issue is that you might not know what you are going to get when you do it. You assume a certain risk to your sensibilities when you go to a comedy show. Heckling a bad comic (like The Situation at the Trump Roast) is one thing, but you need to know the performer before you do that. Otherwise, someone like Tosh, who thrives on poking fun at the fucked-up nature of human beings in various ways will zero in on you like a missile and say the most offensive thing to you that they can. It is the nature of the show. Hell, there are comics who make their career ruthlessly insulting their own audience with everything from racial slurs to accusations of pedophilia.
What I'd like to know is, where do you draw the line between unfunny joke and making threats of violence? Can you legitimately make the distinction just because you're in a comedy club?
There are a LOT of context when threats of violence are in fact not threats of violence. Almost all of them involve some sort of Act or Pretense. If actor A threatens actor B as part of a production of Romeo and Juliet (Speaking of which, the whole first scene of that play is basically one drawn out rape pun) it cannot be reasonably assumed they mean it. In the same way, a comedy act is such that, and I realize this is a difficult concept, people pay to come in and laugh at things they would normally view as horrible, wrong, or unacceptable.

It cannot even be assumed that a comic is even talking about their own personal views, unless that is part of their act.
No, I think I already posted what I was comparing it to in my original post there. Only you saw just 9/11. How are rape jokes any more or less tenable than jokes about killing or any other traumatic event, past or present? Rape is wrong is not a reason.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Wong »

Terralthra wrote:
Scrib wrote:They probably weren't laughing because of the rape joke, they did so because she was a heckler. Sorry, but when you go around fucking with people's experiences they fuck with you back. It was mean and spiteful, but I don't know about most people, comedy clubs and the like are things they go out to enjoy rarely, it's not surprising that a culture of dislike for hecklers would grow and get out of hand once.

You may also not give a shit in this particular case, good for you, but in any situation where one holier than thou fuckstick decides to interfere in other people's experience in a probably ineffectual and disruptive way, then said crowd will indeed be against her. Like I said, everyone has a fucking cause, the religious people sit quiet for religious jokes, the vegetarians shut the fuck up, the people with children with Downs or whatever wriggle uncomfortably, and so on as we get further down the line and more uncomfortable. It's a good rule of thumb to just realise that your idea of what's right and wrong is not at the center of people's reality, and will never be. Now you may feel like you've found the fucking holy grail of uncomfortable subjects, one that allows you to be a disruptive asshole with little to no repercussion, but the comedian and his fans also found theirs: hecklers.

And what exactly prevents you from walking out, complaining, starting a petition, organizing a boycott, all of which are probably more effective in the long run than getting yourself mocked and thrown out? I mean, if you're a self-righteous attention whore I can see why you would pick the heckling option but there are ways to deal with outrage without pissing on everyone because you think you're so superior.
So, I take it you haven't read any of the studies or evidence or logic I and others have been posting this whole thread? You're still treating it like it's just an issue of "political correctness", itself a term popularized by conservative opinion columnists to resist progressive politics by appealing to fears of a culture war.
I personally find those conclusions perfectly believable, but I also think they're beside the point. Scrib's argument is not based on the idea that rape jokes are harmless. It's based on the idea that disrupting an entertainment event is an obnoxious thing to do. There are plenty of studies which suggest that violence in movies and television can affect peoples' thinking, and many movies promote extremely offensive stereotypes or condition us to accept dangerous ideas (eg- militaristic thinking, which is incredibly common in blockbuster movies), but you generally don't see self-appointed morality police walking into theatres with bullhorns and trying to disrupt everyone's experience. If they want to protest, they choose other venues.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by TheFeniX »

General Zod wrote:In other words you don't really have any definition for what counts as a joke as long as it's in a comedy club?
Did you misclick the quote button? I can't think of any other way you could have attributed your reasoning to my post. I don't recall even mentioning "comedy club" and actually gave examples of two (non comedy club) related "jokes" that many people probably would not find funny and could actually be considered threats of violence. Humor is a lot like art: one man's masterpiece is another man's trash heap. And it's usually just a side-effect that many comedians can deal with hecklers in a funny way.
If the guy had said "Wouldn't it be funny if Obama got lynched" do you think being in a comedy club would protect him from a Secret Service investigation?
What are you arguing, that Tosh should actually be held legally liable for his comment? As in, police should arrest him for threatening rape? Let's go with this, if Tosh had said "Wouldn't it be funny if a white guy got lynched for once?" (even if he pointed at a white heckler) would we even be here?

And what's with all the fucking race baiting? This isn't Michael Richards going off on a off-topic racist rant due to a heckler. This is a topic-related cheap-shot Tosh took at a heckler. Knowing Tosh, he would have said the same thing if a guy heckled him. He probably would have made a few comments about the guy enjoying it just to throw a gay joke in there. And I'll ask: if the comment had been directed at a male heckler, would there be this kind of outrage? I seriously doubt it.

If you think there should be some social and economic repercussions against Tosh for his comment, whatever. I won't bother arguing it. But if you honestly want legal repercussions because you think he was threatening her with rape, I think you should grow some thicker skin. I've heard shit like "People who do X or Y should be shot/beaten/whatever" by comedians (and in personal settings) for years. On this note: I remember a comedian making this "threat" directly to a patron whose phone rang and he answered it: "People like you should be shot." He didn't ask if it would be funny or not. QUICK CALL THE COPS!
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