World of Tanks Mark 2

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Zinegata »

My response to a lost battle where I did very well tends to be "I did my duty -_-".

Yes, I'm bitter about those lost victories.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

Nephtys wrote: I play American Mediums and heavies all the way to 9/10. Cover is life. It's satisfying as you maneuver around reverse slopes, seeking them out with experience and a sharp eye, minimizing your profile as you squeeze off shots at chumps that've exposed themselves. That's not camping, it's using smart cover and mobility. Only an idiot bumrushes open fields and relies on speed to stay alive, since it doesn't work. However, this smart gameplay style is countered utterly just by an arty shell landing within a tank's length of me, stripping my tracks and wrecking the tank.

Because of this, I'm DISCOURAGED from playing cleverly. Instead, I'm encouraged to stick next to a handful of arty-shadow rocks and play corner peekaboo. Who cares if it fires one shell every 30 seconds, when even a miss can wreck a tank, and a direct hit is an instant kill at a tier where every tank can take ~60 seconds of solid fire head-on from a peer? At least when someone wants to take me out of my intelligently acquired cover, they need to play smart instead of just letting a reticle zoom in.
Been there done that on the whole US tree grind. A backhill facing away from the enemy arty is incredibly good arty cover. The trick is finding the backhills that face away from the arty and using them to your advantage. It's very easy to tell which is which if you think about the angle the arty's going to have to come in at. If you're on the steepest slope of a backhill you will very very rarely get hit. Arty exposure is a manageable risk on a very significant fraction of the area on most maps by managing spotting and cover.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Lictuel »

I haven't reached tier 10 yet, only tier 8 but i allready saw those arty parties. I really feel the problem is not the individual arty, but having roughly 50% of a match consist of them. The limit of 1 or 2 (even 3 could be okay) might make it all more bearable. As it stands i hate the high tier games in my tiger II, way too often there are to many arty pieces.

I really hope will do something about this, but I highly doubt it.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Rekkon »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:And the moment he died, he typed 'It was a trap!!'.
Heh, I had a Ferdinand say the same thing the other day. I was hiding on the west end of Seaport in my Lorraine when he came charging down the bridge. Between my shots into his flank and several heavies hitting him from the front, he had just enough time to kill his forward velocity before exploding.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

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Well, I just had an awesome moment. I was in my Type 59 on the south spawn of sand river and went to the west crossing, but ended up being alone because every other guy on my team went east and managed to die. I ended up having to drive down into the river valley to avoid an AMX 13 90 trying to flank me, and had managed to kill it when a Lorraine 40t chose to try to drive off the cliff and ram me only for me to kill it in mid-air. A Tiger then came after me and drove down into the river valley blocking my only way back up, only for me to kill it too, when all of a sudden a T95 appeared on top of the cliff above me. At this point I figured I was dead, but the T95 drove off the cliff to try and ram me only to get jammed between the cliff and a rock with neither tread touching the ground, trapped there at my mercy. I killed it, and then got swarmed by the rest of the enemy survivors and died. But it was fucking awesome.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Esquire »

Just got attacked by a couple of ELCs in my KV-1S - one of them jumped over a rise on Sand River only to be shot out of the air, and the other one crumpled against the side of my tank when it didn't stop in time. Left me feeling very awesome. :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Scottish Ninja »

We have a (somewhat) full Chinese tech tree approaching.

I'm somewhat surprised by this, given that most of the tanks on there are foreign models or variations thereof, but I guess that they're trying to appeal to the Chinese market more. It will at least be interesting to see where they go with some of these locally-produced and obviously somewhat different "tanks with Chinese characteristics", like the WZ-111s and the T-34-1 and -2.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by PeZook »

It's obviously an attempt to snag the huge Chinese market, but I don't mind. Bigger game = more money = more things happening.

I wouldn't mind them adding some Polish mediums, too, maybe as a couple premium vehicles. Yeah, I'm a whore :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

We're also getting a new American line of tanks with oscillating turrets and presumably autoloaders with 8.2. Interesting.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Scottish Ninja wrote:We have a (somewhat) full Chinese tech tree approaching.

I'm somewhat surprised by this, given that most of the tanks on there are foreign models or variations thereof, but I guess that they're trying to appeal to the Chinese market more. It will at least be interesting to see where they go with some of these locally-produced and obviously somewhat different "tanks with Chinese characteristics", like the WZ-111s and the T-34-1 and -2.
All of them except the WZ-131 line (Type 62) are foreign tanks that were historically used by the Chinese (either bought, lend lease, or in the case of the Type 97 presumably captured), or local production derivatives of foreign tanks (IS-2, T-54, and T-34-85).

Anyway, China/Southeast Asia is a big market for F2P, so it makes sense to throw in the local flavour.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Scottish Ninja »

PeZook wrote:It's obviously an attempt to snag the huge Chinese market, but I don't mind. Bigger game = more money = more things happening.

I wouldn't mind them adding some Polish mediums, too, maybe as a couple premium vehicles. Yeah, I'm a whore :D
Polish tanks should be coming eventually - we're supposed to be getting a "pan-European" tree cobbled together out of the nations that can't really put up a complete tree of their own, including countries like Italy, Poland, Sweden, and maybe a few others. Czechoslovakia, maybe, depending on how well represented WG feels it is in the German tree, though with the many copies in the Chinese tree it might be more likely.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

I think the justification for the Chinese tree is that the Chinese had a bunch of upgrades that weren't on the original tanks.

Some stuff, like the T-34-2 look really different and interesting.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Remember how were talking about a KV-1 being immune to fire from a Priest? Well I can say that the T-150 is too. :P
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by FSTargetDrone »

Zinegata wrote:My response to a lost battle where I did very well tends to be "I did my duty -_-".

Yes, I'm bitter about those lost victories.
I feel the same, especially about the close finishes or when the tide turns the other way after a bunch of people start dropping like flies because they think the game is in hand before it actually is. It makes me want to ask in chat, "We might have won if just a few more of us had not died stupidly, understand?"

Speaking of chat, I've been summarily ignoring anyone who starts talking about politics. My team or not, it turns into a pissing match and it's just irritating beyond description. I thought it would be over with the election, but it's still going on and instantly devolves into racist spew. It's becoming so bothersome at this point that I wish I could disable all enemy chat and all friendly chat that isn't hotkeyed. I'm not there to listen about how someone has a superhot girlfriend or how big his dick is. It's distracting and pushes away more important information.

That's public gaming, I guess. Oh well.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

Also, just for the record, the Chinese tank tree was almost certainly an in-house project of the Chinese server. Hence the awkward timing compared to the British. So it's pretty much Wargaming going, "So we've got Chinese tanks. If we rebalance them that's a new tree for very cheap."

Naturally people want other things but considering it's not WG proper doing it...

Amusingly everyone wants something different and the people who presume to speak for the entire server universally want the German TD line and maybe the mediums.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Nephtys »

I want the terrible awkward superheavy landbattleships. So we can have a little fight under the guns of the Char 1C, TOG 2 and FCM-50. In before Ratte.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Imperial528 »

Fuck Ratte, I want me some arty:

But then, I'm limiting myself to the 'Murican tree right now, so what craziness did we come up with after the war....


Oh yeah....
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Zinegata »

I still want to see a Ratte someday. Just so we can finally have some newbies go "That hill wasn't there before" while the vets go "That's no hill..." :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Imperial528 »

"What's that big metal bunker over there?"
"Why's it moving?"
*Meanwhile, all vet tanks are looking for landmasses to hide behind or rushing to get underneath the Ratte itself*
"Wait are those guns-"

It would be fun to have some sort of boss mode or something, in training. Fight against a Ratte, or more realistically, try to take down a fortified position, under the assumption that your tank band is all that's left over after an armored battle, and you all have to finish the mission yourselves. Maybe have some AI tanks to go against.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Zinegata »

Taking down an AI Boss Super-Heavy could be interesting. "Concentrate all firepower on that super-heavy tank!"

Complete with Dave Wittenberg narrating and cheering the team to "take out the radiator!" :lol:
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

There was some boss mode event on the Russian server as a promotion for some movie called White Tiger about some kind of supernatural Tiger tank or something. In it a white Tiger P with like 8,000 HP that fired the 150mm shells from the E-100 gun faced off against 15 T-34-85s.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Zinegata »

The Vortex Empire wrote:There was some boss mode event on the Russian server as a promotion for some movie called White Tiger about some kind of supernatural Tiger tank or something. In it a white Tiger P with like 8,000 HP that fired the 150mm shells from the E-100 gun faced off against 15 T-34-85s.
Awesome :D.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by AniThyng »

Imperial528 wrote:"What's that big metal bunker over there?"
"Why's it moving?"
*Meanwhile, all vet tanks are looking for landmasses to hide behind or rushing to get underneath the Ratte itself*
"Wait are those guns-"

It would be fun to have some sort of boss mode or something, in training. Fight against a Ratte, or more realistically, try to take down a fortified position, under the assumption that your tank band is all that's left over after an armored battle, and you all have to finish the mission yourselves. Maybe have some AI tanks to go against.
Waaay back in the middle of this thread I proposed a mode where you fight waves of steadily higher tier AI tanks so people can relieve their need to slaughter TierV M4's in TierVII Tigers lol.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Nephtys wrote:I want the terrible awkward superheavy landbattleships. So we can have a little fight under the guns of the Char 1C, TOG 2 and FCM-50. In before Ratte.
TOG 2 is in as a tier 6 premium in 8.2
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

What the flying fuck?
I had team killers 3 games in a row now! :finger:
The first did it very much on purpose. First he got one and turned blue. Then, on the minimap I could see how he circled another ally and took him out before he himself got taken out. That bastard (int199) cost us 3 guns! The others didn't kill anyone, but you can never be sure if they did it on purpose or by accident, so you don't dare to trust them.
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