UltraViolence83 wrote:For normal humans to be wiped out by the "better" humans would require a large population of the latter. That simply won't happen unless we spend the next 50,000-or-so years slowly becoming it. However, the rate of our further evolution is debatable. I've read things that suggest it may be slowing down...
And to an immortal, 50,000 years is still within his or her lifetime, considering that if you are immortal, you will never die. Geneering has the potential for causing rapid speciation, however, as in much less than 50,000 years.
I'm not expert on the brain, but up too a certain point we wouldn't possibly be able to work on it, reroute neurons in it, etc., due to size problems.
What makes you say this? This sounds suspiciously like someone saying that a human born 5,000 years ago wouldn't be able to adapt to our society, because it has little to no basis in logical, rational thought.
I want to know how effiencent the brain is in that department...If we have enough room, the neurons could be rewired in different ways to increase certain aspects of intelligence. If it already is too effeicent, which I believe it is (I'm not sure, ok?) then there wouldn't be too much of a difference, and probably wouldn't be worth the trouble, then.
The human brain is too efficient?
Look, humans evolved from animals. We're not certain just what evolved when, but we do know that we went from smaller, simpler brains to larger, more complex brains. Your assertation that we have reached some sort of limit is utter nonsense. There may very well be a limit, but to say that we've hit it without any evidence whatsoever is foolish to say the least. Imagine if we just made it so that everyone on the planet had the mental abilities of those kids that graduate from college by the age of twelve. That's a whole decade more of our lives that can be spent doing other, more productive things. Imagine how society could change for the better as a result.