World of Tanks

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Wow, that's a pretty bad one. Hopefully Bigworld getting bought out will let them fix that and a few other nasty bugs.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Simon_Jester »

I wonder what the success rate for assaults on Prokhorovka is. In public I swear, it must be something dumb like 20%...

And yet for some reason I am always on the assault team.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by weemadando »

If the assaulters can coordinate they can easily swarm and destroy the defenders at one crossing, then roll up the other ones. It takes solid arty support who can counter battery, but it's easily doable.

I've also seen (and fallen for) a clever bait and switch, where they pretend the heavies have gone one side (have one or two peek) and give up a couple of scouts to draw the defenders over the rail line on the far side in the hopes of clearing their arty or flanking their main force. But they were only showing what they needed to and the clever counterattack goes straight into a massive ambush.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by AniThyng »

Simon_Jester wrote:I wonder what the success rate for assaults on Prokhorovka is. In public I swear, it must be something dumb like 20%...

And yet for some reason I am always on the assault team.
Believe me it's not any better on the defense. People camp on the hill, people manage to lose a crossing without hurting the assaulted etc. it evens out lol.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Prokhorovka has an appalling assault assemblage of awful, that's all there is to say about it. It's like flipping a coin in an MRI, the results may be roughly even but nobody's happy with them.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Alkaloid »

One or two half awake SPGs on the assaulting side can make defending hard as hell because the only real cover for the defenders is pushed right up against the tracks, so pushing from of the crossings on the flank and the centre at the same time means they have to fight in single file or spread out and get artied to death. Rarely happens in pub though, even if you get the arty there's no guarantee the actual tankers can take advantage of it.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PeZook »

I love defending on Prokhorovka, because there's a tiny hill with some bushed on it that lets me fire BOTH on the north and central crossing while invisible AND hull-down, and it seems pub artillery can never get their shit together in time to flush me out before I do bad stuff to people.

In other news, my Shermang has been rather unlucky lately, but today I logged in a free moment and man...


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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Alkaloid wrote:One or two half awake SPGs on the assaulting side can make defending hard as hell because the only real cover for the defenders is pushed right up against the tracks, so pushing from of the crossings on the flank and the centre at the same time means they have to fight in single file or spread out and get artied to death. Rarely happens in pub though, even if you get the arty there's no guarantee the actual tankers can take advantage of it.
Gutsy SPGs and bad scouting can mean that the SPGs get into A3 or A4 and directly fire on the defenders on the south crossing. It's risky, last company match we played there, we got good scouting and lit two of their arty, killed one and should've had the other if my dispersion wasn't off, but the rewards can be huge because the south is a good place to punch through, since it can get lights on most of what can shoot it, and arty can clear the hill while they kill any enemies down low.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Hawkwings »

Yeah, I always go to A3/4 with my arty when I'm assaulting. I might die, but then again I might kill 4 tanks at the south crossing.

In other news, I just bought my T29. First battle, defense on Malinovka.

Battle: Malinovka Saturday, August 11, 2012 11:45:07 AM
Vehicle: T29
Experience received: 886
Credits received: 35,178
Battle Achievements: Bölter's Medal, Steel Wall, Top Gun, Sniper, Sharpshooter, Master Gunner


I was top tier, stock except for the 90mm off the M6. I took the south forest defense, along with a very few other tanks. Found a nice hull down position and proceeded to kill everything down there. After I finished with that, we headed back up the hill because the church side had fallen of course. Met another T29 sitting on cap, as well as a T-150, Type 62, and KV2. Permatracked, bounced whole shittons of shots, but ultimately they capped out. I did survive though! With 1 hp left. I think I'm really gonna like this tank.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Nephtys »

In my personal opinion, a top tier well played elite T29 is the single most powerful vehicle in the whole game, relative to it's tier. It's sole weakness is hull armor, which the rest of it's properties are more than able to compensate for.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by weemadando »

~1100k round in the PzII last night (prior to doubling). On mines, managed to take the central hill after the PzJgI on my side rolled up there first and got blown up by a BT-2 that had beaten us there. Then spent the rest of the match fighting off enemy attempts to re-take it. Ended with 4 kills, 4 damages and a few spots.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Vortex Empire »

So I rebought a SU-152, mounted the top 122mm on it and bought a gun rammer for it. Jesus christ. This thing puts out like 3500 DPM, it reloads like I'd expect a 88 or 90mm to. For a Russian gun, accuracy isn't bad either.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by weemadando »

There needs to be an indicator that pops up when you die that says: "Oh no, it's OK, that cunt's just using gold rounds. So he may as well just be fucking hacking. Getting one shot on your front armour by him is no reflection on you."
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

weemadando wrote:There needs to be an indicator that pops up when you die that says: "Oh no, it's OK, that cunt's just using gold rounds. So he may as well just be fucking hacking. Getting one shot on your front armour by him is no reflection on you."
Gold round leave a light blue tracer instead of a white one.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by weemadando »

That doesn't help when you don't see the one shot that kills you.

I think there needs to be more stat tracking post fight - let me see elevations of tanks that I shot at and where my rounds hit and relative damages. All this stuff is getting logged, so give access to it.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Simon_Jester »

I tend to buy a few gold rounds for a tank when they're on sale, but I only use them in emergencies- say, when I find myself nose-to-nose with a better protected enemy tank and am hoping to at least do some damage before getting blown to bits.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Nephtys »

Generally if you've ever bought gold for premium or anything, it's not a bad idea for your main/long-time tanks to carry say, 4-5 rounds of gold. Just in case you're the last person on your team or some other crucial situation, you can use those to turn a last stand into a narrow win.

Not necessary really, but kinda nice to have.

Also, Gold ammo (APBC/APDS) doesn't do more damage than normal. It just has higher penetration, better normalization, but far worse pen falloff for long range. Also, Tier X Tanks by default fire APDS ammo, which is a gold type. HEAT is their actual gold type.

A HEAT round will also shoot off a giant cloud of sparks where it hits. But few things fire HEAT.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Jub »

Just downloading the client now, my name is JubTanks. I'm obviously going to have crap tanks to start, but hit me up if you ever want to platoon.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Vortex Empire »

weemadando wrote:That doesn't help when you don't see the one shot that kills you.

I think there needs to be more stat tracking post fight - let me see elevations of tanks that I shot at and where my rounds hit and relative damages. All this stuff is getting logged, so give access to it.
Somebody posted a screen on the WoT forums from a future version showing that they're planning on doing exactly that.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Rekkon »

I believe only T10 mediums fire APDS as standard ammo. In other news:


Standard battle with a total of seven Type 59s in the game. Most of my team went into the hilly side, so with significant reservations I went valley side, following two of our 59s. Then, shit, I saw ALL of their 59s wolfpacking, plus a T-150 and a Lowe. This was not going to end well, but I could not very well flee in a Ferdinand. I called for help and by a minor miracle, another 59 and Jagdtiger 88 came to my aid. I got a round or two in while the friendly 59s got dog piled. The horde then turned on me, and I could sense their bloodlust. I got into firing position just as they cleared that narrow bit of the valley and hit the weakest of them. He caught fire and burned to 3%. A friendly 59 was right next to me and eventually finished him off. I turned my 128mm on more worthy targets and beat another 59 to mush. The last one fled. My two teammates pursued, and I got to higher ground for fire support. Killed the Lowe, 59 and T-150, clearing the flank. Our north side had folded though, and they were pushing into our base. I turned back and the overconfident enemies ended up coming at me one at a time. Picked off their IS-6 as he crested a ridge, then one-shotted a wounded IS and a Priest that our 59 had flushed into the open. Our JT88 was surprisingly competent, holding off a KV-1S and their last Type 59 at our flag. I was taking fire from a Tiger on my flank and a KV-4 coming from their base. Bounced two rounds off the KV-4, then turned and wasted the 1S when he tried to flank. I then went shot for shot with the KV-4 as he advanced. I put 3 rounds into his lower glacis as he merrily bounced of me, but he hit exactly as I fired my last AP and it missed. JT88 finished him off. We advanced to get the Tiger, who looked stock or nearly so. I hit him with HE, then killed him with the same after the JT88 got in a few licks. I had 2 rounds remaining.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Only tier ten mediums have APCR as standard ammo. Most of the tier tens have HEAT as their gold ammo, except for the US TDs, and the Maus, 50B, and IS-7. APCR is better for a given penetration value than AP because it negates more angle, HEAT is worse because it negates less.

The only time I've fired gold in pubs and didn't immediately go oh crap, I left my clan wars kit on this tank, I was grinding my T30 to a T110E4, and I had gold lying around from when the T30 was a tier ten so I fired gold to get rid of it even though it wasn't much more effective. Anything that should pen did anyway. I can't say how often people using gold is because the only armor I really count on is the really thick stuff like on a Maus, and when I get a good position with that I can bounce even Object 268 gold.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Jub »

I'm liking this game so far, the tutorial is helpful for getting you started and I've got a 59% win rate over my first two dozen games.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Just wait till the end of the tutorial...that Premium Stuart is SO worth it. :D
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Jub »

Just got it, it prints some decent coin.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

The 100% crew is the real draw of that tank for me. It's going to be your first really good crew, and when you get to tier five you can easily be at 40% repair, which is a huge help, and you can retrain them with credits and they'll be 80%, which is better than the best non-gold you can get, and it'll have all the repair skill you got playing on the Stuart. Definitely consider that if you're going Russian.