This film is pretty much a damning indictment of the entire concept of "containment", which has been the bedrock of the Israeli security "mental framework" over the last 30 years. This isn't very much surprising to anyone who has been thinking about this problem, what is somewhat surprising is that the opinions expressed in this film are universal over the last 30 years of Shabac leaders.
Some choice quotes, in no particle order.
When talking about the entire 70s/80s when the first terror campaigns started out. This is later expanded into discussions on how the Shin Bet gradually started torturing Palestinians, some known to be innocent (this infact, has never stopped).Avraham Shalom wrote:This is just tactics. There's no strategy.
This is later summed up in a chapter titled The Old Man at the End of the Corridor, which focuses on the Service's impact on the political process, and the complete lack of strategic thinking at the state level. Again, not a surprise to anyone following Israeli politics.
To expand on this, at the start of the 90s, whether it would succeed or not, Rabin and Peres truly did want some sort of peace process. Whether they truly intended to give the Palestinians an independent state? I doubt so, but either way, we won't know. Because right afterwards, we got a string of leaders (bar Sharon's short lived shift sane) who have each staked Israel deeper into the occupation. Not out of some specific ideology (well, maybe Bibi) but out of an attitude of "let it be. This problem can be kicked down the road."All of them wrote:Yigal Amir [ Assassinated the Prime minister in 95] won. He succeeded in killing the entire peace process.
It's somewhat telling that every single head of the Intel services (all three of them) has over the last decade turned sharply left on the peace process.Yaakov Peri wrote:These moments end up etched deep inside you, and when you retire, you become a bit of a leftist.
In a larger summary, Israel has spent the last decade and a half in a holding maneuver versus the Occupation. It has done very little to solve the problem (in any direction), and has expended massive energy on keeping steady. The billions of dollars, alongside the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have rotated through "peacekeeping duties" have probably permanently left a collection of horrible traits on the national psyche.