The Duchess of Zeon wrote:This is retarded bullshit. The average criminal, even armed, will just RUN when confronted with a gun because he's never used it before. He relies on intimidation!
Which suggests that one could just as easily bluff an armed criminal without the use of a firearm. Or, possibly, use non-lethal means of self-defense.
Or, you know, make it harder for the criminal to gain access to a firearm in the first place. Yes, the typical criminal gets his gun off the black market, but that black market is fueled by guns sold by disreputable FFL holders who take advantage of the ease with which guns can be legally obtained in the US to funnel them into the black market. There are also the guns gained from thefts from homes where they were obtained legally.
The average cop fires dozens of rounds while usually missing, and their training has NONE of the extremity you describe unless they've been through tactical SWAT training.
And this is why I barely trust police with guns, let alone an armed private citizen who doesn't even get the level of training that your average beat cop does. This is an argument
supporting the notion of tighter controls on guns in the hands of private citizenry.
In a typical gunfire involving a private citizen, it is fought at close range, with fisticuffs also being an element, and frequently the gun is retrieved in the middle of being beaten or knifed and then fired--and yes, most people have time to fight their way out to shoot.
You have a completely wrong-headed, ridiculous, hilarious view of firearms and how they're used, and the fact you possess it while owning them just makes you a target of gun theft.
And I say the exact same thing about people who believe in using them for home defense, or self-defense. Got a gun you keep around the house for defense against nice masked men? Got a gun you're open-carrying in public? Telling me about your fancy IWB rig, or that you have a CCW license? Fantastic! Thanks for telling me. Now I know who to club over the head first in the event of the zombie Mayan nerd-ocalypse. I am firmly of the belief that the best place for a gun in the home is locked up; and not brandished out in public in some bullshit fantasy of reliving the goddamned 19th century. Yes, a gun is a tool. As I said, it's a useful survival tool in the wild. When procuring meat for the freezer, or fending off dangerous animals in the backcountry, a gun beats a pointy stick. A gun can also be a useful vehicle for investment, or education. But life isn't a computer game. The solution to public safety isn't "more gun."
But generally if your home is invaded by armed men -- well, my favourite story is of the friend of a friend of mine. A man broke into her home, overcame her, tied her up. Just like you'd let happen to you. He found the guns, just like what you'd let happen to you.
Can we not make the hundred meter leap to judgement? I know that I'm making the sacred cow squeal like a stuck pig, but that's no reason to make assumptions about how I lock my own shit up.
Her husband came home.
He got to the guy before he fired a shot, beat him, took the gun from his hands, and then in the ensuing struggle managed to shoot, which led to the man fleeing.
I got my own favorite anecdote. There was a man who lived in the southern portions of the city who was ex-military, and kept guns for home defense. One day, armed men knocked on his door, and he came out shooting. Turns out, the armed men were cops investigating a call. Turned into a SWAT situation that resulted in the man's death, and his wife being left a widow.
There's also the one about how an armed man "defending" his own house shot and killed an unarmed drunk that he thought was behaving in a threatening manner. And there's also the one about how a man shot someone he thought was an intruder . . . who turned out to be his own son who had the misfortune of coming home late. Or the one where a man comes home to the scene you just describes, shoots the intruder dead, but gets his wife in the crossfire.
Needless to say: Anecdotes != data.
Obviously if the woman had had the gun out and accessible in the first place, it would have been over and done with, that's that. And that's how it normally happens. You are so timid, with such a ridiculous view of human violence where everyone is competent and capable in the movies, whereas real fighting is both terrifying and ridiculous at some level of how much effort is expended even by the very best for jack shit in terms of injury to your opponents, that your views simply have no bearing on reality at all.
Do you have anything to contribute, other than ad-hominems, cupcake? Look, I'm not going to go out on the Internet, and pretend I'm a Dirty Harry-type badass who's going to take my gun and kill some home invader five times before he hits the floor. I leave that to people who, apparently, like to imbue their guns with mystical, romantic, powers that they simply don't have. I know fights are bad enough without throwing firearms into the mix. We're all read the anecdotes . . . one guy on <insert drugs here> takes grave wounds with a handgun and continues to function until blood loss takes away his say on the matter. Another guy, shot and missed with a gun, falls over and goes into shock due to social conditioning. Yes, it's all nasty business but . . . how someone can, with a straight face, suggest that the solution to violence is "more gun," is baffling.
The simple fact is, sorry, criminals aren't that l33t, and cops aren't that l33t, and even trained special forces operators frequently put their first group into the wall next to Osama bin Laden's head before they succeed in pasting him. Your view of violence is completely wrong.
I'm just listing the qualifications that one ought to have before I'm willing to trust them with a gun to defend themselves, or their homes with. If you say my qualifications are unrealistically high, then I say "No shit, Sherlock. That was kindof the point." I know that cops aren't the best. Allow me to repeat what I said, since you somehow missed this when responding to my post ... maybe I should start posting in crayon.
Me, yes me, cupcake wrote:As far as I trust police with guns . . . let's just say that I'm glad I wasn't born a black dude or Latino. I mean, they're more trustworthy than any open-carry nut, any concealed-carry nut, and the security guards who patrol my workplace . . . but that really isn't saying much.
Emphasis mine. Again, I repeat, I don't really trust cops with guns. In more metropolitan areas than makes me comfortable to think about, giving every cop a gun just makes them trigger-happy. That whole "when all you've got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" kind of thinking. If I am mistrustful of law-enforcement with that kind of power, then it must follow that I trust the competence of random jackasses on the street
even less.
When presented with evidence that the average person shouldn't be trusted with a gun in a self-defense situation, the rational person ought to conclude that . . . well, maybe it shouldn't be so easy for them to get guns, right? Not "ZOMG! Silly brainwashed victim-sheep, the solution is obviously more gun!"
Oh, and this whole bystander thing? The cops regularly shoot off 200 rounds in busy urban areas at someone, missing with 190 of them, and maybe one out of every three hundred or five hundred times they do it do they hit some bystander. If you've got fourteen rounds between two guns for home defence--the bullets just stop being lethal after a certain distance,
This distance being up to a couple of miles, in the case of bullets on high-arcing trajectories. And just because a bullet stops being lethal doesn't mean it stops being harmful. The only safe bullet is one that isn't moving.
and the square rule is even more ruthless when your object travels in a straight line and is less than 10mm in diameter. Grow up. You are just terrifically unlikely to hit a bystander; you are not firing that much munitions,
But what if one of your bullets strikes something much larger that I'm fond of; like, say, my house or my car? Say you blow out one of my windows while I've got guests over, and they all suffer emotional distress? Or one of my pets cuts themselves up on the glass shards on the floor? If I can link those bullets to your gun, I then proceed to sue your ass to the point where you'll think being mugged was absolutely pleasant in comparison. Just because a tiny fraction of your backstop happens to be people does not mean that it doesn't contain other things that people might value.