Jub wrote:I also don't really care about convincing that Libyan of anything. It's unlikely that I could convince him of anything anyway.
And that is why you fail. You accuse muslims of being closed-minded and violent, and dismiss even the possibility of opening a dialog out of hand.
Cute, you're implying that a large enough fraction of soldiers deployed are not innocent with those quotes. You're also implying that these people are too stupid to understand that one soldier doesn't speak for all soldiers.
One of the major problems with conflicts like Vietnam and Iraq is that the enemy the soldiers are fighting blend in with the rest of the populace. A guerilla fighter who just planted an IED looks exactly like an ordinary citizen who just wants to go about their day.
On the flip side, the war criminal soldiers who kill civilians and take pieces of the corpses as trophies look identical to the normal soldiers who just want to finish their tour and go home.
When you are living under a military occupation, how much are you going to trust the average soldier when you have no way of knowing whether the soldier you are dealing with will let you go about your day, or if they'd just as soon shoot you and dump your corpse in a ditch?
I'm glad you liked my example enough to use it. If you accept that these people are so dense as to act like an abused dog then you admit there is very little that we can do to reason with them. If they are people then we should expect them to conduct themselves as such and listen to reason.
Lus brought up the abused dog analogy, in response to your rabid dog analogy. I corrected your strange misconception that any creature who has been abused will be able to distinguish their abuser from something else that just looks and acts like their abuser.
If a man in a Hawaiian shirt were to show up and beat you within an inch of your life every day, you will very quickly learn to not trust people wearing Hawaiian shirts, and will probably either run away or lash out whenever you see someone wearing one approach. It would take a great deal of therapy to unlearn that reaction to Hawaiian shirts, and anyone who wears one around you while knowing your condition is irresponsible at best, and an asshole intentionally interfering with your recovery at worst.
If you are at all interested in helping people in the Middle East, realize that you are actively preventing this from happening every time you say muslims should "just get over" whatever the latest insult it, regardless of the severity of that insult. The only message that sort of arrogance conveys is that you approve of the insult. The only way we can improve our relationship with the people of that region is if the volume of the outcry denouncing the hate speech is louder than the volume of the hate speech itself.
If you are not interested in helping people in the Middle East, please let us know so we can stop pretending that this is about nebulous freedoms as opposed to just plain racism.
Jub wrote:Also I don't hate all followers of Islam, I've attacked the ones that kill innocent people and the governments that are too weak to keep terrorist cells from carrying out attacks against civilian targets.
And yet you dismiss a completely imaginary muslim out of hand. I pose a hypothetical of a generic muslim and point out the problems they might have with the attitudes in this thread and others like them, and ask you to explain why he should withhold his judgement, and your mind immediately defaults to him being too stupid, arrogant, violent, stubborn, and/or uncivilized to be worthy of even attempting a dialog.