Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by madd0ct0r »

well no - what his act persona says =/= what he actually thinks.

There are problems with this line of comedy though - the fools who don't get it and take it as encouragement instead (Al Murray's Pub Landlord, Fankie Boyl both had issues with this)

There's a few comedians I know who disapprove of it as being 'cheap.' - that kind of humour is seen as a hack job appealing to the worst in the audience.
I've a friend with CP who's an amateur standup (linked one of his videos on the previous page). His act is very black humour, but he says it works becuase 1) he has to shock the audience into laughing at a cripple and 2) the bulk of his act is driven by frustration with the world (like the guy who told him to go gay to get more sex)
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Wong »

The "absurd persona" type of comedy can work very well. Stephen Colbert's entire show is based on it. The movie "Borat" was based on it.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by madd0ct0r »

but who takes their persona's seriously?

if the persona act becomes something people actually look at and go 'i agree' then the act has failed.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Blayne »

A lot of Conservatives and South Park republicans have been rumoured to agree with Colbert.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Ralin »

Blayne wrote:A lot of Conservatives and South Park republicans have been rumoured to agree with Colbert.
Actually, I'm pretty sure someone posted an article here awhile back about a study that showed Colbert has a non-negligible conservative fanbase that thinks he isn't joking.

And anecdotally speaking, I have a friend whose mother believed just that right up until that dinner with Bush.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by JLTucker »

Ralin wrote:
Blayne wrote:A lot of Conservatives and South Park republicans have been rumoured to agree with Colbert.
Actually, I'm pretty sure someone posted an article here awhile back about a study that showed Colbert has a non-negligible conservative fanbase that thinks he isn't joking.

And anecdotally speaking, I have a friend whose mother believed just that right up until that dinner with Bush.
The study: http://www.democracynow.org/resources/6 ... Satire.pdf
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by spaceviking »

Isn't their a term for when parody become indistinguishable from the real thing (often because the thing they are parodying becomes more and more ridiculous itself)?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Channel72 »

Yeah, Poe's law
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by CarsonPalmer »

Darth Wong wrote:The "absurd persona" type of comedy can work very well. Stephen Colbert's entire show is based on it. The movie "Borat" was based on it.
Colbert generally makes political points, though, and even Borat got people who weren't in on the joke o out themselves as bigots. What is Tosh even satirizing?

I've seen his show a couple of times and I get the feeling more that he's just a moron (or a smart guy making money off them) than that there's anything else there.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Fanboy »

CarsonPalmer wrote:(or a smart guy making money off them)
He's pretty honest about that being the case.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Seven pages... Seven fucking pages over a he said/she said incident involving someone getting offended by a comedian who's pretty well known for have an on-air/on-stage persona best described as "he still thinks he's in a frat". Seven pages of people bitching because a joke offended them. Seven pages of people citing fucking studies while completely failing to grasp that humor is completely fucking subjective.

Seriously? Is this what SDN is doing now? This is a thing?

Ok, one little question for everyone... Where the fuck did any of you get the impression that you have the right to not be offended by something? Guess what, this incident happened in the US and no where in the US Constitution or the Bill of Right does it say you have that right in this country. Don't like it? Then don't watch or listen to things that offend you. Protest them all you like (with in legal bounds of course), that actually is right people have here. But don't try to tell me what I can and cannot consider "funny", because my answer will be a firm "go fuck yourself and fuck your mom too while we're at it" probably followed by me reciting every single single joke I know on whatever topic it was that happened to get your panties in a wad (I can do that, it's my right to do so).

Seriously, what the fuck, SDN?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by ArmorPierce »

CarsonPalmer wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:The "absurd persona" type of comedy can work very well. Stephen Colbert's entire show is based on it. The movie "Borat" was based on it.
Colbert generally makes political points, though, and even Borat got people who weren't in on the joke o out themselves as bigots. What is Tosh even satirizing?

I've seen his show a couple of times and I get the feeling more that he's just a moron (or a smart guy making money off them) than that there's anything else there.
On his show he not even so comedically called out a guest who was ranting about there being a BET (Black entertainment Television) but no WET equivalent. He also seems to call out on middle class white people whining about stuff pretty obviously.

If you really believe his comedy then he is also a flaming homosexual and I doubt subjegating women would be high on his priority list.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Fanboy »

Mr. Coffee wrote: Seriously? Is this what SDN is doing now? This is a thing?
Don't look at me man, Zod started the thread. Although there's nothing shameful about calling someone out when he done fucked up, which is what happened in this case.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by PeZook »

Mr. Coffee wrote: Seriously? Is this what SDN is doing now? This is a thing?
I actually found it a neat read. Hey, the thread actually changed my mind: I was horrified after reading the OP and the transcript, but Tosh's stage persona sounds a lot like Borat, in that people who think he's HILARIOUS and TOTALLY RIGHT just out themselves as bigots.

Remember that scene in Borat where some frat boys got into a drunken sexist rant...because they thought Borat was really just like them? And then they got offended upon seeing the movie and tried to sue...

Or, better yet, rednecks hollering in pure joy when he did his homophobic tirade in that cage fighitng place? :D
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by madd0ct0r »

madd0ct0r wrote:
if the persona act becomes something people actually look at and go 'i agree' then the act has failed.

Conceeded. Heavily, heavily conceeded.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Wong »

Mr. Coffee wrote:Seven pages... Seven fucking pages over a he said/she said incident involving someone getting offended by a comedian who's pretty well known for have an on-air/on-stage persona best described as "he still thinks he's in a frat". Seven pages of people bitching because a joke offended them. Seven pages of people citing fucking studies while completely failing to grasp that humor is completely fucking subjective.

Seriously? Is this what SDN is doing now? This is a thing?

Ok, one little question for everyone... Where the fuck did any of you get the impression that you have the right to not be offended by something? Guess what, this incident happened in the US and no where in the US Constitution or the Bill of Right does it say you have that right in this country. Don't like it? Then don't watch or listen to things that offend you. Protest them all you like (with in legal bounds of course), that actually is right people have here. But don't try to tell me what I can and cannot consider "funny", because my answer will be a firm "go fuck yourself and fuck your mom too while we're at it" probably followed by me reciting every single single joke I know on whatever topic it was that happened to get your panties in a wad (I can do that, it's my right to do so).

Seriously, what the fuck, SDN?
The Kernel beat you to it, Coffee.

Yeah, it's dumb that we have to actually explain Tosh's style of humour, but as I mentioned earlier, the thread started by quoting a feminist who obviously didn't get it, and there's a public-relations brouhaha over it, so people are more or less forced to painstakingly explain why this is OK. Like it or not, some people really don't seem to get it.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Mr. Coffee »

PeZook wrote:in that people who think he's HILARIOUS and TOTALLY RIGHT just out themselves as bigots...Or, better yet, rednecks hollering in pure joy when he did his homophobic tirade in that cage fighitng place? :D
PeZook, you're my polish homie, so it pains me a little to do this...

Here's my point. --->

Here's you completely missing it. My point was really simple, but I say fuck a lot, so maybe the message got lost in all the profanity there. Here's the radio edit, ready?

You do not have the right to not be offended. You don't like a particular comedian? Don't go to his shows. You disagree with a TV show? Don't watch it. You go to a show and the cotent turns out to be something you don't like? Be an adult and leave.

It's really that simple.

Also, you did understand that Borat was egging the rednecks on so others could laugh at them and not inciting them to hate on gays, right? Reason I ask is because I serious doubt that Daniel Tosh was inciting anyone to commit rape. Anyone that thinks he was actually advocating rape is a goddamn idiot and should be ashamed of themselves for being that woefully incapable of understanding the difference between making a joke on a given topic and actually calling for people to go and perform actual deeds.

Darth Wong wrote:The Kernel beat you to it, Coffee.
Of course, he's the Kernal for a reason, Mike. However, the Kernal doesn't say fuck nearly enough for my taste so I figured I'd restate things with a lot of cussing and gesticulating for the benefit of the at home audience.
Darth Wong wrote:Yeah, it's dumb that we have to actually explain Tosh's style of humour, but as I mentioned earlier, the thread started by quoting a feminist who obviously didn't get it, and there's a public-relations brouhaha over it, so people are more or less forced to painstakingly explain why this is OK. Like it or not, some people really don't seem to get it.
Some people just ain't that bright no matter how long they attend a university or how long they spend having other point out the obvious to them, bro. The scary part? Some of these people actually have the right to vote. Think about that for a second and you'll see why I used to drink so damn much.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Darth Wong »

By the way, as long as we're on the topic of offensive humour, I see a lot of comedians who are willing to go after racial minorities, women, and other "verboten" topics, but I honestly cannot think of one who will go after the "support the troops" thing. Does anyone know of one who will cross that barrier?
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by The Kernel »

Darth Wong wrote:By the way, as long as we're on the topic of offensive humour, I see a lot of comedians who are willing to go after racial minorities, women, and other "verboten" topics, but I honestly cannot think of one who will go after the "support the troops" thing. Does anyone know of one who will cross that barrier?
Yes indeed, Jim Jeffries latest standup called "Alcoholocaust" has a great segment on visiting the troops in Iraq which is more than a little uncomplimentary. In fact it was so edgy that apparently his producers didn't want to distribute it in the US. I don't want to give it away but I will say it's worth a viewing, especially because Jim Jeffries himself is fucking hilarious.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Metahive »

No, there's no right to not be offended, however, there's also no right to not get called out on spouting bullshit. Freedom of Speech is not a one-way street. If Tosh has the right to spout rape jokes, then the woman also has the right to loudly protest against them. And don't give me the "Well, she was interrupting the show!". "Boohoo, dumb bitch spoke out of turn, bophoo, how dare she! Women, shut the fuck up", says the Apostle Paul.

Kernel, so Tosh's entire act is actually nothing but being a blatant fratboy stereotype? Too bad then that he's impersonating said stereotype perfectly without any sort of ironic exaggeration, unlike Borat. All the things Tosh says and does could as well come from actual fratboys. You might believe he's actually one of those shmucks who litter the typical CoD servers. That's not really funny, that's fucking depressing. What'd for example be the comedy in saying and doing the exact same things as the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK? Caricatures of hateful bigots might be funny, but carbon-copies are not unless your comedy threshold is very low.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Metahive »

Darth Wong wrote: Yeah, it's dumb that we have to actually explain Tosh's style of humour, but as I mentioned earlier, the thread started by quoting a feminist who obviously didn't get it, and there's a public-relations brouhaha over it, so people are more or less forced to painstakingly explain why this is OK. Like it or not, some people really don't seem to get it.
I take issue with that insinuation, Wong. After all, I was the one who brought up the ur-example of that sort of humor, Jonathan Swift and his Modest Proposal. I'm not ignorant of the "Absurd Persona" shtick, I'm just saying that Tosh is failing at it by not being particularly "absurd".
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Dalton »

Darth Wong wrote:By the way, as long as we're on the topic of offensive humour, I see a lot of comedians who are willing to go after racial minorities, women, and other "verboten" topics, but I honestly cannot think of one who will go after the "support the troops" thing. Does anyone know of one who will cross that barrier?
A quick googling shows Doug Stanhope, who is relatively well known, and I'm sure George Carlin has gone after them too.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Ralin »

Mr. Coffee wrote:You do not have the right to not be offended. You don't like a particular comedian? Don't go to his shows. You disagree with a TV show? Don't watch it. You go to a show and the cotent turns out to be something you don't like? Be an adult and leave.

It's really that simple.
That's completely true and it's what I would do, but what exactly is wrong with going a step further and saying that his humor crosses the line and that I won't support any network or comedy club that gives him a place to air it? I don't think anyone here was saying that he should be arrested or stripped of his comedian license.
Dalton wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:By the way, as long as we're on the topic of offensive humour, I see a lot of comedians who are willing to go after racial minorities, women, and other "verboten" topics, but I honestly cannot think of one who will go after the "support the troops" thing. Does anyone know of one who will cross that barrier?
A quick googling shows Doug Stanhope, who is relatively well known, and I'm sure George Carlin has gone after them too.
I believe there was someone on some comedy show who made a comment to the effect our troops are the real cowards for hiding behind missiles and tanks and stuff while the terrorists are willing to literally blow themselves up to get us. I didn’t see it myself, only heard about it second-hand, but I think it was within a few years of 9/11.

Needless to say, he was fired from the show shortly afterwards.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by The Kernel »

Metahive wrote: Kernel, so Tosh's entire act is actually nothing but being a blatant fratboy stereotype? Too bad then that he's impersonating said stereotype perfectly without any sort of ironic exaggeration, unlike Borat. All the things Tosh says and does could as well come from actual fratboys.
Yeah sure, everyone thinks he's totally serious when he talks about replacing his sister's mace with silly string so that she got raped and they both had a laugh afterwards. :roll:

You're a fucking idiot.
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Re: Daniel Tosh - Offensively unfunny misogynist

Post by Crown »

Metahive wrote:No, there's no right to not be offended, however, there's also no right to not get called out on spouting bullshit. Freedom of Speech is not a one-way street. If Tosh has the right to spout rape jokes, then the woman also has the right to loudly protest against them. And don't give me the "Well, she was interrupting the show!". "Boohoo, dumb bitch spoke out of turn, bophoo, how dare she! Women, shut the fuck up", says the Apostle Paul.

Kernel, so Tosh's entire act is actually nothing but being a blatant fratboy stereotype? Too bad then that he's impersonating said stereotype perfectly without any sort of ironic exaggeration, unlike Borat. All the things Tosh says and does could as well come from actual fratboys. You might believe he's actually one of those shmucks who litter the typical CoD servers. That's not really funny, that's fucking depressing. What'd for example be the comedy in saying and doing the exact same things as the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK? Caricatures of hateful bigots might be funny, but carbon-copies are not unless your comedy threshold is very low.
Oh Jesus titty-fucking Christ, I couldn't give two diddly shits if you don't like it. That is your right, it's a purely subjective experience. My incredulous disbelief is the simply put; the absurd slippery slopes that people are constructing in this thread (she could have been raped right there! he's encouraging rapists! etc) about Tosh and his humour that has me flabbergasted.
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