Alito maybe, Roberts... possibly. But Kennedy?The Duchess of Zeon wrote:One interesting alternative I've heard proposed is that Roberts will form a majority for striking down DOMA with a "grand compromise" which holds that the constitution's "full faith and credit" clause, rather than the terms Aly is citing, are why DOMA must be struck down, and that it applies broadly enough that all licensures and contracts must be recognized between states--the grand bargain being that such a ruling would force universal 50-state reciprocity of concealed carry, so that, for example, someone could get an out-of-state Florida CPL and use it to lawfully carry heat in downtown Chicago. I think Prop 8 will be struck down on narrow grounds only because that's only as far as Alito, Roberts, and Kennedy will be willing to go.
He is called a swing vote only because he can go one way or the other, but that is definitely issue-dependent. His rulings on things like equal protection are... interesting. First of all, he wrote both Lawrence V Texas and Romer V Evans. Secondly, his opinions, and those he joined, display a deep a version to government action motivated by Animus toward a given group. Even in Establishment Clause cases, he tends to side with laws of general applicability (such as voting to uphold a prohibition on the use of peyote, even if it interferes with native americans, while at the same time voting to permit animal sacrifice by Santeria adherents, because the law specifically targets them and indicates a pattern of Animus toward their specific practices while not also prohibiting other forms of animal slaughter like hunting or for food).
Over and over again, he makes the case--even when he writes in concurrence with the court, but not accepting its reasoning--that he will not tolerate legislative in either the civil law or criminal law, or for that matter public displays, that are predicated on Animus toward fellow citizens.
This in many cases leads to him being a moderate on the court, because he does not display partisan purity in the same sense the others do. However, at least where social issues are concerned he does have a unifying principle. Animosity toward a group is bad, and as we saw in Lawrence V Texas, he is not afraid of making sweeping decisions when that is involved. There is a reason the trial judge in the Prop 8 case cited Kennedy's decisions many many many times. They are cut from the same jurisprudential cloth.