Thanas wrote:As if getting stopped would be so much of a detriment that stopping drunk drivers would not be worth it in exchange.
If drunken driving were still a problem after more severe punishment for a very severe crime were instituted instead of the 4 times in a row slap on a wrist probation you can get in the US, it might be worth having a "national conversation" about it.
But no, I won't blow into a breathalyzer without being pulled over for driving suspiciously but rather just going about my business; and no, I won't hand over my papers for a Citizenship Check, and no, I won't let them inspect my car just for driving. If they want inspections they can occur as part of annual vehicle registration. I should not have to plan my life around direct police intervention into it when I am not breaking the law.
It's one thing to have drug and bomb dogs sniff their way down the lanes of cars waiting on the ferry--and quite another to go car to car checking them and their riders without the dogs cuing the police off first.
WMA can say "you only have something to be afraid of if you're breaking the law", but that's the language tyrants always use, as far as I'm concerned.
So you can see, maybe, why we think we have some special freedom different from European democracies that our guns defend. You may think this is unnecessary and harmful, but we don't, and that's just always going to be a difference between America and European/Commonwealth culture, not any different than Kazakhs eating horsemeat or Chinese guided democracy as far as I'm concerned.