Spekio wrote:Just because they could go on living they should be forced to?
What, if any, attempts were made to alleviate their suffering by means other than death? Death is NOT the only "solution" to disability.
If I were to find out that yes, such attempts had been made over the course of several years and alternatives had been exhausted that would change my outlook on this but as it stands I have far too many questions to be complacent with this outcome.
And you hold the doctor in contempt for doing his job and following the patient wishes?
Doctors do not have to blindly follow the wishes of patients. It's entirely legitimate for doctors to offer alternatives, discuss pros and cons of alternatives, and to try to persuade a patient to follow what, in the doctor's educated opinion, is the least harmful of alternatives.
Perhaps you never heard of Quality of Life, but their decision of staying alive as deaf-mutes or not is a personal decision. Neither we, doctors nor the government should have the power to keep them alive against their will, being their life - especially in this particular situation.
As I have already stated, MOST people facing severe disability manage to adapt to the situation and often rate their quality of life higher than their doctors do.
Was this even attempted here? It's a very important question to ask. Most deaf blind people with adequate support (which is less than many suppose once initial rehab is over) want to live. Most quadriplegics want to live. Hell, even a lot of people with locked-in syndrome want to live (I know such a man who is an active member of one the other message boards I frequent). Until a
real attempt is made at rehab no, I don't accept death as an alternative.
Were there other confounding factors here? For example - STRICTLY hypothetical - if these brothers
also had something like diabetic neuropathy resulting in highly diminished sense of touch in their hands that would clearly make being deaf blind much, much worse and truly cut them off from most potential routes of communication, which would make a stronger case for the situation being intolerable. Yet there is no mention of anything like that, just a vague "other medical problems".
Again -
why did these twins have only and exclusive sign language between themselves and their family rather than one of the more common sign languages? That would restrict interpreters to
only immediate family, and require training for those people to act as deaf blind interpreters. Why? This makes
no sense in the modern world, in a place as civilized as Europe. That also calls into question just how certain the doctors are of the twins' wishes as there would be no way to bring in an outside interpreter to objectively report the twins wishes or discuss things with them.
Everything has to be filtered through close relatives who may or may not have their own agenda or bias in either reporting the twins' thoughts or communicating medical information to them. Was Sign their only means to communicate, or could they read and write some language as well? If they were illiterate (which would, again, be bizarre in this day and age but could happen) that would further complicate rehabilitation and communication as deaf blind people.
No, I won't accept "these poor boys were facing a second devastating sensory disability and it's OK for them to be killed" (because this
wasn't suicide, it's been repeatedly called "euthanasia" - if they wanted to die why did they need someone else to kill them rather than using assisted suicide?) without more information. If they have only a limited sign language and are illiterate they've been sorely neglected in both upbringing and adult life, which already calls into question just how well their family has looked out for them... and these would be the people interpreting their wishes to the outside world? You don't see anything potentially hinky in that?
I read all these sorts of media accounts with a large grain of salt because it's painfully apparent that much is left out.