SilverWingedSeraph wrote:And when women oppressed by Islamic culture speak out against the oppression I suppose they're just being uppity, because Islam is not at all oppressive and all the women are totally fine with it?
What's wrong with you. Seriously. What motivates you to construct strawmen like that?
No, I don't think Muslim women who speak out against oppression are being uppity.
SilverWingedSeraph wrote:Encouraging or supporting women to stand up against the oppression of their religion or culture is totally just the same as oppressing them. Mmhmm.
No, it isn't. I don't think that. Strawmen are bad, don't do it.
SilverWingedSeraph wrote:The full-body coverings worn by Islamic women in some places were expressly designed as a tool of oppression, and while I totally support the right of women to wear that if that's what their happy wearing, their choices are often largely being influenced by a misogynist, violently patriarchal culture, and accepting that fact does not rob them of their agency, nor is it dehumanising.
First of all, Muslim women's choices
are influenced, but so are we in the West. I just want us to be crystal clear on that. Second, I'm fine with saying that Muslim women's choices are influenced and I don't doubt that some women are forced into wearing it.
But look at what I said:
The idea that
brown women are
brainwashed or
cowered into behaving the way they do and liking the things they like is an insidious and damging one. It strips brown women of their very humanity because it tells them that they're powerless, that the only power exists in the hands of other people.
The viewpoint that I am arguing against claims that brown women, not just
some brown women, are brainwashed or cowed into behaving the way they do. Brainwashing and force is not mere influence, because as much as we complain about the
influence of the media on male and female body expectations, we don't claim that they are brainwashing or cowing men and women into thinking the body should look this way or that way.
Do you know how fucking amazing it is to witness a Muslim women giving her testimony for why she wears a hijab to an atheist who
calls himself a feminist, and then for that guy to discount her testimony because she's a Muslim and she's brainwashed into it? You can go to /r/atheism and find dozens more examples. He doesn't know her, he doesn't know her family background. He doesn't know that she's oppressed, but because 1) she's a woman, 2) she's a Muslim, she must be brainwashed or frightened into doing it. What is this if not what I'm talking about? A generalisation that ignores the very possibility of agency.
Do you know how oppressive it can be to claim that a person is being oppressed and need to be saved?
SilverWingedSeraph wrote:This is the same shit western feminists get. They point out sexist gender roles that women are implicitly and sometimes explicitly expected to fill, and point out how that's harmful to society and the freedom of women to choose what to do with their lives, and someone pipes in "Well maybe some women WANT to be in the kitchen, maybe they're happier there", while ignoring that many women may not want to be forced into those gender roles, but feel pressured into it by society or are even forced into them with threats of violence or becoming a social outcast.
Any approach that totalises 50% of the human population as a uniform mass is just wrong. Some women do want the
opportunity to be housewives. The problem with men who want to restrict employment opportunities to males is that they don't even want to give the
opportunity to women to choose.
SilverWingedSeraph wrote:Nobody is immune to their culture. Everyone is influenced by it. Of course women in Islamic country have agency, but many of them are forced or coerced into subservient positions that they may not have chosen if they had the ability to speak up and choose otherwise. This is especially true in Islamic cultures, where honor killings of women for being too western are a thing that happens.
I highly suggest a book by Saba Mahmood, a Pakistani secular leftist academic that's called Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. In it, she did ethnological work with Muslim women in Egypt who have chosen to speak up and choose for themselves, constructing a female Islamic pietist movement by themselves.
No one is immune to their culture, true. But more importantly,
culture, politics, society and the contingencies surrounding our lives never goes away. The idea that agency only exists if you're not oppressed isn't true. People can have agency even under domination and suppression, whether it be under British occupation in India or Islamist rule in Saudi Arabia. Oppression just means that they express their agency in different ways.
Besides, agency is not only manifest in resistance (of which there are numerous accounts) but also in conformity. Women can choose to conform to patriarchal ideals, just as men can do the same.
SilverWingedSeraph wrote:
So you'll forgive me if I find your "you're stripping 'brown women' of their humanity by implying their choices aren't entirely their own" claim to be hardly worth humouring.
So don't. But you're missing out on one of the present and very real concerns in post-colonial and non-Western feminist studies.