I'm not saying that the proposed laws are good. What I'm saying is that if the national dialogue when it comes to gun legislation is such that a large number of effective options are taken off the table from the get go, then you shouldn't be surprised when people turn to legislating stupid stuff instead. America has a large number of gun deaths, which is an issue that needs to be addressed, and when you have 30 dead six year olds, people will try to do something. Personally, I don't think laws banning certain classes of weapons don't make people any safer, but they don't make people any less safe, either. And at least complete bans are something that can get enforced relatively easily. The hardliner crowd might not be passing these laws, but they are responsible for the fact that they have created an environment where these kinds of laws are the only ones that the anti-gun crowd thinks are worth their time.Grumman wrote:No. Even if we take it as axiomatic that licence compliance inspections are a good law, not being able to pass a good law is no excuse for passing a bad law. Using part of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban as an example, if someone believes that restricting rifles with pistol grips makes people safer, they are stupid. If someone doesn't believe that restricting rifles with pistol grips makes people safer but they support the law anyway, they are corrupt. In either case, it's entirely their own fault that they support a bad law, and not their opponents'.Lusankya wrote:Does anyone else think that the US antipathy towards licence compliance inspections might be one of the reasons why the anti-gun crowd goes for weapon and magazine bans, rather than things like proper licensing and storage laws?
Well, there are ways to implement regulation so it has minimal impact on individual privacy - for checks of home gun safes, for example, 1-2 weeks notice could be given, so that gun owners have ample warning to get their meth lab (or whatever other evidence of illegal activities they have in the gun safe room) out of view. Alternatively, they could legislate a single inspection, upon the purchase of the safe, with gun license eligibility being in part based on what kinds and numbers of guns could be safely stored in the safe. Neither of these would be as effective as random checks, but they would at least ensure that gun owners had proper storage facilities and (in the first case) ensure that they were aware of how to store the guns properly.Simon_Jester wrote:On the other hand, I'm not sure that we can say that it's penalty-free to have constant regulatory checking and rechecking of whether I'm complying with laws. So I'm ambiguous about whether we're better off this way in the US, or not. It's not clear-cut to me.
Problem is, when we're discussing these laws in the context of a country where random breath testing is controversial, the solutions I just mentioned would seem to be pretty much off the table, even as discussion points.
Honest question: Do all Americans take things so personally? I've had the cops randomly pull me over for a breathalyser, and I didn't view it as a statement on whether or not the cops trusted me - I saw it as the cops protecting me from other people. If the cops care enough to pull me over when they see me getting into a car alone in the CBD at 1am, then they'll care enough to do the same to someone who actually is drunk - and that makes my life safer. Similarly, when my mum's boyfriend has the cops call to inspect his son's gun safe, he doesn't view it as him and his son being viewed as untrustworthy, but rather as part of a general policy to reduce gun crime.Simon_Jester wrote:Duchess is working under the presumption that she is trustworthy until proven otherwise. That unless someone has cause to believe that she's specifically screwing up, there's no reason she should have to spend time and energy dealing with complications in the form of regular inspections and checkups.
My own past experiences with this mindset- as I see it, it comes out of an extension of the idea of "innocent until proven guilty." If I'm not guilty of something, the argument goes, I shouldn't be punished- and having to sacrifice time and money is seen as a punishment.
If someone takes the opposite mindset- I am not trusted until proven reliable- it's a whole different story. And the two attitudes are very hard to merge or reconcile, because they differ on that deep level.
If you're going to view things like this in terms of your own guilt vs innocence, then I can see how you would find it offensive, but government regulation isn't about judging the individual - it's about having a consistent enough level of enforcement that it creates a culture of responsibility.