TheHammer wrote:
Oh I understand perfectly what you are saying. I simply don't agree with you. It seems to me that you feel that this is akin to a courtroom, where you need to know "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that someone is a member of a foreign military organization before taking action. I don't feel that the burden of proof need to be that stringent. Because this is not a court of law situation. It's a wartime situation, whether you want to call it that or not, and the rules of war don't have the same burden of proof that a court of law does.
I never said it needed the same burden of proof as a court of law. But that's not the same thing as saying that no proof is needed at all. So again, you dodge the point. Considering especially that this is not a conventional war against a uniformed opponent, why do you think no burden of proof is needed?
TheHammer wrote:
This is completely irrelevent, but since you brought it up. The problem was the intelligence, so you fix the way you gather and analyze that intelligence. You don't throw your fucking hands in the air and decide its worthless to even try.
Nice strawman, you stupid fuck. I never advocated "throwing my hands in the air and deciding its worthless." That you have the gall to put those words in my mouth despite me very plainly and carefully laying out my position in at least 3 posts in this thread is evidence of the fact that you are either A) criminally stupid and I shouldn't bother listening to a word you say, B) incredibly dishonest, and all of these goalpost-moves and strawmen have been intentional, because you are a worthless little weasel, or C) some combination of the above.
Since you have refused to address my argument several times, I take it as a concession.
TheHammer wrote:
Which falls back to my previous point that if you don't trust the government, why would you trust any evidence they present to you?
An argument I already addressed.
TheHammer wrote:
"The government" is not a faceless entity set in stone. Methods change and improve overtime, as does leadership and personnel. just because there were mistakes made with regard to Gitmo detainees, and Iraq doesn't mean that there will be similar failures here. In fact, I'd argue that those previous failures are likely to prevent similar failures in the future.
And so your entire argument boils down to, "Ahh, they probably have it figured out. No reason to ask."
TheHammer wrote:
As for me, I trust the people handling the intelligence and deciding who and what to target because that's their fucking job.
And the fact that they have repeatedly failed at their job, or intentionally violated both US and international laws through their rendition program, doesn't bother you?
Again: when somebody has a history of not doing a good job, their employers have every right to than take measures to make sure they are doing their job right. That's the point of transparency, which continually eludes your infantile mental grasp.
TheHammer wrote:Same way I trust my doctor to know his job when prescribing medications that could potentially kill me. The same way I trust the restaurants I eat at to properly handle the food they prepare so that I don't get a foodborne illness.
And guess what, dipshit? Neither your doctor nor your restaurant operate under complete secrecy! Which is my entire fucking point, that you have proven yourself repeatedly too stupid to be able to comprehend! The beauty of your doctor and restaurants is that there are very clear guidelines that they must follow, broadly transparent processes by which they operate, and an efficient system of review/punishment/etc. that both discourage malfeasance and help protect the customer, you.
TheHammer wrote:That doesn't mean that if I see something wrong that I'll just cover my eyes in any of these events. It simply means that I don't presume incompetance or malfeasance as you apparently do.
Oh, look! TheHammer shits out another strawman! Where have I assumed incompetence or malfeasance? All I have noted is that if the processes involved were more transparent, or if there was a more thorough system of review (as there is in other fields of the military and government), then we can AVOID the possibility of incompetence or malfeasance. That this distinction evades you is your problem, as I have communicated it quite clearly in multiple posts.
All you have done is ignore what I have said while banging your head on a wall and shouting. You realize if we applied the same logic you are using here to the example of the restaurants above, then we wouldn't have any health codes? After all, we should trust professionals to do their jobs right, and there is absolutely no precedent in military/legal/political history of these processes nope no sir, and you must be a wacko if you think a restaurant is going to cut corners!
But I don't expect you are remotely intelligent enough to notice how untenable and inconsistent your logic is.
TheHammer wrote:Come back to me when they actually target and kill someone they shouldn't have using this policy. Until then, I'm not going to worry about it.
First of all, I am glad you finally admit that you think that preventing the deaths of innocent people is NOT a worthwhile goal. People fuck 'em, they're probably just brown people anyway, *I'm a smarmy asshole*?
Second of all, according to this logic, we shouldn't make any effort to review doctor's practices to make sure they are legal and ethical until they steal a patient's liver.
Or the FDA shouldn't even exist until a salmonella outbreak kills 200 people.
Also, knowing you, if the government targets and kills someone they shouldn't you will just move the goalposts and misrepresent my argument again. I mean, so far that is all you have done in this thread, why should I expect you to change your habits?