Ahriman238 wrote:If we go with the "Really Really Old Republic stuff" the history of the Sith goes something like this:
People discover Force powers, the Jedi study religion and philosophy with the Caamasi to learn to wield their powers responsibly while some others go nuts trying to dominate everyone else. The Jedi rise against these proto-Sith and banish their asses.
The proto-Sith meet the actual Sith, a warrior race, and conquer them, along the way picking up the Sith language and culture and creating a ruling caste of force-wielders.
A thousand years pass and the Sith Empire comes to rival the infant Republic in size and power when explorers from the Republic accidently make first contact. The Sith immediately move to conquer the Republic and millions die in the Great Hyperspace War.
More time passes, a Jedi studying the Sith and Korriban (tombworld of the Sith Emperors) is turned to the dark side by force ghosts. At the same time the Krath, bored nobles with force powers who dabble with the Dark Side, decide they want more power and massacre thousands of Jedi at a peaceful conference. The Krath join up with the resurgent Sith to conquer the galaxy, and millions die before they're put down.
I don't remember the precise origins of the war that ended on Ruusan with Darth Bane as the only surviving Sith and creating the Rule of Two. I do know they tried to conquer the Republic and... wait for it... millions of innocent people died!
Is a common thread becoming apparent here? Can the Jedi not be concerned about the apparently resurgent Sith and allegations that a Sith Lord is in a position of power? Especially considering said Sith Lord instigated an interstellar war that killed millions of innocent people (again) so he could slaughter the Jedi and institute totalitarian rule?
If we go on the EU, the Empire practiced slavery and/or genocide of aliens on a mass scale. In fact, the DS I was built using mostly slave labor. But you know what? We don't need the EU. JUst going by the films, the Empire a.) was an autocratic state that specifically dissolved it's democratically elected Senate, counting on fear of reprisals to control the population b.) destroyed an entire planet's worth of innocent people as a weapons test and demonstration that they could and would destroy planets because a couple of people who oppose them called it home and c.) allowed summary execution of military officers and civilians alike.
Amusingly, there's a line about this in the ROTS novelization. When the Jedi come to arrest Palpatine he says that even if he were a Sith Lord, the Republic allows freedom of religion. It was right before the "So it's treason then" line. But he's clearly playing to the camera, in the book it's made clear that Palpatine is recording everything right up until that line and his pulling his lightsaber, so he can present compelling evidence of the Jedi's treason to the Senate later.
The Force had went out of its way to create a Chosen one to destroy the Sith, aka, Anakin Skywalker. Do you really think that the Jedi would allow freedom of religion? No, they would kill a Sith just for being a Sith. In Darth Plageuis we learn that the Sith had imbalanced the Force by using their Sith meditation. Also, it's mentioned that the ability of the Jedi to use their force powers had diminished, due to the Sith imbalancing the Force by using the darkside.
Palpatine's conversation with Anakin in the Chancellor's office only prove this, the Jedi fought the Sith due to different views/practices on the Force. They would kill Sidious even if he hadn't started the Clone Wars, just for being a Sith. That's not freedom of religion. That's religious persecution.
So, from my POV (no pun intended) the Sith are not inheritley evil, or I guess so.
And, also, my brother was absolutley right on this one. The Clone Wars that Sidious had started. Well, my brother had told me that "the separatists weren't really good villians, they didn't do anything".
Well, he couldn't have been more right. The Clone Wars was just been a droid army and a clone army on both sides. An endless army of droids and an endless army of clones. The average person (ie, meaning the civilians) living in the Galactic Republic wasn't even affected by the war at all. They had no stake in the outcome. Civilians were not harmed/effected by the Clone Wars. No civilians had been killed at all, and especially not thousands or millions or billions.
Just check out this video, from 30:02-33:50, proving that Sidious betraying the Republic by starting the Clone Wars wasn't really that big of a deal.