That's not the standard. Imminent lawless action means imminent; you can be prosecuted for getting up in front of a mob at City Hall and calling on them to burn it down right now, but even calls for illegal action at some unspecified future time are protected under U.S. constitutional law. You cannot judge whether speech is protected or not based on other people's reactions to it; this amounts to the heckler's veto and encourages violent reaction to speech people disagree with because it will get the authorities to muzzle the speaker, which hands a veto on speech to the most dangerous and least tolerant members of society - in short, it empowers hyperbelligerent thugs like those who rioted and stormed the embassies because it accomplishes what they want.Broomstick wrote:Nope, not moral, legal. The Supreme Court does not dictate morality, it decides legality. The decision was that the right to free speech is not unlimited and society does have a right to limit it to prevent "clear and present danger". The precedent was set. You can not use your first amendment rights to instigate a riot or uprising.Col. Crackpot wrote:a reactionary supreme court decision from the 1910's against the red menace? That is your moral justification? Really Broomstick?
Also, it was not "against the red menace" but rather for encouraging insubordination against the draft during a time of war. It was later used in the anti-commie scare, but the actual court case was about encouraging draft resistance. This was further refined in 1969 to the "imminent lawless action" standard, which bars speech that is intended to incite lawlessness or violence that is both imminent and likely.
This is not morality, it is the US law as it currently stands.
Making a movie that deliberately insults the prophet Mohammed with the intention of grievously offending Muslims, then posting it on the internet, would predictably lead to violent and lawless action. Thus, I say, based on what evidence I have, that this movie does not rest under the protection of the First Amendment and is not protected speech.
That said, the filmmaker is still a gigantic douchecanoe, but making the film isn't illegal. Several other things they did, especially those related to maintaining false identities, might be depending exactly on what was done, but the content value of the film doesn't make it criminal.