Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

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Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Justforfun000 »


You can't make this shit up... ... -to-church

Christian leader wants to tax atheists for not going to church
It's not the title of an Onion article. It's not humor at all. Right here, in the United States of America, a prominent Christian leader is calling for taxes on people who do not go to church. Bryan Fisher, of the American Family Association, had this to say during his radio show:

“Because after all, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people,” the radio host explained. “We know that going to church is good for you, it’s good for your health. So we are going to mandate that you go to church for your own health and we are going to tax the atheists who don’t go to church.”

Bryan Fisher has slid down his own slippery slope into pathetic fatuity. How does one begin to consider this rationally? It really does sound like comedy. Of course, America was founded on the Enlightenment concept that religion is a private matter, and the government must never make a law respecting an establishment of religion. The idea of taxing atheists for not being religious is absurd, unconstitutional, and histrionic.

Beyond the obvious absurdity, we must also look at the claim that going to church is good for you. It's a highly suspect assertion, on a number of levels. To begin with, the United States is uniquely religious in the First World, and also uniquely dysfunctional when it comes to things like STI transmission, teen motherhood, sex crimes, and other "moral crimes." We are a nation in which 4 out of 10 people believe the earth is 6000 to 10,000 years old, and evangelicals occupy positions of governmental power in most states, and churches receive not only tax exemption but government subsidies. Why hasn't all our church-going behavior produced a top-notch first world nation?

There are studies here and there which point to health and social benefits from going to church. What they fail to account for is the social stigma of not going to church. In countries where atheism is the norm, atheists are the most healthy and socially accepted. Why wouldn't we expect Christians in America to be healthier and happier, when atheists are generally perceived as the worst kind of people, and are often ostracized by friends, family, and work mates?

Christians who cite these studies conveniently leave out the fact that the benefits are not from going to church, specifically. Instead, they are most likely to come from the simple act of forming social clubs. Humans are social animals, and we are healthier and happier when we belong to social groups. Across the world, it is the same. People who are accepted socially are healthy and happy. It doesn't matter what kind of social club it is. It could be church, and it could be the weekly beer club "down at pub."

Most importantly, even if it were demonstrated that there was an objective benefit to going to church (and this is a very big "if"), the government is still prohibited by the constitution from mandating attendance. Daily exercise is beneficial beyond any shadow of a doubt, and we would likely consider armed rebellion if we were roused each morning for state mandated calisthenics. This is not about church, or calisthenics. It's about sour grapes from the Christian Theocrats whose idea of a godly utopia is ignoring at all costs Jesus' mandate to sell all they own and give to the poor.

Political grandstanding is one thing. It's always been done, and to some degree, we just have to live with it. Even so, religion has no place in this discussion. The government has the right to tax. The government has the right to address matters of public health and welfare. The government does not, in any sense of the word, have any right to dictate that anyone attend a church service for any reason at all. The fact that it's been suggested, even in half-jest, should be a shocking wake-up call for anyone who still believes religion isn't intruding into government.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Mr Bean »

I'm pretty sure this was already posted at some point, it is from a June speech in a July article after all.

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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Justforfun000 »

Oops. Sorry. Someone just posted it on Facebook. Assumed it was current. :wink:
You have to realize that most Christian "moral values" behaviour is not really about "protecting" anyone; it's about their desire to send a continual stream of messages of condemnation towards people whose existence offends them. - Darth Wong alias Mike Wong

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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Grumman »

I've got to ask: how can people read this and think he's serious? He's attacking the ACA. He's not actually saying the ACA is a good idea, and that his idea's a good extension of the ACA.

You can consider it mediocre satire if you wish, but it's still satire and not a serious suggestion.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Alyeska »

He is attacking the ACA, but I have no doubt he thinks this should be done anyway.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Skgoa »

How do you come to that conclussion?
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Channel72 »

“Because after all, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people,” the radio host explained. “We know that going to church is good for you, it’s good for your health. So we are going to mandate that you go to church for your own health and we are going to tax the atheists who don’t go to church.”
This is obviously satire, along the lines of "A Modest Proposal". It's just not that clever.

I don't understand why this isn't obvious. Satire isn't that hard to identify, even if it's coming from someone who is advocating a position you don't like.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by General Zod »

I think it just shows that right wingers can't make a political joke that isn't ham-fisted and staggeringly lame. I'm sure there's more than a handful of them that would seriously think it's a good idea though.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Alyeska »

Skgoa wrote:How do you come to that conclussion?
He advocates kidnapping children from gay parents and using an underground railroad to get them out of the country.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Channel72 »

Anyway, here's a better equally lame attempt at biting satire:

Since the United States has a lower life expectancy than the United Arab Emirates, we should probably tax anyone who doesn't attend mosque.

Or maybe we should tax people who DO attend church, considering that US life expectancy rates are lower than Sweden and Canada, where far fewer people attend church regularly.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by JLTucker »

Channel72 wrote:
“Because after all, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people,” the radio host explained. “We know that going to church is good for you, it’s good for your health. So we are going to mandate that you go to church for your own health and we are going to tax the atheists who don’t go to church.”
This is obviously satire, along the lines of "A Modest Proposal". It's just not that clever.

I don't understand why this isn't obvious. Satire isn't that hard to identify, even if it's coming from someone who is advocating a position you don't like.
Poe's Law. I didn't see it as satire until I read this thread. There are insane fundamentalists out there and given the AFA, I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude this isn't satire.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by LadyTevar »

With the current state of the GOP and the Religious Right? Yeah, this was too close to the truth to be recognized as Satire.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Ahriman238 »

Ever since Palin, I try not to make assumptions about what Republican politicians do and don't know about the laws and traditions of the country, or the powers and duties of their offices.

And if I don't extend that much credit to people whose everyday jobs involve these things, why would I expect a whacked-out fundie leader to know these things?
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Channel72 wrote:
“Because after all, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people,” the radio host explained. “We know that going to church is good for you, it’s good for your health. So we are going to mandate that you go to church for your own health and we are going to tax the atheists who don’t go to church.”
This is obviously satire, along the lines of "A Modest Proposal". It's just not that clever.

I don't understand why this isn't obvious. Satire isn't that hard to identify, even if it's coming from someone who is advocating a position you don't like.
No, this is a case of satire and fundamentalism being indistinguishable, unless you know the background of the person speaking. This is Bryan Fisher of the AFA (an anti-gay Hate Group, as designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center). Known for seriously proposing such things as:

1) AIDS is caused by drug use, not HIV

2) No religious liberty for non-christians "Mormonism is not an orthodox Christian faith. It just is not ... It's very clear that the Founding Fathers did not intend to preserve automatically religious liberty for non-Christian faiths."

3) Kidnapping the children of gay parents.

4) Homosexuality is domestic terrorism

5) Gays are responsible for the holocaust (despite 200 thousand of us being murdered in the camps, and the, ironically, many were then kept in prison by US and british authorities after the war to serve the remainder of their prison terms under german law, even though the Nazis repealed Germany's recent decriminalization.)

6) Gay and being bullied? Serves them right for being perverts

7) muslims, convert or die: "So we say to them, look, if you don’t want our missionaries, fine, that’s your choice, we’ll take our missionaries and our Marines, we’ll take them home, but we’re going to let you know we have no hesitation about returning with lethal force if the forces in your country threaten us again. This time it’s Marines and missionaries, next time it’ll be Marines and missiles."

8) a (serious) anti-bear crusade: "One human being is worth more than an infinite number of grizzly bears. Another way to put it is that there is no number of live grizzlies worth one dead human being. If it’s a choice between grizzlies and humans, the grizzlies have to go. And it’s time."

Among many other terrible terrible things.

He might well be attacking AHCA. On the other hand, he WOULD like to tax atheists. In fact, I am pretty sure he would like to tax or expel all non-christians from the US.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Channel72 »

All right - well, since 3 people disagree with me here I suppose it isn't as obvious as I thought. But I still think it's pretty easy to identify as satire - not because I think there's really any limit to fundamentalist insanity these days (Poe's law and all), but the way he writes it pretty much gives it away as tounge-in-cheek:
Because after all, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people
The way I read that is:
Because after all *wink wink nudge nudge*, Obamacare is all about improving the health of the American people
If this isn't satire or sarcasm, I'd be shocked that a fundamentalist is actually willing to even entertain the thought that Obamacare is remotely associated with improving anything.

The bit about taxing atheists just follows from that sarcasm, as a (perhaps half-serious, but for the moment sarcastic) proposal.
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Re: Taxing Atheists..oh THIS is rich..

Post by Irbis »

He might be (half) serious, but if opportunity to sign this would ever presented itself to that man, he would stamp it so hard he would dent his writing desk.
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