(RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by biostem »

ryacko wrote:Even if they had insulin, injecting too much could still kill you.
True, but any person who has to take it on any sort of regular basis most likely knows the dosage and concentration they need...

Regardless, becoming familiar w/ 24th century first aid practices and equipment would be a very good idea...
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by PREDATOR490 »

The Generations E-D may have had a refit which could include an EMH. If so - your medical problems are pretty much sorted anyway because you have a trained Doctor on call.

If not... the Holodeck still becomes the best source of any information you need by telling the computer to conjure up medical personnel. We have seen the Holodeck being used for experimental medical procedures and command exams.
Alternatively, you can bombard the computer with endless questions about what this and that button does.

That said, this might be entirely pointless because the planet we are orbiting is supposedly a major Federation world that is equal to Vulcan. I fully expect Starfleet to have a base there with personnel that will notice the Flagship of the fleet is acting odd.

If this is a few weeks before Generations - You can tell them the nexus is coming and about the Duras Sisters. Yay, we saved Captain Kirk, or we can all just fly into the Nexus and live out a life of fantasy in the ultimate holodeck.

After that - everything tends to get fucked anyway between First Contact and the Dominion War
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Sidewinder »

Considering the trolling and insults that fly on this board, it'll be nothing less than an Act of God if we get through this without an incident of fratricide, or at least an Assault and Battery. Certain members will have to be isolated from the rest, specifically to prevent them from inciting violence. And with all due respect to Ghost Rider's family, we're lucky he's not here- there would be riots within the hour if he acted the way he did on this board.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Crazedwraith »

Only people who have posted in this thread are on the E-D according to the OP, which amounts to less than 20 people at the moment. Getting along is not going to be so much of a problem as doing anything at all.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Ahriman238 »

If need be we have a brig, but let's worry about antisocial behavior if it actually comes up, hey? Planning to jail certain board members from the word go doesn't sit right with me. I'm sure a lot of people can be assholes on the board but are quite pleasant in person.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by biostem »

The weird part would be that we would still possess our meta-knowledge of Star Trek, so while we'd know a lot of the technobabble about how stuff works, we don't have a lot of the practical knowledge. Utilizing the computer as a Q&A reference would be the best first recourse...
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Batman »

Sidewinder? We're on the Valendamned NCC-1701D USS Enterprise. For real. You seriously think anybody is going to bother with physically attacking another board member over online disputes most of us don't take all that seriously to begin with when we're on the Valendamned Enterprise-D? For real? I naturally can't speak for anybody else, but far as I'm concerned, it's 'Yeah, I'm conceding everything you want me to, if this is all can I please get back to trying to figure out how they make banana phasers do all the things we've seen them do with all of three buttons'? Not to mention the potential of the replicators. Plus there's always the question of wether or not the Dolphin tanks are for (in-universe) real.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Darth Lucifer »

Assuming we can get into the quarters of other people, I'd like to grab one or two of Data's paintings. Then I can take Riker's trombone and even go to the holodeck and take lessons. Hell, I can even create a holo-riker and have him teach me. Or you could do the same thing with Picard's saddle and go horseback riding with him. Worf's bat'leth would be cool to have as well.

Did the other crew have any cool shit? I can't recall ATM. So how do we come up with a system to divvy up all the Trek swag?
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by ryacko »

Darth Lucifer wrote:Assuming we can get into the quarters of other people, I'd like to grab one or two of Data's paintings. Then I can take Riker's trombone and even go to the holodeck and take lessons. Hell, I can even create a holo-riker and have him teach me. Or you could do the same thing with Picard's saddle and go horseback riding with him. Worf's bat'leth would be cool to have as well.

Did the other crew have any cool shit? I can't recall ATM. So how do we come up with a system to divvy up all the Trek swag?
Isn't it a bit.... callous to divide up property of the dead or missing? Shouldn't it go to their families?

This sound like a moral dilemma strong enough for one star trek episode.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Zwinmar »

I would be more worried about 1)food & water, 2)hygiene, 3) place to sleep and 4) if the warp core is going to go boom.
However, depending if things are locked down or not, while waiting for rescue, its time for holo instructionals and field manuals to learn about where I am.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Batman »

Food and water-replicators. They obey simple voice commands you know.
Hygiene-unless human biology changed significantly by the 24th century, there's bound to be bathrooms (even if we never saw them onscreen).
A place to sleep-we're on a starship. If all else fails you can just lie down anywhere you want, there's no weather or potentially hostile animals to worry about, and this ship does have pretty luxurious cabins for a 1000 plus crew, when there's what, less than 30 of us so far?
While the E-D Warp core is really sensitive to outside influences, in this situation there aren't any. Nobody's shooting at the ship, there is no mysterious nebula or subspace phenomenon to destabilize it, no alien computer code is being uploaded, nobody's ramming a nacelle, the ship is just sitting in orbit. Even canonically, the core is perfectly stable in this kind of situation :D
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Sidewinder »

Batman wrote:Sidewinder? We're on the Valendamned NCC-1701D USS Enterprise. For real. You seriously think anybody is going to bother with physically attacking another board member over online disputes most of us don't take all that seriously to begin with when we're on the Valendamned Enterprise-D? For real?
As the writers of Unnamed Porno Fanfic demonstrated when they used several board members as characters in their story, some of us can harbor quite a grudge. I think it's a legitimate concern with those who have shorter tempers.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Batman »

I can harbour grudges as well as the next man (and probably better) and I'd be all 'whatever, I'm seriously on the Valendamned real Enterprise D. There's holding a grudge on a web forum, and there's holding a grudge in the face of being on the fucking Enterprise D.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Darth Lucifer »

ryacko wrote:
Darth Lucifer wrote:Assuming we can get into the quarters of other people, I'd like to grab one or two of Data's paintings. Then I can take Riker's trombone and even go to the holodeck and take lessons. Hell, I can even create a holo-riker and have him teach me. Or you could do the same thing with Picard's saddle and go horseback riding with him. Worf's bat'leth would be cool to have as well.

Did the other crew have any cool shit? I can't recall ATM. So how do we come up with a system to divvy up all the Trek swag?
Isn't it a bit.... callous to divide up property of the dead or missing? Shouldn't it go to their families?

This sound like a moral dilemma strong enough for one star trek episode.
You raise a good point. It's a good thing that Data doesn't have a family (well, technically B-4 is still out there but he's in pieces). :P
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by avatarxprime »

Batman wrote:A place to sleep-we're on a starship. If all else fails you can just lie down anywhere you want, there's no weather or potentially hostile animals to worry about, and this ship does have pretty luxurious cabins for a 1000 plus crew, when there's what, less than 30 of us so far?
There's also the fact that even if we can't access any of the crew quarters there are still the guest/diplomatic quarters and there is always the holodeck.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Sidewinder »

avatarxprime wrote:
Batman wrote:A place to sleep-we're on a starship. If all else fails you can just lie down anywhere you want, there's no weather or potentially hostile animals to worry about, and this ship does have pretty luxurious cabins for a 1000 plus crew, when there's what, less than 30 of us so far?
There's also the fact that even if we can't access any of the crew quarters there are still the guest/diplomatic quarters and there is always the holodeck.
I doubt many people will SLEEP in the holodeck. :wink:
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Zwinmar »

Even if every thing is locked up big e is huge. I'm sure I can find a place to be comfortable. There are always hidden places on ship.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by ryacko »

Just sleep in the maintenance tubes.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Darth Lucifer »

Even when the holodecks are being used, stellar cartography would be fun to play with. Or you could watch movies on the main viewscreen. There are also recreational areas, gymnasiums, the arboretum (somebody better water the plants!), etc.

Another fun thing would be just to turn the gravity off in one of the cargo bays and just float around, doing flips and shit. Of course much hilarity would ensue since none of us have ever experienced zero-G and we'd puke in mid-air and crash into the bulkheads. :P :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Ahriman238 »

If all the crew quarters are locked up, is there really anything preventing us from replicating bedrolls and sleeping in the halls or on the bridge? I can see why you wouldn't make a regular habit of it on a ship, but these aren't ordinary circumstances. Anyway, we know they can turn the lights off. In fact, lights all over the hsip can apparently be controlled from the bridge. I see an issue with some board members being childish.

Or, for that matter, we can call the friendly federation world we're orbiting and get a ride to the surface. Or bring up people who know what they're doing.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Alferd Packer »

I wonder what the response will be when we start predicting the broad strokes of upcoming Federation history. Could we convince the Feds to ramp up production of warships ahead of the impending Borg attack and the Dominion War? I mean, I know they're not necessarily caught with their pants down by either, but I'm sure there are many instances where ships being brought online sooner could've made a significant difference in both conflicts.

Hell, maybe we can convince them to avoid the Dominion War entirely by collapsing the wormhole...or, at minimum, establishing a sturdier defensive perimeter than a hastily-assembled mine field.

Oh, and while we're at it, we should try to convince them to avoid war with the Klingons. It lasts a year and a half and is entirely pointless. The ships lost will be needed for the Borg attack and, if worse comes to worst, the Dominion War.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by PREDATOR490 »

Alferd Packer wrote:I wonder what the response will be when we start predicting the broad strokes of upcoming Federation history. Could we convince the Feds to ramp up production of warships ahead of the impending Borg attack and the Dominion War? I mean, I know they're not necessarily caught with their pants down by either, but I'm sure there are many instances where ships being brought online sooner could've made a significant difference in both conflicts.

Hell, maybe we can convince them to avoid the Dominion War entirely by collapsing the wormhole...or, at minimum, establishing a sturdier defensive perimeter than a hastily-assembled mine field.

Oh, and while we're at it, we should try to convince them to avoid war with the Klingons. It lasts a year and a half and is entirely pointless. The ships lost will be needed for the Borg attack and, if worse comes to worst, the Dominion War.
Since this is a few weeks before Generations, this makes the year: 2371
Caretaker Stardate: 48315.6
Generations Stardate: 48650.1

If your quick and / or the Feds listen then you can potentially stop Janeway from screwing the crew of Voyager and maybe the Equinox. The Romulans and Cardassian secret police will launch their botched attack on the Founder homeworld which gets them all destroyed.
You COULD tell the Federation that but why would they care ?
Even if the Romulans / Cardassians fall - It allows them to sit back and watch their rival powers get weakened, especially after the Romulans already attempted to destroy DS9 and the Wormhole.

Not to mention we are going to be hated by two of the most 'ruthless' agencies in the quadrant for giving away strategic information like that. Then you want to go and piss of the Dominion who already have agents in play. I do not see our life expectancy being very long or pleasant. The Feds interrogate us for a while then they lock us up for life because of the information we possess which includes classified intel on Starfleet operations. Throw in the fact the OTHER powers will be gunning for us so they can torture, murder or otherwise use for their own ends and we are completely fucked.

Klingon War against the Cardies - You could warn the Feds about this but I dont see them being able to do much to stop it. You can tell them Martok is a changling, but there is no information on WHEN he was replaced.
If you make that accusation and turn out to be wrong - Holy shit.
Changelings attack Earth - Telling the Federation to beef up security just as we have Red Squad trying to scare the population into martial law. Not to mention the Section 31 infection of Odo with the virus.
If you folks want to go and mention this to the Federation then I will be happily booking a shuttle out of the E-D and high tailing it to Baku because now you have literally pissed off every intelligence / covert ops group in the galaxy.

This is really when the shit hits the fan big time all across the galaxy.
If you stop Voyager from leaving, S8472 exterminate the Borg - Wether or not they carry on with the threat to purge the entire galaxy is a complete unknown. The Federation probably will not give a shit about the Borg being destroyed even if they could do anything about it.
The Dominion War starts - Depending on what you have told the Federation before this point then it is entirely likely events are going to be drastically changed from this point on.

Overall, you can tell the Federation what can happen for the little while when we arrive but by the time the big things come. The Federation will either JUST be starting to believe you and reacting or they will have reacted instantly causing everything else to be changed.
Less than a year to prepare for the Dominion War isnt that long and we will no doubt be fighting an uphill battle against the counter plans of the Founders etc.

We could give them the idea for the minefield or other tech gadgets - Although none of us know Star Trek science so your basically banking on them being able to work out the mechancis of an idea based on your word that it can work.
Nevermind they wont want to deploy that minefield at this stage ANYWAY because the Feds will get pissy about provoking the Bajorans. You might even start the Dominion War years early resulting in a complete cluster fuck of the Borg + Dominion + Klingons going apeshit.

Personnally, I think the hilarious option is to use the E-D to blow the Duras Sisters away and offer to help crazy guy get back to the Nexus. Shoot him in the back of the skull just as the Nexus comes then we can all spend eternity in the ultimate holodeck. Those of you who want to save go X,Y,Z, use the magical Nexus gimick of being able to go wherever and whenever you like. If you are determined to save the Federation, bringing back Captain James T Kirk is going to do you alot more favours for credability when you start telling them you know the future.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Batman »

Especially as we don't know the future. We know what the future would have looked like if Generations had actually happened. Us being on the ship is a complete game changer. Events might unfold as we expect them to from the series, or they might not. For starters, since we're on an apparently empty E-D, what happened to the crew? Did they just get Q'd elsewhere and will eventually take over the ship again or are we its permanent replacement? Assuming they believe us about the future, the E-D doesn't get destroyed in Generations, how does that influence future events? The moment we get them to change events as they unfolded in the franchise, our knowledge of events past that change becomes essentially useless, as it's entirely possible they'll never happen thanks to the change.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by Lord MJ »

PREDATOR490 wrote:
Alferd Packer wrote: Klingon War against the Cardies - You could warn the Feds about this but I dont see them being able to do much to stop it. You can tell them Martok is a changling, but there is no information on WHEN he was replaced.
The Klingons would be unable to start the war with the Cardassians, if the Federation knows that they are planning to do it before their fleet arrives at DS9. If the Federation knows months in advance, I would not think the Federation would be keen on allowing their territory to be used as the Klingon's jumping off point. Furthermore, if the Obsidian Order is still around, their covert ops would presumably get that intel from the Feds, so the Cardassians would have months advance notice of the Klingon plans as well.

If the Klingon invasion never happens, or is stopped, then Cardassia doesn't join the Dominion. And the Dominion may decide to wait years, or even decades before taking a crack at invading the Alpha Quadrant. Or may decide to wait centuries until faster warp drives are developed, capable of cross galactic travel.
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Re: (RAR) SD.Net aboard the Enterprise-D

Post by PREDATOR490 »

The Federation sticking their noses into Klingon affairs and refusing them is going to end up in a major incident and we dont have Worf anymore to contain Gowron going nuts while Changeling Martok whispers in his ear. The Dominion would no doubt be estatic at the thought of a war between the Klingons and the Federation. The Federation actively aiding the Cardassians by giving that intel away is going to start that war.

The Dominion already have a large fleet sitting around and the Gamma Quadrant has all their industry to make whatever more. Nothing really stops them from brute forcing through the wormhole if they decide to try and a war between the Feds and Klingons would be ample chance to try.
The Bajorans wont like the idea of closing the Wormhole and we have seen the Dominion have the means to make the Wormhole invulnerable.

You could tell the Feds to put a massive fleet at DS9... but that almost ended with the Dominion nuking the entire system with a supernova.
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