Missing Primarchs (40K)

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Re: Missing Primarchs (40K)

Post by Cykeisme »

Well, we know they don't have a master record of immutable facts like Star Wars ("The Holocron") fiction, but at the very least, you'd think they'd have a chronology of major events laid out for the authors involved in the new Horus Heresy series to refer to.

I mean, it's I understand inconsistencies and contradictions between sources decades apart, or even from the same publishing date if it's covering different topics, but within the same ongoing novel series?
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Re: Missing Primarchs (40K)

Post by Imperial Overlord »

It's a fuck up the editor of the book didn't catch, involving events that occurred closely together and the error was one of getting the order of occurrence wrong. It's not really a big deal.
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