World of Tanks Mark 2

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Jub »

The Centurion is a pretty amazing tank. I love the fact that it's a medium with a gun that takes no prisoners.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

I really really like the Caernarvon. It's got low damage, yes. It's also got armor and penetration on the scale that let me trade fire with an E-50M and T110E5 and take 18 hits and only get burned down quick when they rushed me.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Jub »

I like the British tanks overall. Great accuracy, good refire rates, and low enough profiles that they can hide in some pretty nifty spots.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Nephtys »

I'm very surprised they're adding HESH rounds for the lategame British medium rifled guns. That's very interesting. A gold ammo type that doesn't enhance penetration, but increases potential damage, and offering HE-style 'consolation prize' damage?

Combined with the new 'gold ammo for credits' thing, this could be quite interesting in mixing up the game. I've always wanted the game to be less Heavy Tank centric, and now allowing mediums to more actively engage them is a good thing. Now, if only they'd fix arty...
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

The HESH rounds are very interesting because they're actually more skill dependent than normal shells rather than regular gold shells being something to help out folks who don't know weaknesses and basically easy mode for the gun to some degree. 212 pen that gets ruined by tracks and skirts and spaced armor is very gunnery dependent and very interesting. What they do to batchats and other frenchies borders on the scatological, but other than that they aren't an end all be all thing to run instead of normal AP like gold usually is, instead it's an interesting extra choice and something that requires active thought. I wonder how the balance effects will be though.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Simon_Jester »

Do they have APDS for the 17-pounder? Is it wildly inaccurate? :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by wautd »

Didn't have time to install the new content yet, because my recently pimped out Hellcat is so much fun to use now. The 90mm is such a great gun to snipe with.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by PeZook »

So, I am right on the brink of getting enough XP for a KV-1S, I'll need just a tad bit more of a grind to get the M6 Heavy, or I could try and deal with the suddenly painful A-20 to get the T-34.

Or buy the T20 i have unlocked a while ago, and I'm kind of stuck making that decision :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

xthetenth wrote:I really really like the Caernarvon. It's got low damage, yes. It's also got armor and penetration on the scale that let me trade fire with an E-50M and T110E5 and take 18 hits and only get burned down quick when they rushed me.
The Caernarvon's probably my favourite tank in the list so far. It's a relentless hose of tank exploding fury.

Churchill I is probably #2 on the list, for it bestrides tier 5 like a giant drunken Englishman. The Cromwell's a blast to drive, but is a medium so I've no idea what I'm doing.

Simon: The 17pdr MkVII has APDS as gold rounds. However, accuracy is a function of gun rather than ammo, so they're quite effective, which the Black Prince *desperately* needs. It's only barely a T7 gun otherwise.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I'm loving all the Brit tanks. They are actually slightly edging out the German tanks on my favorite list now (aside from my precious 3601 anyway). :D

Though I think my favorite of the bunch is the Centurion (both marks). Like Jub said...a medium with a dangerous (if painfully slow, then again I'm not used to anything above T7 in that regard) gun.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Lictuel »

PeZook wrote:So, I am right on the brink of getting enough XP for a KV-1S, I'll need just a tad bit more of a grind to get the M6 Heavy, or I could try and deal with the suddenly painful A-20 to get the T-34.

Or buy the T20 i have unlocked a while ago, and I'm kind of stuck making that decision :D
I don't have a M6 nor T20 but I do have a kv-1s and t-34-85, and i have to say get the kv-1s if you like brawlers. Once you upgrade it, it becomes a beast, quite fast for a heavy and with the 122mm you got a gun that HURTS :mrgreen: . Granted the ammo cost is rather high (~1k) and you need to get the upgrades first, but damn its fun once you have it. I skipped half the A-20 using free-xp to be honest... it just sucked to much. Though i heard it was buffed in 8.0 ?.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I only played the A-20 pre-8.0 and it did suck back then. Apparently it STILL sucks though.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by PeZook »

It was buffed a bit, but the game still insists scouting is a viable thing for a tier IV light in matches full of tier VIII heavies. Maybe I just suck at scouting...but on the other hand, when the tiering isn't so brutal I do okay and sometimes even exceptionally.

Maybe you just need modules and a good crew to work in those high-tier matches, but come the fuck on, I'm not going to be spending a million credits to pimp out a tank I just want to get rid of ASAP!
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Supposedly the A-20 (suitably upgraded) is one of the fastest tanks in the game. Problem is of course, that near T-50 speed doesn't mean much when its bigger and no where near as maneuverable. Personally I just concentrated on getting the thing gone, I didn't go for the upgrades. Still painful as all get out though.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Nephtys »

A-20 is effectively slower than it's predecessors, BT-7 and BT-2. It's got higher topspeed, but worse groundpressure and worse power to weight ratio. It also bleeds speed faster on turns, and... well. I hated it. I found it the worst tank I've ever driven, next to the AMX-40.

It's uselessly armed, uselessly armored, and not really very fast. So what's the point?
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Commander 598 »

PeZook wrote:It was buffed a bit, but the game still insists scouting is a viable thing for a tier IV light in matches full of tier VIII heavies. Maybe I just suck at scouting...but on the other hand, when the tiering isn't so brutal I do okay and sometimes even exceptionally.
If you luck out and manage to find a nice piece of cover with a view and have a team smart enough to capitalize on your scouting before being oneshotted, it can kick ass. Problem is that's a lot of ifs.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Nephtys wrote:A-20 is effectively slower than it's predecessors, BT-7 and BT-2. It's got higher topspeed, but worse groundpressure and worse power to weight ratio. It also bleeds speed faster on turns, and... well. I hated it. I found it the worst tank I've ever driven, next to the AMX-40.

It's uselessly armed, uselessly armored, and not really very fast. So what's the point?
That's why I said 'supposedly faster' :P

And I honestly preferred the AMX 40 to the A-20. At least the former could survive more than one hit. :P
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Mr Bean »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Supposedly the A-20 (suitably upgraded) is one of the fastest tanks in the game. Problem is of course, that near T-50 speed doesn't mean much when its bigger and no where near as maneuverable. Personally I just concentrated on getting the thing gone, I didn't go for the upgrades. Still painful as all get out though.
Problem is everything the A-20 can do something like the T-50, Panzer III or M5 can do better. Even forward speed is lacking because the A-20 suffers from hard acceleration problems when you need to reverse or you hit an object you just can't run over the slightly faster top speed does not make up for a T-50's or M5's higher torque to get back up to speed.

And lets not forget the hit or miss nature of arming a A-20, do I want to arm the great artillery killer the SH-37 autocanon or the slow 76mm L11 which lets me hurt some Tier 6's but nothing compared to the SH-37 which has a hard time killing Tier IV's even if it's super murder VS tier II's and Tier III's.

Meanwhile the Germans have the 50mm L/60 which offers comparable penetration and almost three times the firing rate and the Russians and Brits have the 6pdr with even better penetration and firing rate.

That extra 2-8 km/h does not show up the first time you hit anything but flat land. I've see "slower" Panzer III's blow past me on certain maps because we are both going up a 15 degree hill and his pw/ratio is better.

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Like I said, 'supposedly' amongst the fastest :P

Honestly, I didn't find it that speedy or good at scouting when I played it. I had far more fun with the PzIII and III/IV than I ever had with the A-20. And yes, getting the right gun can get annoying.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

It could be worse. I'm pretty sure the Valentine gets scout matchmaking. What. The. Fuck.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I take your Valentine and raise you a Pz38nA. :P

No seriously...maybe it gets better, but stock that thing is just PURE PAIN. Not fast or agile enough to scout (and horrid armor), and bringing a Tier II gun to a party with anywhere from T6 to T8 tanks. Like I said...PAIN.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

My god, the ARL 44 with the stock turret is horrific. Cannot wait to get the upgraded one.
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:I take your Valentine and raise you a Pz38nA. :P

No seriously...maybe it gets better, but stock that thing is just PURE PAIN. Not fast or agile enough to scout (and horrid armor), and bringing a Tier II gun to a party with anywhere from T6 to T8 tanks. Like I said...PAIN.
It doesn't get any better.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Then I'm glad I ditched it in favor of the PzIII. :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

The Pz38nA has the great virtue of being very good for finding a good bush, driving there and (hopefully) getting a significant amount of xp while making a drink because it's tiny. Other than that I can't think of much.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Vanas wrote:It could be worse. I'm pretty sure the Valentine gets scout matchmaking. What. The. Fuck.
The prem valentine doesn't have scout MM, it did at one point but they took two years to realize that it wasn't a T-50. The NEW valentine on the test server gets something like scout MM, but does have a 6pounder though it is no faster and it's armor is still useless above Tier5. However it won't need the premium valentine similar MM values, only slightly reduced from the other Tier 4 lights.

As for the Brit tree, especially the heavies, fuck that grind. So far the medium tree looks more promising, but I doubt it will survive TEST2 with any of what makes special (admittedly not played as much of the medium tree). Ok the Caernavon is the least bad of the lot of heavies, being the best mix of having some useful armor, a good gun, and pretty nice mobility. But I can't imagine the slow tanks I'd have to grind to get there.

Totally going to pickup a fun tank, maybe the KV-1s with the free brit tree space.