The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
There's nothing wrong with a very low magazine limit like 5 rounds for detachable magazines. Having the same limit for fixed magazines is ridiculous, since you can't pop out an empty magazine and pop in a new one, you have to load each bullet one at a time. So I don't see why they needed to fix the limit at 7 rounds for both. I'm fine with severe limits on detachable magazines.
The problem with this is it literally makes every non revolver pistol made in the last sixty years illegal with a limit that low.
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
I also object to the idea that "gun balance" is a legitimate reason for setting the detachable mag limit at 20 rounds instead of five. You can just make mags with weights in them. Heck, that will keep the gun balanced better as you fire.
So I'm in the position of opposing the New York law as it applies to en bloc clips and fixed magazines, but also oppose your effort to defend 20-round magazines, because there's no way a workaround for the balance couldn't be had, and a really small limit for detachable magazines will genuinely help. If you want to fire off a lot of ammo without reloading, get one of those Red Star 20 fixed mags for your SKS and then reload the thing with stripper clips. We're all adults here and detachable magazine restrictions, even sub-10 round ones, are very reasonable compromises.
See here's the thing again Duchess, it comes back to enforcement, is Trooper Steve going to ask to see my gun at the range and see if my twenty round magazine is a counter weighted twenty round magazine that only allows so many bullets? It's why I keep asking about enforcement. The Glock 17, a very common pistol by default comes with a 17 round magazine because that's how many 9mm bullets fit into the dimensions of the grip. Nice easy gun to use, under this law what happens when Trooper Steve pulls me over checks my papers and asks to see my gun, is he going to pop my glock magazine out and start counting bullets? Or is going Glock going to start making 7 round magazines with "New York Legal" stenciled on the side?
This Duchess is why I ask about 7 instead of 20 because at 20 you keep all pistols legal (I don't know of any pistols designed with more than 20 rounds by default) your going to have issues with literally millions of guns by default being illegal because the clip size is to big. It reminds me a bit and stick with me here because this comparison can be considered offensive... that of recent republican moves to ban abortion clinics by saddling them with regulations designed for full scale hospitals instead of outpatient clinics. IE the 7 to 10 round limit is chosen not because its been shown to be the magic number but because it makes the most number of guns illegal without out right just making guns illegal.
I'm coming at it from the prospective of someone who has shotguns (that won't be affected), rifles (bolt action won't be affected) and pistols (Will be effective because I don't buy revolvers)
OAN:I'm one of those bad people who calls all magazine clips and all clips clips, always have to go back and correct myself while typing.