Before I start, you should just go read my stance in the thread I linked but I'll touch on your points here.
Solauren wrote:Force Lightning:
The ROTS Novelization makes it very clear that Mace Windu was killed by Sidious's Force Lightning attack once he was no longer defending against it. Sidious gets up, fries him, tosses him out the Window, and Mace dies while falling. He 'Falls forever'.
Yeah, that is the most ambiguous line ever. If that kind of metaphorical line is something you consider "clear" I'm not sure I should read the rest.
Since the only injuries he sustained were a caterized lightsaber wound (non-lethal), and from Force Lightning, and he died, simple logic dictacts that the Force Lightning killed him.
Uh, simple logic dictates he died when he hit the fucking ground.
Are you kidding me?
Recall the other instances we've seen Force Lightning on screen:
AoTC: Dooku does not have a chance to use an extended Force Lightning attack on anyone. He never gets the chance to kill with Force Lightning.
Very true and the damage from the attack is clearly caused by the secondary effect of the throw Dooku used to bash Anakin into the wall. Even if the throw part is an effect of the FL, it was still the impact that hurt Anakin, not the actual lightning strike. So, clearly one of the most powerful Jedi ever can't kill a completely unaware victim with a burst of lightning.
RotJ: The Emperor is clearly torturing Luke with the initial lightning attacks. He's drawing things out. "Young Fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand." (Lightning) "You're feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side." (Lightning) "You have paid the price for your lack of vision" (Lightning, Luke clearly in shit loads of pain). "And now, young Skywalker, you will die." (Lightning starts to ramp up).
Yup, and then Luke gets up, drags his pops from the throne room, across the hanger, has a nice little conversation, then drags his pops into a shuttle and calmly pilots it down to Endor, where he proceeds to build a funeral pyre, burn pops up then goes to a party.
So you are saying that even when the most powerful Sith Lord ever decides it's time for a newly minted Jedi to die and then proceeds to "ramp up" the FL and then shoots the most lightning at the strongest level for the longest time we see on screen... it still does nothing but mildly inconvenience Luke after the lightning stops.
At that point, Vader intervines, and the Emperor really turns up the power (at least that's what it looks like). He doesn't have enough time to cook Vader or Luke and kill them immediately. Vader dies a short time later from his injuries, and Luke (in the EU), requires medical treatment.
Yeah, and you have to add EU nonsense into it to give FL any teeth at all. Even then, it merely requires medical treatment, what, like, weeks later?
In short, we've only seen on time in the movies where someone is actually allowed to kill with Force Lightning.
And he kills one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the galaxy with it.
Well according to you, it's twice. Pick one.
That aside, Vader is a cyborg that has a dependence on his electric suit to keep him alive. EVEN THEN, the suit is still working.
Oh look how powerful and lethal FL is!!!
Sorry, as I said in my thread on it, Force Lightning is a torture device and nothing more, UNLESS coupled with another force of effect, it is only that.
Force Lightning CAN kill. It doesn't mean that it always does. It appears to take both a desire to kill your opponent (and not just torture them/injure them), and it takes a sustained attack. One little blast is not going to kill someone (outside of video games), you have to cook the bastard.
Too much water can kill. Too much oxygen can kill. That doesn't mean either are 'lethal', and sorry but you prime example of Luke disproves you theory that it takes a sustained attack, unless you would like to show me a more sustained attack than what Palpatine unleashed on Luke AFTER he, even according to you, mashed the "ramp up" button.
Perhaps it would be best to view Force Lightning as a controlled cumulative damage attack? Like a Gou'ald Zat gun? (One shot stuns, 2 shots kill, 3 shots disintegrate).
Uh, no. I think that would be fucking stupid. We see what it does on screen, which trumps any EU sources, even novelizations, and it is not lethal in any single event.