Personally, I think if you start condemning entire classes, you're not applying enough precision. Adding or subtracting a few people can change the whole dynamic of the classroom, and it has a... salutary effect on the ones who stay, I suspect.Ralin wrote:I have entire classes I fantasize about having kicked out of school. The happiest moment of my teaching career was when I was told I would get to give a final exam and assign semester grades after all.I wrote:Eh. Maybe I'm just grousing.
The difference in expulsion rates between high-end and low-end schools isn't really that high. It wouldn't have to be to improve the low-end schools, really.
What's sad about it is that a lot of the people who would get kicked out of the upper grades are ones who were badly underserved by society and the school system in the lower ones. Either their schooling was inadequate and they grew up so pig-ignorant that they aren't trying to catch up anymore, or they just never learned how to control themselves and behave properly in large groups.