Lagmonster wrote:If he has a gun, I'm reasonably certain that neither running nor fighting is an option. He might be a twelve-year old in a wheelchair, and I'm pretty sure I'm still fucked so long as he can see with both eyes and has one working arm. In fact, what I keep hearing in public safety seminars is "if they have a gun, give them whatever they want and hope they go away", which only serves to tell me that the missing variable in that recurring "1) X 2) ??? 3) Profit!" meme is the word "guns".
You would be surprised how terrible many people (even cops and military) are with a pistol. Hitting a moving target, even when practiced, is a difficult task. If you can manage 10mph perpendicular to the shooter, he'll be relying on luck more than anything to hit you. You can find video of shoot-outs between cops and criminals taking place at less than 10 feet and with more than 20 rounds fired resulting in no hits. I spoke with one cop at a shooting match who, during a foot-chase, an officer he was with got hit in the head with a bullet (and died) fired from a fleeing criminal. The criminal literally just reached over his own head, and fired blindly while still running.
There's been more than a few reports (some even posted here) of something like "Marine brings knife to gun-fight and wins." Up close, pistols can be grabbed and fought over. At range, they aren't that great (that's why we invented rifles and carbines with 3 points of contact). They are still extremely deadly, but they aren't an automatic win button.
On a kind of "heh" sidenote, there was a report released (by the FBI, I think) a few years back claiming mortalities with handguns had gone down in the commission of violent crimes because gang-bangers and petty criminals took to firing their guns sideways as they had seen in some "Boyz in the Hood" style movie.
Jub wrote:I understand that banning guns isn't going to magically get rid of them. You'd need to implement other changes and do it over time while trying to change the underlying culture. However, just with a blanket removal of guns from law abiding citizens, you remove Joe Average's ability to shoot up a movie theater or a school.
The problem is kids like with Columbine who were relying on their bombs to do most of the work (and would increased the death toll from the dozens to hundreds if they had exploded). Oh yea, and if cops and school administrators had taken the evidence seriously and their parents hadn't been blind idiots, the whole thing would have been avoided. You can also find numerous
incidents of multiple
stabbing fatalities. I can dig up many more. The key to these is surprise. Yes, I could likely fight off or run from a similar sized attacker (even with my damaged back) armed with a knife, but not if he's already grabbed hold of me and started stabbing before I know what's going on. Other people in the area may have no fucking clue what's happening until a few more people get stabbed.
You can't stop bad
shit like this happening by banning whatever weapon was used in a particular attack. You have to start by doing a better job identifying high-risk people because they're going to find a way to get the job done.