Havok wrote:The written and drawn EU is just utter garbage and this is where the problem lies that I hope Disney can fix.
How has that worked out for Marvel?
(No really honest question, since I don't follow comics anymore)
For me I'm rather surprised that George Lucas has sold, just didn't seem like him. I wonder too if there's something in his life that made it seem like a needed thing to do.
Dunno about the copyright hounds of Disney. Again all I can ask is to look and see if they've been death on Marvel fan works or not to compare.
The immediate thing is The Clone Wars and what a (possible) transition to Disney XD would bring. I'm not exactly hopeful there given past experience with that channel but then I haven't watched it for a couple years so maybe it's not too bad. I remember the lower-third ad crap is annoying, do they still do that? And content wise how do the shows make out? Would some of the current stuff on TCW (like the lightsaber stabbings and some of the blaster shots) survive Disney XD's version of BS&P?
I'm not even going to worry about the movies right now, as it's too far into the future that all you can do is guess. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is pretty good though, so I don't see why a new Star Wars Movie Universe (or whatever) can't follow in their footsteps.
As for the EU, meh. It's like the whole Star Trek reboot thing: the books and comics still exist, Disney isn't going around to burn every copy of them. If the "canon" gets rewritten, BFD. Most of it was shit anyway and for me I just operate on a "keep the shit I like, ditch what I hated *goddamn TFU!*" approach when it comes to continuity. New movies won't change that; I'll always cherish The Thrawn Trilogy no matter what the new 'G-Canon' says.