Saxtonite wrote:I know this is due to my location and context and all, but 4 dead is a small number for a city of that size especially over several weeks. Toronto has a similar size to Chicago and a similar climate, only larger suburbs, less blacks/hispanics & more chinese + other varying immigrants. Still it is interesting to see how both diverge in things like this despite similarities.
I'm reminded of times when 4 - 10 die in a single day or night (or weekend) during spring-summer-fall in Chicago.
In my country, there are 4-5 cities the size of Toronto. We have heat waves too. Number of shooting related deaths this summer?
Zero. No wounded/accidents either. But we are this barbarian country that doesn't let our citizens arm bears, or something. Result: our gangs might be slightly dangerous in bad parts of the city, but number of deaths caused by them is 1-3 per year. For whole
country, not city. To the point each death is major national event, not Saturday footnote.
And that in something 166% the population of Texas. Plus, our country is much poorer so we should have much higher crime rates, too, not something like 1/3 of American ones, despite slight underfunded police that walks the streets in t-shirts, normal vans, with old pistols, not kevlar body armour, armoured cars and with personal arsenal of its US counterpart.
We're not interesting country, not very cool, I know