My god, what kind of bullshit am I reading? Oh, that's right, a Mr Bean post! That kind of bullshit!
What isn't said in Bean's little glimps of inanity is that none of that has to do with
weaponized diseases. That makes a massive fucking difference, because not every disease out there is appropriate for germ warfare or bioterrorism. Think about it: there is no known cure for chronic wasting disease or any other prion disease. But because you have to actually ingest prions to be infected by them, their bioweapon potential is limited.
The 1918 spanish flu has been extinct for almost a century. No researcher who currently has access to the remaining samples is going to just hand them to a terrorist or rouge state, and there are controls in place if any of them were nuts enough to try. What makes for a good plot on
Numbers is something real institutions would like to prevent. Likewise, Bird Flu is known to be nowhere near as contagious as the Spanish flu, as he admits in his own post. Can you change that? Sure, but again you would need access to the samples. Furthermore, Bird Flu's failure to cause a catastrophic pandemic goes to show how effective modern institutions like the CDC are at establishing quarantine before a pandemic can arise. And they got this good precisely
because diseases are a natural phenomenon. SARS, swine flu... in fact, basically ever Flu or similar disease that people were worried would become the next Spanish flu from the last decade was squashed similarly quickly before they could do real damage. Are you perhaps starting to see the media narrative at work? "Big new disease in China! Will go Pandemic and kill us all! Oh, wait, its been handled,
we're just going to let it fall into obscurity till the next outbreak of something scary sounding".
Very few diseases are nearly as contagious as the flu, so most diseases that have ever been weaponized aren't very contagious. Most of them have been bacterial, and at least one fungus I am aware of. Why? Because those are the diseases that can be aerosolized easily, and you can grow them in a vat. Viral agents are more complicated to use, despite how often they are used as the face of germ warfare.
The only viral agents the US ever experimented with were all spread by insects like mosquitos (see Venezuelan equine encephalitis). Sure, the Soviets supposedly experimented with smallpox; but they never revealed enough about their program for anyone to really know what the capabilities of that were. For all we know they may well have made it
less contagious as a safety measure (consider that Russia had at least one outbreak of anthrax linked to their biowarfare program). This is because the rout of infection for most viral agents are everything
but the airways. Influenza is exceptional in that regard, and the common cold just doesn't make people sick enough to be worthwhile.
So entomological weapons. Their problem? Insects don't like cold temperatures, for one thing, and for another they have short lifespans. So they don't shelve well.
And of course, aerosolizing a disease doesn't mean you have a delivery system. Its
half of a delivery system. The other half is the aircraft that carries the aerosol-bomb over the target area. Only now the question arises, what about this is any more or less terrifying than a plane carrying nerve agents? ...which was the point I was trying to make, and had ignored.
That is why you fail, Bean Brain.