WASHINGTON — Vice President Biden sparked a pro-firearm backlash Wednesday by vowing that his boss will use executive action — bypassing Congress — to put some gun control measures into effect quickly.
“The President is going to act. There are executive orders, there’s executive action that can be taken,” Biden told reporters in Washington. “We haven’t decided what that is yet.”
President Obama tapped Biden to head a task force that will present, at month’s end, a blueprint for reducing gun violence. Speaking to the press before meeting with shooting victims and gun reform groups, Biden stressed that Obama will present to Capitol Hill lawmakers a package of bills, based on the task force’s recommendations.
But, setting the tone a day before his group sits down with leaders from the National Rifle Association and Wal-Mart — America’s top seller of firearms — Biden made it clear that the Obama administration would not be stymied by pro-gun Republicans in Congress.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/joe ... z2HaM6o5bP
How glorious is it that our newly elected Great Leader can just chose to bypass Congress on issues related to the Bill of Rights? Throw the NDAA in with this kind of shit and voila, the President now has the power to trample all over your most basic Civil Rights. But that's ok because no one "likes" Congress. After 200 years Americans still hate bureaucracy more than they appreciate having their rights I guess.
I regret supporting Obama for another election now. This is not an admission that I should have voted for Romney either. I'm just sick and tired of having to chose between Plutocratic or Autocratic leaders.