A Post About Sexual Harassment

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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Broomstick »

It's actually interesting that the same minimization I said occurred is being done by the doubters in this thread:
Singular Intellect wrote:I think it is also being ignored that many women actually like that kind of attention.
Singular Intellect wrote:Others may wish correct me, but I've always gotten the impression most women generally want to be considered sexually attractive, desirable and pursuable.
amigocabal wrote:Who is it that tells women that they are "over-sensitive and over-reacting or accused of inviting it simply by being female" if men behaved as you describe?
I expect these posters I singled out will become defensive over it. No need. This minimization need not come from malice. It comes from a lack of putting oneself in the viewpoint of another, a skill that requires age, experience, and effort to achieve.

Let me go over why these statements are a problem:

1) “many women actually like that kind of attention”

One can only assume that the argument being made here is that because some women like this (an unproven statement at best) then all women should tolerate it, or that we should ignore the women who don't like this form of “attention”.

Or, to be more graphic, just because hookers seek out horny men doesn't mean every woman walking the street welcomes this sort of attention. Unless, of course, you assume every woman walking along the street is a whore. Just because promiscuous women might welcome this form of male attention at, say, a bar, does not mean every woman in said bar welcomes that attention. Unless, of course, you assume every woman in a bar is promiscuous and seeking sex with strangers. Some people – women as well as men – do make those assumptions. Which is sad, because it means that non-whore, non-promiscuous women are not allowed to walk on the street alone or go into bars, and if they do, they somehow deserve whatever happens to them.

2) “Others may wish correct me, but I've always gotten the impression most women generally want to be considered sexually attractive, desirable and pursuable”
The only comparison I can come up with this morning is that most men want to be fathers – but they don't want a one-night stand to drag them into court, announce they're the father, and demand 18 years of child support via garnished wages. Yes, women want those things but not constantly and not against their will. This ties into assumptions that a woman who is big-breasted must be as sexually excited about them as an observing man who gets a hard on looking at them. Again, it's a lack of empathy and inability to see another's viewpoint. A woman no more walks around all day thinking about the size of her tits than a man walks around all day thinking about the hair on his balls. Yet, his balls are still hairy and her tits are still big.

There are all too many men who think that because they find a woman “hot” that woman must find them equally hot and those women are just as eager to engage in sex and should be available to such men. And if they aren't interested how dare them for having female attributes, the damn cock-teases. It doesn't matter if said women are near-naked or wrapped in a burka – underneath that burka is a FEMALE!!!! and for some sad, sorry men that is all it takes.

3) “Who is it that tells women that they are "over-sensitive and over-reacting or accused of inviting it simply by being female" if men behaved as you describe?”
This is like asking “who says a woman who is raped deserves it?” It's the same assumption – good girls don't leave the house without male escort, they don't go certain places at all, and any woman who does so is a whore or looking for sex. Let's just ignore that this harassment occurs pretty damn everywhere – the grocery store, the post office, everywhere a woman needs to go to get things done in the modern world. The mind set is also one of “I don't see it, I don't hear it, I don't experience, therefore it doesn't exist”. Unless you can truthfully claim to have experienced everything possible a human being can experience this assumption is in error. Again, it's a lack of empathy, a lack of being able to see thing from a different viewpoint than your own.

Men frequently are oblivious to this sort of thing until one or more of the women in their lives experience it in a graphic and undeniable manner. Even then, there are cultures where the men are trained to assume not that this happened to a good mother/sister/wife/daughter but if it happens to such a woman then that woman – contrary to a lifetime of experience otherwise – must have done something wrong or to deserve it. Hence, honor killings and punishment of rape victims, beating of women out jealously because some random stranger made a comment and the woman must have somehow invited it, and so forth.

The good news is that the vast majority of men have some empathy, refrain from being assholes most of the time, and most of the young ones will outgrow the worst tendencies with more time and experience. Meanwhile, it's bullshit every woman has to deal with every day of her life. Yes, there are worse places than the western world, that doesn't mean the mainstream west is flawless. There is still a shit-ton of sexism and harassment in even the most liberated and egalitarian society today.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

The fact of the matter is that it's intensely discomforting, and partially one of the most conservative social behaviours possible, because it's reinforcing norms. I was on the main campus here at the school where I'm working as a research assistant and studying for my MS. Wearing a bra and tank top so not precisely immodest, and I was in a massive hurry to get to a doctor's appointment, dropped off out of a car and late. So I actually had a blouse over the tank top too but hadn't buttoned it. I needed to make it 30 feet to the door of a medical clinic; the amount of upperwear I had was bog-standard normal in terms of modesty these days, just a bit late in the season for it, at least by the Pacific Northwest standards I was raised in; probably a bit later in the Northeast.

The barrage of comments on my tits were almost clinical from this group of six or so man-children, a dissection of whether or not they were big enough on my frame to make me "fuckable", in my earshot and in public. Now, for reasons to deal with my personal history, I learned to be extra, extra careful about those kinds of comments. I spun back to the car and pounded on the door until I could get back in. We drove off, and I missed my scheduled appointment. Now, later I calmed down and chided myself for being so silly, but two years ago my only option would have been to treat that as a situation which would escalate into attempted murder. For a lot of women in a lot of places, it's legitimately a situation which could escalate into rape--there are six of them all egging each other on and they're between you and where you need to go, and their sexuality is as crude and ready as anything can be.

And what did you do to bring it on? Be the last chick in the area to wear a tank-top for the season. Something which nobody would have commented on a month before at all. Well, you know, that's what the result of this is: It intimidates women into being more modest.

So you might think, "oh, well, we're just trying to express how much we like you" or "well, they think it will really work", but in functional terms, no, you can never say that. It's sexual harassment plain and simple, and moreover, it's poisonous, acidic, because it constantly reminds and reinforces to women that sexuality is something that they need to be ashamed of, that they should cover up their bodies to be safe. When men act that way they lower themselves to the level of roving packs of animals in heat and they poison open sexuality for all the men who don't because their actions help drive women into concealing their own sexuality and holding it at arm's length.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by madd0ct0r »

If you're having trouble getting the female mindset on this, read on:

http://www.theferrett.com/ferrettworks/ ... -a-coffee/
“Excuse me,” she asked. “Can I buy you a coffee?”
It was a nice surprise. Most people don’t buy me cups of coffee, and I was just sitting at the Starbucks trying to plot my novel. So it was kind of charming, to have a cute girl offer to buy me a free drink. I told her sure.
She brought me a nice iced chai, and sat down next to me, and then asked, “So have you heard about Jesus?”
Now, as it turns out, I’m a Christian, so I’m not opposed to Jesus – but it was a little disappointing to realize this drink wasn’t done out of niceness, but as a sort of recruiting tool. Maybe I’d have been into a religious discussion if she’d said, “Hey, let’s have a philosophical talk,” but as it was, I felt a little betrayed. So I said that I wasn’t interested, as politely as I could (for I was sipping a delicious drink), and returned to my plotting.
The next day, another girl: “Hey, can I buy you a coffee?”
This time, I was trying to work out a difficult programming solution in my mind, and she asked me at exactly the right moment to have all of my thoughts collapse like a house of cards. “Are you just going to ask me about Jesus?”
“Oh, no,” she said, reassuring me. “It’s just that I think you’re cute.” And she was kind of pretty.
“…all right,” I said, guardedly. She bought the coffee. Sat down at my table.
“But if you were wondering about Jesus…” she said earnestly, and I ejected her from my table. I kept the drink, though. It seemed cruel, but she had been stupid enough to buy it for me even though I didn’t want it.
Over the next week, it just got worse. Two or three times a day I’d be deep in thought, trying to focus on this tangled plotting that I needed to resolve, and some woman would tap me on the shoulder to offer me a cup of coffee. I couldn’t concentrate, because sometimes they were very insistent: “You sure you don’t want a coffee, sweetie?” they’d ask, sometimes lurking over me after I’d refused them, just in case I changed my mind. Sometimes they just bought the coffee for me anyway, without even asking me if I wanted it, plopping themselves across the table from me and yammering on about being saved.
It was affecting my concentration. I started to tense up at the Starbucks, waiting for the next Jesus freak’s interruption. If it was a regular thing, like an hourly interruption, then maybe I could have worked around it, but it was erratic. Some days, I’d have four or five at once, other days I’d be blissedly free of interruption. But I had to be continually braced for the next hand on my shoulder, knowing that no matter what I was doing they’d be bursting into my personal space. I wrote less, my programs were buggier.
My friends couldn’t understand my upset. “Dude,” they told me. “You never have to pay for coffee again in your life! You’ve got it made! Do you know how much money you’re saving?”
“But I don’t want to talk to these people,” I said.
“You’ve talked about God with us before,” they replied. “Sometimes, we’ll stay up until two, three in the morning discussing the nature of heaven and hell. You dig philosophy, Ferrett. If you like talking about that shit with us, then why not with them?”
“Because they’re just one-note and don’t really care what I have to say,” I said.
“Just try ‘em, man. Some of them are cute. Maybe some of them actually want to date you!”
“I guess,” I said. “But how do I know which ones are genuine without having to talk to a bunch of phonies?”
Eventually, it got to the point where I started bringing friends with me for cover, so I wouldn’t get interrupted. That didn’t work, either – while it helped, the more aggressive proselytizers would interrupt me in mid-sentence to ask me if I wanted a drink. Suddenly, the Starbucks wasn’t fun any more – it wasn’t a place to hang out, but a place where I’d just constantly be bugged by attention I didn’t want. And the guys who weren’t getting free drinks were calling me stuck-up, jealous that I was getting all these free drinks and not even wanting them.
So I stopped going.
Okay. Clearly, that didn’t happen. But I’m trying to prove a point here.
One of the things that guys don’t get is why women don’t like to be hit on. As a guy, when you get hit on, even if it’s a clumsy attempt, it’s generally a very rare and remarkable event – it puts a spring in your step, even if you’re not particularly attracted to the woman, because as an average-looking guy, scarcity of compliments is the norm. So if a girl catcalls you and goes, “Nice butt!” and appears to be serious, there’s often this sort of strange pride. Hey, that doesn’t happen often, she must really be into me.
So a lot of guys have this unspoken attitude of, “I wish I’d be harassed.” And they don’t get why women are so angry when hey, I was just trying to be nice, why you gotta be so mean?
Thing is, when it’s not scarce, then even the nicest act starts to get annoying. Because you don’t get to control when people are quote-unquote “nice” to you, and it happens all the time, and you know there’s always a hidden cost behind it. You start to question people’s niceness, because they’re not doing it to be kind, they’re doing it because they want something from you. And maybe, yes, that’s something you like to give to certain people, but definitely not to everyone, and almost certainly not to the kind of guy who’s certain you’re going to give it to him if he just bugs you enough.
Harassment isn’t once. Harassment comes from a lifetime of dealing with people constantly doing things to you, whether you wanted them or not, at random intervals. You learn not to trust people. And what might have been pleasant, once, as an isolated incident, starts to feel pretty oppressive when it’s something you deal with on a weekly basis. It changes you, and then guys call you bitchy when you don’t feel like playing along and pretending this is just about the coffee.
But I think most of ‘em would feel the same were the tables turned. So please. Think about what you’re spouting.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Spekio »

madd0ct0r´s quoted text wrote:One of the things that guys don’t get is why women don’t like to be hit on.
So hitting on women is the same as harassing them?
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Lusankya »

Spekio wrote:
madd0ct0r´s quoted text wrote:One of the things that guys don’t get is why women don’t like to be hit on.
So hitting on women is the same as harassing them?
There are plenty of guys who can't seem to do the one without doing the other.

And women get hit on a lot more than guys do. If you get hit on several times a day, just while going about your daily business, you'll suffer the same effects as though you were harassed, even though you're being annoyed by different people all the time.

There's also a very dehumanising quality to being hit on too, when you realise that the guy's just out for booty and not interested in anything else. Some guys will go straight to ignoring you the moment you say you already have a boyfriend (and often you say that even if you're not seeing someone, see scenario 2), while other guys will ignore you if you tell them you're not interested in a relationship, and will change the topic for a few minutes before hitting on you again.

So if you want to hit on some random woman you see on the street, then think carefully about whether she looks like she wants to talk, and how much you will inconvenience her by hitting on her, and whether or not you're willing to continue treating her like a human being if she says she's not interested. Because if you try to hit on a woman and you don't think of any of these things, then yes, you are playing into the culture of sexual harassment.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by madd0ct0r »

Spekio wrote:
madd0ct0r´s quoted text wrote:One of the things that guys don’t get is why women don’t like to be hit on.
So hitting on women is the same as harassing them?
madd0ct0r´s quoted text also says wrote:Harassment isn’t once. Harassment comes from a lifetime of dealing with people constantly doing things to you, whether you wanted them or not, at random intervals.
I didn't really think that text could be any clearer.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Spekio »

Lusankya wrote:
There are plenty of guys who can't seem to do the one without doing the other....
I agree with some of your points, really. It´s just that the text quoted by mad doctor seems to imply that "every time" someone hits on a girl it´s harassment.
madd0ct0r wrote: I didn't really think that text could be any clearer.
Someone saying hello to or smiling at someone or seeking to make conversation is not harassing someone else if they are a) polite and doesn’t use offensive, sexists, suggestive language and, b) take the cue of the other person on whether or not that person is receptive to engaging on.

Essentially, I read the text as if it were saying “Should you harass that cute girl at the coffee shop?” . Many women would NOT use the word “harassment” – which often has a strong legal connotation – to define the times when men they did not know didn’t take or respect their cues of discomfort.

For instance, someone asks a girl out. She is not interested and makes an excuse. The person asks a couple more times, but eventually gets the hint. This is a normal social interaction.

What for me wold be harassment is if the person hits on on the girl in a creepy way — like making references to sex or her body, sending stalkerly messages, or even touching her inappropriately.

For me, your text would apply to "Nice Guys" - those people who think doing nice things to a girl will get them sex. I need to point out that that is not hitting, is being an underhanded asshole.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by madd0ct0r »

Spekio wrote: For instance, someone asks a girl out. She is not interested and makes an excuse. The person asks a couple more times, but eventually gets the hint. This is a normal social interaction.

No, that IS harassing somebody. Going beyond that is just MORE harassment and seriously creepy.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Spekio »

madd0ct0r wrote:
No, that IS harassing somebody. Going beyond that is just MORE harassment and seriously creepy.
I disagree.

Some things may be awkward, but they don't count as harassment. Flirting crosses the line and becomes sexual harassment when the behavior is one-sided and unwelcome, and continues even after the person is asked to stop - or can't take a hint.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by fgalkin »

Spekio wrote:
madd0ct0r wrote:
No, that IS harassing somebody. Going beyond that is just MORE harassment and seriously creepy.
I disagree.

Some things may be awkward, but they don't count as harassment. Flirting crosses the line and becomes sexual harassment when the behavior is one-sided and unwelcome, and continues even after the person is asked to stop - or can't take a hint.
And you don't see how repeatedly asking someone out AFTER BEING TOLD "NO" THE FIRST TIME is continuing after being asked to stop?

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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by madd0ct0r »

The situation you describe* matches that description. It is one sided, it is not welcome and continues even she make 'makes an excuse'.
We're not talking about legally actionable sexual harassment here, we're talking about someone having to deal with recurring, unwanted attention whilst in a situation not explicitly encouraging it (like a singles bar). It's not sexaul harrassment(TM) but it is being harassed. I really don't understand why you don't get this.

*For instance, someone asks a girl out. She is not interested and makes an excuse. The person asks a couple more times, but eventually gets the hint. This is a normal social interaction.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Stark »

Like Lus says, it is on men to consider the situation and always leave a safe out when they're making moves. People can piss and moan all they like, but making someone feel uncomfortable or threatened just to give you a 5% chance of a blowjob behind the dumpster is wrong.

With strangers, picking up doesn't even require any in-your-face or overt repetitive bullshit. It's just what people do who don't care about or can't understand the feelings of women.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by spaceviking »

One thing is people keep telling guys "All you need to be is confident to pick up girls", when it should be "confidence helps, but don't be a dick".

I once worked road construction with a guy who can best be described as socially awkward. He would try to chat up every possible youngish girl that came by, the crew told him to shut the fuck up. We were not a super progressive group of guys, but he was clearly making these girls uncomfortable and turned what used to be actually a pretty good place to meet girls into creep fest.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Singular Intellect »

Broomstick wrote:1) “many women actually like that kind of attention”
One can only assume that the argument being made here is that because some women like this (an unproven statement at best) then all women should tolerate it, or that we should ignore the women who don't like this form of “attention”.
False. My point is that not all women object to such attention. I see zero rational justification on how this therefore leads to the conclusion all women should tolerate it or it's an issue to be ignored.
2) “Others may wish correct me, but I've always gotten the impression most women generally want to be considered sexually attractive, desirable and pursuable”
The only comparison I can come up with this morning is that most men want to be fathers – but they don't want a one-night stand to drag them into court, announce they're the father, and demand 18 years of child support via garnished wages. Yes, women want those things but not constantly and not against their will.
So what is the solution for men to determine at what points they can express interest in a woman without risking the issue of harassment, whereas even a friendly request for a cup of coffee can easily be a form of harassment as previously mentioned in this thread?
This ties into assumptions that a woman who is big-breasted must be as sexually excited about them as an observing man who gets a hard on looking at them. Again, it's a lack of empathy and inability to see another's viewpoint. A woman no more walks around all day thinking about the size of her tits than a man walks around all day thinking about the hair on his balls. Yet, his balls are still hairy and her tits are still big.

There are all too many men who think that because they find a woman “hot” that woman must find them equally hot and those women are just as eager to engage in sex and should be available to such men. And if they aren't interested how dare them for having female attributes, the damn cock-teases. It doesn't matter if said women are near-naked or wrapped in a burka – underneath that burka is a FEMALE!!!! and for some sad, sorry men that is all it takes.
Again, I fail to see how the assertion women desire to be attractive, desirable and pursuable therefore leads to the conclusion they should find interested males 'hot', by default be available for sex or desire it to the same degree as any potentially interested male.

I think we agree that women do generally want to be considered sexually attractive, desirable and pursuable. But on their terms, and any advances otherwise are clearly harassment, or at the very least should be considered potential harassment by any male that makes one. The problem is clearly men do not realize this, as how even a friendly request for coffee in a coffee shop can easily be a form of harassment, since women have to deal with friendly, awkward and numerous advances all the time. Indeed, even a friendly wink and smile could catch a woman as the wrong time when she's not in the mood to deal with yet another male advance or expressed interest in her, and thus qualifies as harassment.

How do we solve this problem?
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Simon_Jester »

For the sane male, default to normal conversation that isn't one of the stereotypical opening-to-dates? Talking about the... whatever, really, has almost got to be a better way to communicate "hi, I'm sane, it's safe to interact with me" than "hey, can I buy you a cup of coffee?" Because practically every guy on the planet thinks of "buy you a cup of coffee" as the ideal way to start a no-pressure cheap quasidate.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Broomstick »

Singular Intellect in YOUR case you need to learn how to read normal human social cues because you are clearly lacking in that ability based not only on your posts in this thread but many other threads.

It's amazing but true - the average human male CAN learn to read social cues. The average human male can learn to make compliments regarding a woman without being creepy, overly sexual, or otherwise harassing. Every single day at work I interact with dozens of men of all ages who treat me in a respectful manner, including the occasional compliment, without straining their empathy circuitry.

Women are not a "problem" to be "solved - they are fellow human beings. And, thank you - I guess? - for fulfilling my prediction that at least one person would get defensive over my post.

If you really don't know how to interact with a woman without coming across as either creepy or harassing or both then ask some of the older and wiser men here to instruct you. I'm too busy with my own life to mentor you in such things.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Singular Intellect »

Broomstick wrote:Singular Intellect in YOUR case you need to learn how to read normal human social cues because you are clearly lacking in that ability based not only on your posts in this thread but many other threads.
Given I have no such issue dealing with people of any particular attributes (including gender), you're obviously mistaken.
It's amazing but true - the average human male CAN learn to read social cues. The average human male can learn to make compliments regarding a woman without being creepy, overly sexual, or otherwise harassing. Every single day at work I interact with dozens of men of all ages who treat me in a respectful manner, including the occasional compliment, without straining their empathy circuitry.
Right, so there are men who are type A ("dozens of men of all ages who treat me in a respectful manner, including the occasional compliment, without straining their empathy circuitry") and then are men who are type B (the ones being discussed in this very thread).

What would you propose as an effective means of getting more men into the Type A group? That's the problem solving I'm talking about here, and specifically in the context of initiating a relationship, sex or both.
Women are not a "problem" to be "solved - they are fellow human beings. And, thank you - I guess? - for fulfilling my prediction that at least one person would get defensive over my post.
Where exactly did you get any notion I was claiming women are a problem to be solved? I thought we were talking about male behavior here.

And I'm not defensive, I'm curious and engaging in discussion on the issue. How you twist that into some notion I'm getting 'defensive' baffles me.
If you really don't know how to interact with a woman without coming across as either creepy or harassing or both then ask some of the older and wiser men here to instruct you. I'm too busy with my own life to mentor you in such things.
I interact with women just fine. Significantly easier than many men apparently (by your arguments and assorted examples mentioned in here), since I have no interest in romantic relationships or sex with them and thus they are simply people to me. Sexual harassment or harassment in any context for the pursuit of sex or relationships doesn't apply in my situation.

I'm certainly not getting defensive, but you seemingly are, given I agree certain male behavior is a problem to be solved and you then twist that into a completely unrecognizable position of attack that "women are a problem to be solved".

The problem to be solved I'm bringing up is how to get more men to behave as type A you mentioned if and when they are interested in either sex and/or relationship with a woman, while avoiding both sexual harassment and general harassment issues. I fail to see how my position of "common male behavior produces problems and issues, what's a good way to solve it?" is in any way defensive or claiming women are a problem. You make the obvious claim that men can learn social cues. No shit (and har har, men aren't totally stupid and can learn things...thanks, I guess). The problem is that many apparently have not, and that is the problem that needs to be addressed. What do you think would be solutions to that issue? This is a question directed at you Broomstick, and I was simply curious on your opinion on it.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Surlethe »

maddoctor's quoted article also left out several other factors that play into sexual harassment (or "rape culture", as it's called): physical intimidation, in-group posturing, and unspoken social norms that in general work to cut slack to people who go around chatting up about Jesus while heaping suspicion upon anyone who claims they were unwillingly taken to Sunday mass.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Lusankya »

Singular Intellect wrote: Indeed, even a friendly wink and smile could catch a woman as the wrong time when she's not in the mood to deal with yet another male advance or expressed interest in her, and thus qualifies as harassment.
One of your problems might be this: you seem to think that a "friendly wink" from a stranger is something that a woman would ever want, whereas I'm having difficulty thinking of a situation where I wouldn't find that skeezy and somewhat infantilising. Maybe if they were Chris Hemsworth it would be ok, but Chris Hemsworth gets his own rules because he's special. Now, it's not something that would put me off a guy forever, and if he turned out to be otherwise charming, then I would like him, but it would be in spite of the wink, and because of it.

If you want to actually chat someone up without making them uncomfortable, what you have to do is do your best to keep the situation equal. Don't open with a compliment about her looks, because that will make her feel as though you she owes you her attention in return*. Talk about something neutral instead, and don't push the conversation if she doesn't feel like talking. And for the love of god, don't offer to buy her a coffee before you even talk to her. If I hear a stranger ask me if they can buy me a coffee, what I hear is "Do you want to put yourself $4 into debt with me before we've even met properly?" If you want to buy her a coffee that badly, you can have a half hour conversation with her first - that saves you money too, since it means that you don't have to buy her a coffee if she turns out to be boring.

Those a two examples off the top of my head, but they both amount to the same thing, really: be aware of the inherent inequalities in society, and make sure you're not exploiting any of them. In the context of hitting on girls in coffee shops, this means largely making a good conversation your main priority, and making getting a date become a bonus that may or may not come.

*obviously she doesn't, but she's been in the position where guys expect her to give them her time in exchange for a compliment enough times that she will assume there's a good chance that you expect the same thing.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by amigocabal »

Lusankya wrote:
Singular Intellect wrote: Indeed, even a friendly wink and smile could catch a woman as the wrong time when she's not in the mood to deal with yet another male advance or expressed interest in her, and thus qualifies as harassment.
One of your problems might be this: you seem to think that a "friendly wink" from a stranger is something that a woman would ever want, whereas I'm having difficulty thinking of a situation where I wouldn't find that skeezy and somewhat infantilising. Maybe if they were Chris Hemsworth it would be ok, but Chris Hemsworth gets his own rules because he's special. Now, it's not something that would put me off a guy forever, and if he turned out to be otherwise charming, then I would like him, but it would be in spite of the wink, and because of it.

If you want to actually chat someone up without making them uncomfortable, what you have to do is do your best to keep the situation equal. Don't open with a compliment about her looks, because that will make her feel as though you she owes you her attention in return*. Talk about something neutral instead, and don't push the conversation if she doesn't feel like talking. And for the love of god, don't offer to buy her a coffee before you even talk to her. If I hear a stranger ask me if they can buy me a coffee, what I hear is "Do you want to put yourself $4 into debt with me before we've even met properly?" If you want to buy her a coffee that badly, you can have a half hour conversation with her first - that saves you money too, since it means that you don't have to buy her a coffee if she turns out to be boring.

Those a two examples off the top of my head, but they both amount to the same thing, really: be aware of the inherent inequalities in society, and make sure you're not exploiting any of them. In the context of hitting on girls in coffee shops, this means largely making a good conversation your main priority, and making getting a date become a bonus that may or may not come.

*obviously she doesn't, but she's been in the position where guys expect her to give them her time in exchange for a compliment enough times that she will assume there's a good chance that you expect the same thing.
Reading from this and other posts, I think the root of the problem of women comes from the societal expectation that men have to initiate contact. It is the man that has to ask the woman out. It is the man who has to face explicit rejection.

It may be a reason why some men decide to straight-out harass women, demeaning them and making lewd comments about them. Rejection does not hurt as much if one is behaving in such a way to incite it. It of course does not justify such behavior, but not all reasons are justifications.

so how do we eliminate this societal expectation?
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by spaceviking »

amigocabal wrote:
Lusankya wrote:
Singular Intellect wrote: Indeed, even a friendly wink and smile could catch a woman as the wrong time when she's not in the mood to deal with yet another male advance or expressed interest in her, and thus qualifies as harassment.
One of your problems might be this: you seem to think that a "friendly wink" from a stranger is something that a woman would ever want, whereas I'm having difficulty thinking of a situation where I wouldn't find that skeezy and somewhat infantilising. Maybe if they were Chris Hemsworth it would be ok, but Chris Hemsworth gets his own rules because he's special. Now, it's not something that would put me off a guy forever, and if he turned out to be otherwise charming, then I would like him, but it would be in spite of the wink, and because of it.

If you want to actually chat someone up without making them uncomfortable, what you have to do is do your best to keep the situation equal. Don't open with a compliment about her looks, because that will make her feel as though you she owes you her attention in return*. Talk about something neutral instead, and don't push the conversation if she doesn't feel like talking. And for the love of god, don't offer to buy her a coffee before you even talk to her. If I hear a stranger ask me if they can buy me a coffee, what I hear is "Do you want to put yourself $4 into debt with me before we've even met properly?" If you want to buy her a coffee that badly, you can have a half hour conversation with her first - that saves you money too, since it means that you don't have to buy her a coffee if she turns out to be boring.

Those a two examples off the top of my head, but they both amount to the same thing, really: be aware of the inherent inequalities in society, and make sure you're not exploiting any of them. In the context of hitting on girls in coffee shops, this means largely making a good conversation your main priority, and making getting a date become a bonus that may or may not come.

*obviously she doesn't, but she's been in the position where guys expect her to give them her time in exchange for a compliment enough times that she will assume there's a good chance that you expect the same thing.
Reading from this and other posts, I think the root of the problem of women comes from the societal expectation that men have to initiate contact. It is the man that has to ask the woman out. It is the man who has to face explicit rejection.

It may be a reason why some men decide to straight-out harass women, demeaning them and making lewd comments about them. Rejection does not hurt as much if one is behaving in such a way to incite it. It of course does not justify such behavior, but not all reasons are justifications.

so how do we eliminate this societal expectation?
Are you from this planet? Your comment sounds like you only have read about human interaction.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Stark »

Lus is the person here. If you're going to try to 'pick up' someone (cause women are just trash on the ground I guess) you have to make sure there is no pressure on them to stay/talk/act nice. There are all kinds of feelings both internal and external, that can make people feel the cant leave. Backing someone into a corner like that makes you an asshole, whether its on purpose or not.

Personally I try to make sure anyone I speak to can end the situation whenever they want. You know how people say they 'can't because they're 'busy'? That's them using a socially acceptable, non-confrontational way out. You know when you say 'what about tomorrow' or 'when will you be free'? That's you closing the door and demanding a response.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Guardsman Bass »

It's been a while, but hitting on someone in a coffee shop just seems weirdly intrusive and annoying to me. It's not like at a bar, club, or party, where socializing with other folks is the whole point.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by Simon_Jester »

Something like 85-90% of times I go into a coffee shop, I'm there to get paperwork done, because I'm a sleep-deprived zombie who needs caffeine, or because I just got out of something stressful and want a quiet place to drink a mocha and read a book for half an hour. Occasionally, I'm there for a job interview.

Under none of those conditions am I going to be looking for potential mates. Either I have something else on my mind, I have nothing on my mind because my brain's not working, or I desperately want there to be nothing on my mind.

Granted, other people may go there for fun more often than I do- but I assume, for the sake of argument, that the numbers are about the same for women. If so, no wonder they find being hit on annoying when they go to those places.
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Re: A Post About Sexual Harassment

Post by amigocabal »

Guardsman Bass wrote:It's been a while, but hitting on someone in a coffee shop just seems weirdly intrusive and annoying to me. It's not like at a bar, club, or party, where socializing with other folks is the whole point.
I have been told that a bar is the worst place to meet women, and that coffeeshops are better.
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