Akhlut wrote:The grand majority of protests have been peaceful and haven't had much in the way of death threats.
I've only criticized the violent protests, of which there have been many over the last few decades. I defend their right to protest peacefully.
And, like I've been saying since I've joined this conversation, there's a lot of residual anger at the West because, goddamn, Western nations have been fucking monsters to Dar al-Islam for the past two centuries.
Iran, for instance, had been dealing with the British trying to subjugate their nation for oil interests since the early 20th century and had to deal with the Shah's secret police force brutalizing people just so the British could have an oil monopoly in Iran. That led directly to Ayatollah Khomeini leading the Iranian Revolution, which led to the current state of affairs.
Christ on a cracker, are you people completely unable to see the historical context of things, or are you just that angry that there are brown people who get pissed off at how white people treat them?
I know the history. I accept that there is a lot of anger in the Muslim world over past and present actions of Western powers, I just don't accept that as an excuse or even a complete explanation for the current tensions. Religion has a lot to do with it, and criticism of religion is at least as important as criticism of Western foreign policies and attitudes. I've engaged in both: I was for the right to build a mosque near ground zero and against the banning of headdresses in France and other European countries. I defended American Congressman Kieth Ellison's right to swear in on the Koran as long as others can swear in on the Bible. I'm pretty consistently for freedom of religion. I'm also not anti-Muslim at all. I'm for a two-state solution in Palestine and consider Israel to be the biggest hindrance to peace, I was against the Iraq war, but I was for the deposition of Hussein, Qaddafi, Mubarak, Ben Ali, and Saleh. And yes, although I wasn't alive then, the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran also (I'm also hopeful that the Ayatollahs will be overthrown soon, because they aren't any better). I support their right to self-determination in their own countries. So, don't try to paint me as an ignoramus who simply hates brown people. That's a cheap attack.
Akhlut wrote:Zadius wrote:Even if it were true that sex with 9-year-olds was completely normal back then, it's interesting that Allah apparently didn't consider it important to correct that behavior. Perhaps Mohammad could have led a jihad against child sexual abuse rather than a jihad against infidels. I mean, isn't a prophet supposed to be better than that?
And if secular humanists really did care about respecting human beings, wouldn't they argue that petty shit like insulting people's religious beliefs is fucking stupid when it would be better to spend money on providing education, healthcare, or one of a billion other important things rather than on producing a movie used to bash Islam or draw a bunch of satirical cartoons? Because all I'm seeing from your side of the argument is that the cartoonists and video producers were well-justified in making petty, banal, and asinine media rather than actually engaging in helpful behavior.
Criticizing religious beliefs in not petty. Organized religion is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. I'm all in favor of providing education and health care, but religion is a huge hindrance to those things; I'm sure you're aware of it. I've also mocked the pope for claiming that condoms increase the chances of contracting HIV. Is that petty, banal, or asinine? If your complaint is that the cartoonists and video producers are not making constructive criticisms, I might well agree because some of them aren't making a strong case; the stupid ones tend to be made by Christian fanatics, by the way. But you know as well as I do that it wouldn't make any difference to the people who feel insulted enough to riot. They don't accept
any criticism, however mild. Theo van Gogh was murdered for making a movie about the oppression of women in the Islamic world, for example.
If a video or cartoon makes invalid arguments against Islam or any other topic, criticize it for being stupid. Don't criticize it merely for the fact that it insults or mocks, or because it incites, because that shuts down
all criticism, good
and bad, and yes, satire and ridicule can be valid forms of critique. And for fuck's sake, definitely don't go to the extreme of saying that they are partly to
blame for any violence that occurs in response.