Here some new for the Republic...
*Designed from the New Republic Research department (FENR)*
The FAGV - Fast Attack Ground Vehicle
Length: 26,2m
Broad: 12,2m
Height: 5,4m
Speed: 75Km/h
Weight (empty): 50t
Total weight: 85t
Engine: 2x Repulsors and 3x Koensayr R50 Turbines
--2x Anti-Armor Laser Cannon
--2x Anti-Infantry Blaster
--2x Heavy Gathling Blaster
Armor: -- Durasteel strengthens with Haldorium (60 RU)
Shield: -- Syrplex G-10 (85 SBD)
Crew: 4
-- 1x Driver
-- 1x Heavygunner(Commander)
-- 2x Gunner
-- Place for 24 soldiers with full equipment
-- Military Combat scanner
-- Miniture Life support unit
-- Med Packs (all sizes)
-- Ammunition for all usual kinds of weapon

*Changed the shining Metalparts*