stormthebeaches wrote:
But you cannot compare individuals and national governments when it comes to bringing up the past. The two cannot be compared and they should not be held to the same standard at all.
As I said before, this is just an unsupported claim. I suppose if I said its not unreasonable to expect a government and an individual to be up front and honest, you would be pontificating that they shouldn't be held to the same standard.
You failed to prove any sort of contradiction so you resorted to petty insults. That's not winning.
Mate, you already conceded that Japan only has to pay billions. You already conceded Japan has to pay. You already stopped trying to debate the sufficient break in continuity argument after it was pointed out its irrelevant, and instead just say, see we both agree in a sufficient break (actually its hard for me to agree or disagree what constitutes a sufficient break when you haven't defined it fully). All you can do is point out that contradictions don't count to save face.
You just attempt to pretend you were answering another question.
Go back and reread the link you posted. <snip>
You see, when internet debates go sour, a tiny number of people getting annoyed. When international diplomacy between neighbouring countries goes sour, people die, often in large numbers. Another words, private individuals have less responsibility than national governments and can act accordingly and no distortion tactics (like asking why he bothered to make his opposing viewpoint clear with Stas on a forum designed to discussing politics) will change that. Really, I am aghast at the fact that I had to explain this to someone. <snip>
As you can see I was quite clearly explaining why national government and individuals should not be held to the same standard. Furthermore, I never stated that aggressive rhetoric and heightened tensions automatically leads to war. So you are wrong on both counts.
Oh noes, a statement can never ever have more than one property. No sirree. Your rationale for why they can't be held to same standard, is because it will lead to war if they do the same thing. Your nitpicking aside fails to change that. All you can do now, is pretend that its just increases the probability that it will lead to war. A claim is quite dubious for the reason governments have done more than rhetoric in recent times without it leading to people dying in large numbers.
Now you are trying to change the meaning of the word record. A human rights record would be a series case in a nation compiled over a period of time to quantify how good that nation has historically upheld human rights. There is a huge difference between focusing on a record and focusing on one specific case you idiot. Furthermore, at the time of the article, that case was very recent. Its not like Gordon Brown went digging through Chinese history to find a case he could use to bash China. It was an immediate response to something that had just happened (the execution of the British drug dealer happened in 2009). Not only that, but Gordon Brown went out of his way to clarify that he was focusing on this specific case and not China's record. If Gordon Brown said something like "once again China tramples all over human rights" you would have a point. But he didn't, instead he when out of his way to clarify that he was referring to one specific case (that had, at the time of his statements, just happened).
Actually it was you who used the human rights tangent when we were talking about digging up the past. I just pointed the claim isn't even true.
Going on, you changing the word record to have a more specific meaning, even as you say one example does constitute part of the record.
stormthebeaches wrote:
See what I mean about failing to read. You ask me to back up examples I never claimed. Your very reply quoted me saying "examples of things I never claimed". Are you too stupid to realise I don't need to back up anything I never claimed. You then go on to say it was YOU who asked to provide examples of things I never claimed. I gave you an example of what I claimed, countries even today bringing up the past in regards to China. The very fact that even one example exists, already disproves one of your other thesis countries should keep quiet about what other countries do unless its genocide, because countries don't behave in that manner, and it would be disadvantageous for China to be the only country to do so for fear of raising tensions.
You said that the "west" attacks China because of its past. I asked which Western leaders (people of importance) are bashing China. You have not done so. If you feel that you do not need to do so for the sake of the debate why didn't you say so when I first asked? And no, the article you linked was not a case of Western leaders bashing China's past for reasons that I just explained.
This says it all really. When the counterargument is in the very post he quotes.
You have not caught me lying or taking contradictory positions. Rather you are accusing me of saying things that I did not say or taking my posts out of context so you can accuse me of contradicting myself. As for the "break in continuity" argument that was merely to explain that there was a difference between Britain and Japan. That was all. It was you took things off track with accusations that I was arguing that Japan shouldn't have to pay at all.
Ok genius. Britain and Japan are different. OMG, no two countries are exactly the same. Do you want your Nobel prize now. So what? Did anyone claim they were exactly the same? You tried to spin this break in continuity argument as a reason Japan shouldn't pay, but when you conceded the second argument, you tried to save face on this one. You kept on harping about how they were different and ignoring me everytime I said its not so much they are different, that argument is invalid.
Semantic whorring again? We both know fully well that I was referring to Japan's war crimes, not denialism.
Hey I wish I can misread someone's statement, and then say I was referring to something else. Well of course you were referring to something else moron, because you misread the statement and started talking about something else. The whole point of the denialism, was to point out that under your own criteria it wouldn't make a difference if the dispute is over a recent phenomena or one that happened 3 generations ago. Ergo its stupid trying to defend Jester by saying there is a difference to not make him a hypocrite, when under your own criteria it wouldn't matter, because both disputes will raise tensions and its bad.
But instead of arguing "it makes no difference under your criteria whether the dispute is 3 generations ago or recent", you chose to argue "Japan WWII crimes did occur
three generations ago so I win." Hey I guess when you can't win the argument, change topic. When you are corrected on this, just accuse the opponent of knowing you were discussing this.
BTW - I know you were referring to WWII crimes. Thats why I said "Denialism
isn't three generations ago, so even under your own criteria, you fail."
Now I know that you are being dishonest. I clearly said that Costa Rica was an exception to the norm and not representative of the average country.
No shit you said it. What you don't get is, it makes no difference. Moreover your statement about how its matches reality if everyone didn't raise tensions over the past doesn't work either. Because you yourself acknowledge other nations do act in that manner. Proclaiming you disagree with them won't change the fact they still do it, hence it doesn't match reality.
Care to address it again then?
And again, you and I both know that I was referring to Japanese war crimes so stop your pitiful semantic whorring about denialism.
You were referring to Japanese war crimes in a rebutal of my point, which was NOT about Japanese war crimes. Yep, its semantic whoring all right. On your part. Just for you again, I chose a recent phenomena to illustrate that it wouldn't matter to you whether a dispute is recent or several generations ago. I could have chosen a territorial dispute as well, but since you already agreed denialism is bad, I figured it wouldn't raise too many issues there. Never did I imagine you failed to read a simple word.. I wrote denialism, you replied with a bait and switch and changed it to Japanese War crimes. Its funny, you somehow missed the denialism part, but you read the rest of the statement about denialism not being three generations ago. Because you then argue Japanese war crimes did occur three generations ago.
BTW since we both knew you were talking about Japanese war crimes, I guess you were drunk when you said this then.
When I said that Japan's denialism over its WW2 crimes wasn't a current issue, I meant that the WW2 crimes weren't a current issue.
Since your attempt prove that I am contradicting myself has failed (again) you have now moved on to strawman territory.
I know this is a hard concept for you, but words actually actually have specific meaning, not whatever you want them to mean. Like slippery slope argument, actually has a specific meaning. You remember that mistake don't you? By most stretches of the imagination, what constitutes digging up the past would mean your position is self contradictory. What you try to nitpick, is the SCALE a country is allowed to dig up the past of another. However if you recall (come on you can do it, just dig up those last reserves of grey matter), this argument came about when I pointed out China is at a disadvantage if it follows you advice, but other countries do not. Your defense was that it will not, because you have other steps to follow in this event.
Even if we accept that your advice about not digging up the past isn't self contradictory because you were really talking about the scale of which a country is allowed to do it, rather than not doing it at all, you would still run into the first problem. It would still put any country following your advice at a disadvantage. Its quite simple to stymie because the diplomatically aggressive country (in this scenario the US) can simply call out China and ask them which skeletons are these? In which case it would be China looking unreasonable, because they are accusing the US of doing bad things but refusing to name them.
Here is how such an event would occur:
USA: You Chinese have done <X> bad thigns in the past. You must be held accountable to them.
China: Hey now, we all have skeletons in the closet. We've all done nasty things in more barbaric times. But lets not allow this to disrupt a prosperous relationship we have in the present.
If the USA (or any other country that is opposing China in such a manner) continues to bring up the past for geopolitical gain it will make them look bad and China look good. This is because China will come across as rational, pragmatic and willing to do business, whilst the USA (or any other country that is opposing China in such a manner) will come across as an irrational antagonists.
I love how in your scenario, the US just folds when China just says a few words. Are you seriously thinking the US won't argue back, even failing to ask the obvious question, which of our skeletons are you referring to?
In regards to your second part. Ok so to some the US will look like an irrational protagonists. So what? No seriously, under your criteria other countries should only be raising tensions in the most dire of circumstances such as genocide (as per your words), so they would be keeping quiet, even if they think the US is being a total douchebag. So how is this going to make a difference? Are you even thinking before you type.
I never proposed that China would point to historical events, rather that it should point to broad historical trends.
You did both actually. Especially since the former is a subset of the latter.
There is a difference between focusing on current ownership and focusing on how current ownership was required.
So under this criteria, country x can take a piece of land from country y by force and get to keep it. Because we should be focussing on current ownership and not how current ownership was required. Did you even think about putting your theories through their logical paces. And no, this is not a strawman, its simply taking your theory through its logical steps, ie showing a claim without a past basis, can be manipulated easily enough.
How is any of this justify your semantic whorring by trying to make it look like I was being dishonest by saying that Japan's denialism wasn't a current issue. Also, it DOES make a difference in my criteria whether the event occurs in the past or is occurring in the present.
1. I accused you of doing a bait and switch, changing denialism to talk about Japanese war crimes. Thats a big difference between that and saying you believe denialism wasn't a current issue. If you're going to accuse me of something, at least learn to read what I wrote first.
2. Going on. Why do you object to Japan's denialism and China's response to that? Both are occurring in the present and not the past. Didn't you say countries shouldn't raise tensions unless something serious like genocide was going on? So you would still object to countries arguing about these even though they are about events in the present. Ergo it makes no difference whether they are discussing something now, or something in the present. You can wax poetry about how you see a difference, but actions speak louder than words, and you object to countries raising issues about present or past events. So in every way that counts, ie practical terms, it makes no difference. Game, set, match.
If we are both in agreement on this particular issue then why do you keep bringing it up?
Well since we are in agreement that a break in continuity is invalid... I just want to keep reminding you I said the argument was invalid numerous times and you kept on ignoring it before you now say there is an agreement. I guess thats a victory.
No backtracking at all. My position has been consisted. I have always been referring to Japan's WW2 crimes. Why would I be referring to denialism, that is something that is happening right now.
If there is no backtracking, why then would you have to say that when you said x, you really meant y. Even if its consistent in your mind, its clearly a problem in what you type or else you won't really have to say when I wrote something, it really meant something else. I know it hurts your brain to think this, but try to reason it out.
Got to say enough times until it gets through to you.
Considering you have conceded several things, like Japan will only need to pay billions, I would say its getting to through to you first.
I never lost the argument as I never argued that a country should be need to pay reparations for crimes committed by a past government (apart from in really extreme cases, like Mongolia paying reparations for the Golden Horde). I was merely stated that there was a difference between Britain and Japan. It was you who wasted both our times by dragging the argument out and engaging in several motive fallacies in the process. Now, what difference does a break in continuity mean? It means that one can argue that the past crimes happened under the leadership of a group of people that are no longer in power and thus the country as a whole is much less likely to commit such crimes in the future. Going even further it would be argued that the nation as a whole has changed so much since the crimes were committed that it is no longer recognizable and is not the same nation as the one that committed the crimes. I personally do not agree with this logic all the way, and I certainly feel that in the case of Japan they should pay compensations (as long as it is to the criteria previously established in this thread). However, I do recognize that this argument does have some merit and should be considered when it comes to the issue of reparations.
You know, if you want to say "I want my cake, and I want to eat it too," just say it instead of going through this shit which pretty much means the same thing.
You want to say that this argument has merit when it comes to the issue of reparations, yet when I accused you of using this argument to say Japan shouldn't pay, you pretend you never used it, as well as pretending you never denied saying they shouldn't pay.
So does Japan have a sufficient break in government or not? I accept yes or no answers.
If two or more nations are having a dispute then the issue is already on the international stage. In which case the issue it would be best for at least one side to try to bring in a third party to act as a mediator (eg. the UN). This at least shows that they are willing to negotiate and good faith and come up with a fair solution, as oppose to just strong arming the opposition into giving in to their demands.
I have no problems with the idea of a neutral mediator is both sides agree. I do have a problem with you saying this with a straight face after all that effort you went into in talking about doing things at an international stage like the UN makes it worse.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.