Zadius wrote:Bull-fucking-shit! A drawing is not a provocation you unbelievable fuck! It's a drawing!! I guess, in order not to provoke them, I have to adopt their beliefs and revere what they revere, huh?
Islam forbid their followers from depicting Muhammad in any way, not even in a glorious manner. If they can be offended by a positive portrayal of their prophet, what sort of reaction do you think will happen if you draw a cartoon openly mocking him?
In their view, there is no reason why they should agree with you that a drawing isn't an open provocation.
If a drawing can collapse an emerging democratic society back into anarchy, then I guess they're fucked. Luckily, I don't believe that.
An emerging democratic society is an extremely fragile society. Furthermore, there is no reason to assume that an emerging democratic society in the middle east will even share the same western values and attitude towards religion.
These fanatics are getting violent precisely because the opposite is true. They are seeing their society becoming ever more secular, and so they ratchet up their outrage. If they were confident in the power of Islamic fundamentalism they would consider a slight criticism or irreverence toward their religion as inconsequential.
At the end, you are just making it even easier for the fundamentalist to gain more influence. The more they can make an argument to the common Joe about how the western nations are disrespecting their culture and customs, the easier they can find people who are willingly to flock to their banners.
Right, because drawing a picture is an abuse of my right to freedom of speech. What fucking planet are you from and why do you allow radical Islamists define what is abusive?
Try telling that to the families of the people killed as a result of all the cartoons and movies mocking Muhammad.
This isn't about Muslims getting pissed off at the cartoonist actions. This is about people are getting killed as a result of those cartoonist. This is something you seems to be ignoring.
My existence provokes some Muslims. These aren't choices. My simple existence and the fact that I am an Atheist would offend a significant number of Muslims.
We should not limit our freedoms based on the actions of the lowest common denominator. If that were the case, we would have no freedoms.
There is a difference. Us being Atheist will cause some Muslims to dislike us, but not necessary make them want to kill us and our fellow countrymen.
Mocking and insulting their religion outright is going to cause a violence response.
I do believe in the right to criticize religion, but not at the expense of getting people killed. I do not believe having blood on my hands is worth the price of doing what I believe in.
Humans are such funny creatures. We are selfish about selflessness, yet we can love something so much that we can hate something.