Pelranius wrote:Umm, you might want to work on your reading comprehension. "Harvard University admitted about 40 percent of its entering class using the criterion that the student was the son or daughter of an alumnus or donor." And "Admissions officers saved 25 percent of Notre Dame's first-year class openings for the children of alumni."
40% and 25% are pretty significant numbers of the student population, wouldn't you say?
No, this is a trick reading comprehension question. It gives admit stats for some universities and legacy proportions for others, but never both for the same university. It comes closest with Harvard, but even there obfuscates by measuring one as children of alumni and donors and the other as just children of alumni.
I don't know if this guy is deliberately data mining or just not that competent, but from the information he gives it's impossible to conclude that legacy admits are significant. What we would rather want is, say, total % of admits that are legacies, total % of legacy applications that are admitted, and total % of all applications that are admitted for the top ~50 ranked universities.
But even then we would also need to compare the paper qualifications of legacy and non-legacy admits. It's implied that they should be comparable but we don't know that either.
The whole thing is a horrendous use of statistics to push a pre-conceived point.
3. Legacies are a private policy adopted by autonomous universities. Affirmative action is public policy.
Still very much a question for public policy, even when done by "autonomous universities". Those "autonomous universities" received public funding and preferential tax treatment (see the Title IX business).
I agree that state funding for eg. loans (though not research which is not done by ugrads) could be made contingent on not having legacy policies.
Otherwise, it's just free association. If Harvard wants to turn itself into a hereditary club then fine. We will quickly see that Harvard ceases to be a place serious people aspire to go, though.
4. Since legacy admittance requires you to already have and pay far more money than the education is actually worth, it's unclear how this is entrenching racial advantages. Rather, it should be eroding them.
Care to explain the logic behind that?
Any reasonable person would realize that regardless of the "paying far more money than the education is actually worth" complete bullshit, a white legacy (presumably the vast majority of legacies at this time and day would be white) is taking an admissions spot that could otherwise have potentially gone to a minority. Thus, the legacy is more likely to continue preparation white advantages simply by being more likely to be admitted to said university than a minority.
Maybe we just value a Harvard education differently - did you attend an elite university?
But my point is that for an unqualified candidate to plain buy a place at Harvard (which, from what I have heard, is probably possible) costs more than the actuarial value of a Harvard degree in terms of increased earnings.
e: although, all this is off the point. Opposition to affirmative action doesn't imply support for legacy policies (I oppose both, at least in so far as they are enforced or subsidised by the state), and affirmative action still fails as a
counter to legacy policies because it still double-punishes poor white and asian kids who are just as unlikely to be legacies as poor black and hispanic kids.