Darth Sciguy wrote:
First, The Rule of Two was set to make sure that each apprentice is stronger then the master by having the apprentice defeat the master in a one on one battle and this is how the apprentice becomes a Master, however Darth Sidious doesn't do this he kills his master in his sleep so that means he never defeated his master and never became a true master.
Well, firstly, Plagueis did have an opportunity to defend himself, but was so confident in his immortality he just sat there and dared Sidious to kill him. I don't imagine how Palpatine could just...force him to fight?
Secondly, Palpatine outsmarted Plagueis. That's a certain kind of superiority.
Second, Masters are supposed to train their apprentices to one day take over by killing them however Darth Sidious used his apprentices and during the movies it seemed he never really cared. The fact that him and Vader lived side by side for many years with out a challenge is proof.
Sidious could never have foreseen Vader getting disfigured. Had Vader not been injured, he surely would have surpassed Palpatine, and the dark lord knew it. He even says it to Yoda in RotS.
Crazedwraith wrote:
As to Force Lightning, I've never notcied the EU over state its lethality.
It overstates its lethality by at least several orders of magnitude. I don't have quotes with me at the moment, but there are instances where Sidious simultaneously kills fifty armored clones through force lightening, and another where he turns several dark side practitioners into charred
ash. Revan also does the same by redirecting lightning from a powerful sith lord.